However, the EEPROM.h really is just a fancy wrapper for eeprom_write_byte() / eeprom_read_byte() from avr/eeprom.h. To be found here. You can just put this file in your src/ folder and then program as normal.

The thing is, that whenever i try to compile a piece of code in the Arduino IDE, and want to upload it to my ESP8266-01, I always get an error when there's a normal arduino library included in the sketch. It seems the IDE can't find the normal Arduino modules, when compiling for a Generic ESP8266 Module. This is an example of what i get, when trying to compile a sketch with the library avr/eeprom.h included:

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Both these libraries have a different API from avr/eeprom.h so you will need to make some changes to any code you have written for that API. The avr on avr/eeprom.h is a reference to the AVR architecture of the standard Arduino boards such as the Uno. The ESP8266 is a completely different architecture and any code written specifically for AVR won't work on ESP8266. The authors of the esp8266 Arduino core have done a very good job of trying to make things work in a similar way to the standard Arduino boards but there are definitely some differences you will encounter that make it not so beginner friendly to work with.

I am working on a project that randomly reads and writes large blocks of data from EEPROM, based on user input. I have used the EEPROM before, but I never really thought about this. In the operations described in the standard eeprom.h file (documentation), you always have to add a typecast to a known address location. For example:

In AVR, Pointers to regular memory (SRAM) are 16-bit. But EEPROM is not regular memory. The eeprom.h in AVR Libc takes pointers to different data types, depending on what you actually write to EEPROM: when you read/write a byte, it takes a byte pointer, when you read/write a word it takes a word pointer, etc. Hence the difference in the different functions you quote. And you are right: the pointers themselves are the same size, just the size of what they "point to" is different. You can verify this for yourself by checking what sizeof(foo) returns when foo is uint8_t* versus uint32_t*. e24fc04721

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