Yet, throughout this breakdown, the thing that kept me from untying the balloon or cutting its string altogether was my family and friends (and a ton of therapy). Though I was deep down the dark chasm of despair, and felt disconnected from them, my thankfulness for my friends and family expanded tenfold during that time. It was only by focusing on them and their well being that I was able to keep from clipping the frayed string that pinned my balloon to the ground. And when I did, after many weeks of anguish, float slowly back to earth, I was able to see the simple sweetness of my life for what it was. I realized that these were the people it was worth continuing on for, and that I would continue on.

I had a bunch of song ideas bobbing around from earlier in 2018 and Paul Laxer and I had the beginnings of a record already in pre-production. The Grown Children (though internally we call ourselves The Comfy Boys) -Jesse Bettis, Jake Hershman, Becca Shultz, Kyle Moore and Brian Park came out to a house Paul and I rented on the Santiam River and we recorded for 5 days. It was lovely being surrounded by people who I knew loved me -making music and chatting and even dunking in that beautiful, cold river brought so much life back into me.

Download Empire What Is Love


From President Grant's attempt to acquire the Dominican Republic in 1870 to the annexations of Hawaii and the Philippines in 1898, Love demonstrates that the imperialists' relationship with the racist ideologies of the era was antagonistic, not harmonious. In a period marked by Jim Crow, lynching, Chinese exclusion, and immigration restriction, Love argues, no pragmatic politician wanted to place nonwhites at the center of an already controversial project by invoking the concept of the "white man's burden." Furthermore, convictions that defined "whiteness" raised great obstacles to imperialist ambitions, particularly when expansionists entered the tropical zone. In lands thought to be too hot for "white blood," white Americans could never be the main beneficiaries of empire.What emerges from Love's analysis is a critical reinterpretation of the complex interactions between politics, race, labor, immigration, and foreign relations at the dawn of the American century. About the Author Eric T. L. Love is associate professor of history at the University of Colorado at Boulder. 

For more information about Eric T. L. Love, visit the Author Page.

"Love has forcefully captured the rough and tumble world of Washington politics. . . . Convincingly demonstrates that imperialists consciously remained silent on race when pitching annexation."--Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

"Both interesting and well documented. . . . Presents alternative ways of looking at racism and imperialism. When one thinks of imperialism, one tends to believe that racism actually abetted it. Love takes the contrary view, but at the same time, he emphasizes that many imperialists were racists and does an excellent job of proving it."--The Historian

"With originality, imagination, and superb research, Eric Love gives us one of the most important contributions in years to our understanding of American expansion into the Caribbean, Hawaii, and the Philippines. He rightly radically corrects the central role played by race, and finally puts Darwinism in its proper place, in a narrative that allows us to understand more clearly and accurately the crucial origins of modern U.S. foreign policy."--Walter LaFeber, Andrew and James Tisch University Professor, Cornell University

"This is a provocative, well-written, and solidly researched reassessment of the role of race and racism in the development of late nineteenth-century U.S. imperialism. Love's nuanced treatment of why, how, and with what consequences various white racial ideologies impeded and constrained the imperial urge is the most fully realized and most cogent treatment of this argument that I have read."--Waldo E. Martin Jr., University of California, Berkeley

What Is Love is an original song performed in the Season One episode, Pilot. It is performed by Veronika Bozeman, and featured in the EP, Empire: Music From the Pilot. The full version was released on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter by Timbaland.

I would tell you that I love you tonight

But I know that I've got time on my side

Where you going?

Why you leaving so soon?

Is there somewhere else that's better for you?

What is love if you're not here with me?

What is love if it's not guaranteed?

What is love if it just ups and leaves?

What is love if you're not here no more?

What is love if you're not really sure?

What is love, what is love?

Told myself I wouldn't cry when you're gone

But I know it's easier said and done

Look at me, look at me, choked up now

Trying to tell you, but it won't come out

What is love if you're not here with me?

What is love if it's not guaranteed?

What is love if it just ups and leaves?

What is love if you're not here no more?

What is love if you're not really sure?

What is love if it just ups and goes?

I can't live without ya (I can't live without ya)

I can live with ya (I can live with ya)

What goes around comes right back around

You won't know 'til it hits ya

We was supposed to be (an empire)

We was supposed to be (an empire)

We was supposed to be an empire

What is love if you're not here with me?

What is love if it's not guaranteed?

What is love if it just ups and leaves?

What is love?

What is love if you're not really sure?

What is love if it just ups..?

I would tell you that I love you tonight

But I know that I've got time on my side

Where you going?

Why you leaving so soon?

Is there somewhere else that's better for you?

What is love if you're not here with me?

What is love if it's not guaranteed?

What is love if it just ups and leaves?

What is love?

What is love if you're not really sure?

What is love if it just ups and goes?


Has everyone been receiving letters from their romanced companions after your 5yr slumber? Maybe we can make a list of romanced companions who sent out letters and if possible a link beside it with the said letter.

If you make it back to Republic space before me, go to Port Nowhere and send me the signal. I'll come running-- but not before I stop off at the market on Coruscant that sells that thing from Naboo you like so much. I noticed you ran out of it.

I've written this message twice now. Okay, more than twice. Kinda weird writing something that may never be read. Lana says you're locked in carbonite, but alive. (Yeah, we're in touch. Long story.) I like to think you're having one crazy dream. And maybe I'm in it. But I don't want to presume. We never declared what this--you and me--is... was... Have I mentioned I'm bad at relationships? Another reason I'm a workaholic.

I'm rambling. The point I'm trying to make is--whatever's between us, I want you to know that I care about you. A lot. The whole galaxy's lost its mind. The thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that you're out there, and we're putting together a plan to rescue you. I might not be there--we've all got our parts to play--but I haven't forgotten about you or our time together. I never will.

Whatever happened when that fleet attacked, you got out of it. You've made it through worse. I don't know where you are or why you've gone silent, but I monitor your holofrequency at all times. The moment you transmit a signal, I'll be on it.

If I hear you're behind enemy lines, I'll break through them. And if you're on a mission so secret you couldn't even tell me about it, I'll understand. You need the galaxy to think you're dead, I'll play along--but I know better.

You're not one for minced words, so I'll be blunt: The Empire needs you. More than that-- I need you. Discord reigns in Drommund Kaas. Without your leadership, the crew disbanded, and I have received little assistance from the Dark Council or Imperial military. No one will grant me an audience, much less answer my inquiries.

I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr's ship-- stood in my rightful place by your side. I know I've made mistakes, but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.

Happy anniversary. As of today, you've been missing for a whole year. You beat your old record from the Emperor's Fortress. Everyone's given you up for dead except me. Thing is, I'd feel it if you died. The connection we made is too strong to just break apart. I've spent hundreds of hours meditating - trying to find you. All I get is a great big nothing where you used to be. That can't be right.

Everything's gone wrong since you left. The Republic is giving up to the invaders. Nobody can tell me what happened to Master Satele. The Jedi Order is dying, and I can't save it. I couldn't even keep our crew together.

Everyone says you're dead. I thought I'd feel the empy place in the Force that was your presence. I search, but I find nothing. It's like you were never there. What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace?

I close my eyes to see your face. I shut out everything to hear your voice. The secrets we told each other. The plans we made. The future we were building. I know now who took that from us. I saw the Eternal Empire's warships above Dromund Kaas. They tried to kill me, too. They almost did.

I know you're still alive. I could feel your presence even after the destruction of Darth Marr's flagship. You were travelling away from me, deeper into Wild Space, faster and farther than I could follow. When I concentrate, I can still feel your pulse and hear your thoughts like distant whispers. You're in pain, and I can't stand knowing I'm powerless to help you. 152ee80cbc

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