Want to know what Dolby Atmos is all about? Get yourself a copy of Angelina Jolie's Unbroken and head straight to the bombing raid. It's glorious from the off, opening with a choral score that should sound heavenly on your speakers. It slowly gives way to the hum of the approaching squadron of bombers and you need to be able to hear real dimension to the individual rotor blades of their propellers buzzing by.

Watching the opening scene, you should feel immediately feel blanketed in the musical atmosphere. One of the first sounds that will strike you, as well as your subwoofer(s), is the sonorous, undulating bass. If your drivers can cope with the LFE, it should feel expansive without masking the other details in the scene, like the spinner flying overhead or the buzzer waking Ryan Gosling.

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Daniel Craig's final outing as James Bond may not have lived up to Casino Royal for many, but its opening chase scene provided plenty of high octane thrills. It included some sweet vehicle stunts, and a smorgasbord of action sound effects including the crunching metal of crashing cars and the satisfying ping of bullets hitting bulletproof glass. The scene kicks off with an explosion that takes Bond's hearing, which the sound designer's cleverly worked into the film's audio presentation. We hear 007's ears ringing as if they were our own, and then it kicks into high gear.

After the opening scene, we're taken to a depraved and bombastic party full of music, dance routines, performers, alcohol, drugs and... an elephant? Babylon whips around this opening party as the infectious jazz soundtrack plays, while increasingly taboo things happen. Whether that's the enveloping sound of the crowd cheering (or screaming in fear) or the individual instruments of the jazz band asserting dominance as the camera zooms in on the maestros, it is arguably closer to overstimulation than anything else, however, the sense of chaos is conveyed so effectively through the sound design that it instantly mesmerised us.

When opening the Duration group, you'll see an option for which method to use to adjust the duration. Stretch applies a real-time stretch or compress of your song, which will modify the tempo. By default, we perform a real-time stretch so that playback can be heard immediately. If you stretch more than a few percent, you may wish to enable Rendered Stretch which will take a bit of time to perform, but will usually sound significantly better. You can toggle this by opening the Properties panel, opening the Stretch group, and selecting Rendered. The other method relies upon Audition Remix technology, which was released in the Fall of 2015 and has been incredibly popular. Remix analyzes a song, any song file, and creates a web of potential edit and crossover points, then shuffles the segments of your song to create a new composition that closely matches your target duration. While the full effect in the Properties panel offers a half-dozen additional parameters to fine-tune the mix, the Essential Sound Panel allows you to select whether you want Remix to favor shorter segments - and therefore more transitions - when recomposing your music track. (Of course, you can always open the Properties panel and make additional adjustments to the Remix effect!)

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