I'm sure many people have probably noticed this when using Discord in different servers but I have no idea how to resolve this and it's been bothering me for quite a long time now Lol

This isn't in the Discord Arch Wiki page

I mean, yes, it works but it never occurred to me (and other people I personally know) that emojis were even considered a font, initially, so having a link to that on the Discord Arch Wiki page would've prevented this thread in the first place

Download Emoji Font

Download File 🔥 https://urloso.com/2yGaNr 🔥

I don't quite get why you think this is in any way discord specific. It's a font, if you want certain fonts to be represented you need to install a relevant font package. Should every single gui application page have a link to emoji fonts just because you might run into them?

Edit: Ah the replies coincided. Your thread title contains Font Emojis in the title so you realized that in some form before making the post, no? But one would have to expand this to every single program there is.

Does every single GUI package have an Arch Wiki page? No, they don't. In fact, most Linux GUI applications don't even use emojis.

Of course it's not Discord specific but, again, many people aren't initially aware that emojis are even considered a font.

It's stupid how discussions about contributing to the Arch Wiki always devolve into debates about how quality of life notes are somehow counterproductive; it only drives away new contributors and users.

You can use emojis in the terminal/everywhere you normally use a font. You'd have to expand this to literally every article if you think about it. In any case the wiki is open, if you feel this strongly about it you could add a new troubleshooting section on the discord article linking to the link we provided.

I would if not for the fact that I know it's going to be removed for exactly the reason I mentioned; this isn't the first time I've tried to add something to the Arch Wiki to get it arbitrarily removed by an admin because a QoL note that's only a few more bytes on the page is somehow perceived as "counterproductive" to the community.

Probably because Firefox has its own font configuration settings. On void, you had no other emoji fonts installed, so Firefox picked up the only one that you had. On NixOS, you have to change that in Firefox settings.

The default font settings are bit of a misnomer. It only adds a certain font to the top of fontconfigs list of fonts to use for the emoji family. But fontconfig will still prefer any other installed colour font when it does not recognize the preferred font as containing colour glyphs.

Hi, I was tinkering around with some text in Photoshop 2018 and noticed not every Apple emoji in the font "Apple Color Emoji" was available. I figured they might be available in the most recent update, so I updated my Photoshop to the 2020 version, 21.2.0.

Now none of the emojis in this font work. Facepalm. The emojis show up in the glyphs window but not when you select them as text. The emojis in the font "EmojiOne" work, but I don't like those emojis. Can someone help me use "Apple Color Emoji" again?

I had the same issue. I had the anti-aliasing text option set to "Strong." It seems to work for every anti-aliasing option except Strong (None, Sharp, Crisp, Smooth. Mac, Mac LCD). When you select strong, it becomes transparent. Strange, but that fixed it for me.

The problem is that I can't seem to use it in any of my Adobe CS6 apps. I create a text field and try to select the font in the character panel and the closest font I can get in the search bar is "Apple Casual".

Apple Color Emoji isn't SVG as far as I know, it just uses embedded png graphics. Converting them to pdf graphic form is probably the only way to go with the older Adobe apps, but the quality will depend on how big you make them.

I found ways online how to completely disable this color emoji font support, which usually just involves removing the fonts-noto-color-emoji package, but there has to be a config file somewhere on the system that dictates which font(s) are to be used for emojis, right?

The last entry is specifically there, if any websites are specifying lists of emoji fonts instead of just using sans-serif, that the usual font will specifically be replaced by your custom font, in this case Noto Sans Color is given, you should choose the font at the highest position on the other 2 files that you have installed, chances are its also just Noto Sans Color.

As you probably know,  and Unicode keeps adding new emojis, but, if like me, you can't or you don't want to update to the latest version of macOS, you don't have those emojis. I know that there are several emojis fonts such as

Note that the Emoji & Symbol picker will not list the newer emoji added since your version of macOS. For that to work you would also need to update at least /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreEmoji.framework and maybe some other files.

You have to either obtain a copy of the newer Apple Color Emoji font from a newer OS version and install it in your machine, or manually edit the one you have using a font editor app which can handle this kind of font. I think the second option is not very practical for most users in terms of the work and skills required.

If you're on El Capitan, it's quite easy. You need to temporarily disable SIP and copy the TTC file over to /System/Library/Fonts. You should turn SIP back on after you copy the font, since that imposes a security risk, since any app can have unlimited access to the /System folder once you grant it access to file system.

Catalina is slightly different. Once you disable SIP, you need to remount the /System partition as Read/Write (again, another security risk) by typing sudo mount -uw / into the Terminal. Copy it to /System/Library/Fonts


Curious: The combined sequence emoji show up on the side in the Layers Panel on MacOS 12.6 Monterey, but not in text items in Affinity Design. Panel labels are presumably rendered separately by the OS?

I am not an expert so I cannot say exactly what works and what does not (and more importantly, why). The Glyphs Panel lists categories up to Mahjong Tiles but does not e.g. show Flags, and if picked form the system Character Viewer, do not show correctly. Some glyphs might have several alternatives, and it may be that not all of them can be selected from within Affinity apps Glyphs Browser.

I have myself created a very elemental SBIX font consisting only of color swatches to be used with palette simulations and the font works fine. It was created based on Apple Color Emoji which was just emptied, but when I have tried to create SBIX color fonts from the scratch, they have not worked properly in Affinity apps, but do work properly in other apps supporting color fonts. Perhaps there is OS level support that apps get "free", but generic support is missing, which would explain the described behavior.

The color glyphs that do show, can also be exported fine, including CMYK PDF. The color emojis are rasterized -- they are initially in raster format (unlike Windows equivalent Segoe UI Emoji, which are vectors, and supported both on Windows and macOS versions of Affinity apps), but I mean that they are not exported as glyphs of a font; Segoe UI Emoji is not, either, but the glyphs are converted to outlines and accordingly stay sharp when zoomed in).

EDIT: I forgot to mention that these tests were done on macOS Monterey 12.6 (but I think the mentioned color font types, SBIX and Microsoft CPAL/COLR, have been working at least for about 6 months; I have not tested the behavior with earlier major macOS versions).

EDIT2: Looking more closely @Christofer's examples, I can get both without the secondary glyph when I pick them from the Glyphs Panel within an Affinity app: the U+1f468 MAN, and U+1f64b HAPPY PERSON RAISING ONE HAND. But if I pick these glyphs from the system Character Viewer, and choose one of the alternatives shown there by holding down the mouse button, and then copy the selected glyph in an Affinity app, instead of getting an alternative, some kind of composing parts or in some other way related glyphs are shown side by side, instead. So below, when choosing the second alternative for "MAN" (a guy with a moustache), the basic "MAN" and a color swatch are shown, instead:

In context of some glyphs it seems these alternatives can be correctly picked but most often not, and they do not seem to be listed within the Glyphs Browser of Affinity apps. So it would seem that in order to use Apple Color Emoji in Affinity apps, they should be picked from the Glyphs Browser rather than from the system Character Viewer. [I also tried to copy the alternative glyphs from another app, like Pages, where they are correctly displayed, but when pasted in Affinity apps, similar composing parts are shown, instead.]

EDIT3: I just realized that the "variations" that macOS Character Viewer shows can be a mix of multiple fonts (based on glyph name). In such cases, the alternative glyphs might be correctly shown if displayed in certain order, like here three red dragons from Apple Color Emoji, Apple Symbols and Segoe UI Emoji:

However, if the glyphs from different fonts are picked and copied in different order (in this case in the order Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji and Apple Symbols), the glyph from one of the fonts can be repeated three times (but shown correctly in an app like Pages that fully supports this feature). The macOS Character Viewer is confusing in its "user-friendliness" since it effectively hides the font names and different font technologies and mixes the glyphs with a similar name into one happy family. However, the variations shown above for "Apple Color Emoji", which Affinity apps fail to show, are truly variations within one and the same font, which is indicated by listing the alternatives in a popup rather than as a static table.

I finally realized that if the glyphs are shown within Affinity apps viewed by using the context menu option "Glyphs" (rather than "Unicode with Alternates", which I was using, all glyphs available in Apple Color Emoji will be shown in the Glyphs Browser within Affinity apps. 152ee80cbc

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