ClassifiedPolitical informationAffiliation Empire of the Rising SunOccupationField commanderMember of the Imperial ShogunateRankSupreme Shogun (Red Alert 3 Imperial campaign)Game informationAppearancesRed Alert 3Uprising

His first mission was to lead a strike on the small Soviet coastal town of Vorkuta during its New Year's Day celebrations. With a small but well coordinated commando force of Imperial soldiers alongside Commander Shinzo Nagama, they crippled the Soviet invasion-response fleet, allowing the full scale invasion of the Soviet Union to begin unhindered. With the mission complete, he worked with Commander Kenji Tenzai on two occasions to help with two key operations within the USSR itself; the conquest of Stalingrad and the destruction of its monuments as well as escorting a fleet of transports, and the defense of the said transports in the invasion of Odessa. This allowed the Commander access to the crowning achievement of Tatsu's military research and development program... the terrifying Shogun Executioner. His role as the Imperial who razed Stalingrad and Odessa earned him the ire and hatred of not just the Soviet people as a whole, but three of their best commanders (Oleg, Zhana and Moskvin).

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Oleg Vodnik, commander of Russia's elite armoured divisions, despised him for the attack on Vorkuta on New Year's Day, the destruction of many famous monuments and the sinking of their naval assets in the area, while Zhana Agonskaya, the Soviet fighter ace, and commander of the Republic's elite aircraft squadrons, hated him for the destruction of Stalingrad which was her home city. Nikolai Moskvin, who is responsible for most of the USSR's most advanced experimental weaponry, was infuriated with the Commander's merciless strike in Odessa with the use of the highly advanced and deadly Shogun Executioner.

The Shogun Executioner proved it's worth once more, supported by the combined naval, airborne, and land based forces of the Commander and Kenji; even several attempts made by General Krukov which included naval forces in the canals of Moscow and airborne attacks from Kirov Airships proved useless as the Imperials had come fully prepared and with their war chest full. They proved their mettle once more as the VIP bunkers (holding important Soviet field commanders were either captured or leveled. Every Soviet base in Moscow was quickly captured or demolished, despite Imperial losses. Krukov was finally dealt with as parts of the Kremlin came crashing down and the walls that protected the Kremlin were easily obliterated by the combined assault. Cherdenko himself tried in vain to airlift the Time machine out of Moscow with a TwinBlade, but the aircraft was destroyed by the Imperial Jet Tengus swarming over the skies of Moscow. Premier Cherdenko was also slain when the Heart of the Kremlin was destroyed during the Imperial assault. With that, the Soviet Union was leaderless, and conquered. However, it was only when they discovered that the head of the Soviet Time Displacement Project, Dr. Gregor Zelinsky and surviving Soviet forces had fled to aid the Allies did the Commander knew his work was far from finished.

Some ways to strengthen your position are to build bases, maintain buildings and structures, and recruit and train your troops. You can also use the unique skills of commanders and generals to improve your army and reduce the strength of your opponents. You can collect resources and money to improve your strategic position by completing quests and in-game objectives.

Players can join one of three main factions in the game: East, West, or Central, and build their empire. However, to achieve victory and maintain a high level of honor, players need to master alliance strategies and resource management.

Alliance is an essential factor for players to be able to deal with other forces and ensure the safety of their empire. In the game, players can collaborate with allies to share resources, aid each other in battles, and negotiate with factions. However, players must choose the right allies to create an effective alliance and consider their interests and long-term vision.

The office of shogun was in practice hereditary, although over the course of the history of Japan several different clans held the position. The title was originally held by military commanders during the Heian period in the eighth and ninth centuries. When Minamoto no Yoritomo gained political ascendency over Japan in 1185, the title was revived to regularize his position, making him the first shogun in the usually understood sense.

Though shogun () now predominantly refers to the historical position Sei-i Taishgun () in Japanese, this term simply means "a general" in other East Asian languages, such as Chinese (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: jingjn; Jyutping: zoeng1 gwan1). In fact, since Sei-i Taishgun () was originally a specific type of general, this is an example of semantic narrowing.

There is no consensus among the various authors since some sources consider Tajihi no Agatamori the first, others say tomo no Otomaro, other sources assure that the first was Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, while others avoid the problem by just mentioning from the first Kamakura shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo.

Originally, the title of Sei-i Taishgun ("Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians")[2] was given to military commanders during the early Heian period for the duration of military campaigns against the Emishi, who resisted the governance of the Kyoto-based imperial court. tomo no Otomaro was the first Sei-i Taishgun.[36] The most famous of these shoguns was Sakanoue no Tamuramaro.

In the later Heian period, one more shogun was appointed. Minamoto no Yoshinaka was named sei-i taishgun during the Genpei War, only to be killed shortly thereafter by Minamoto no Yoshitsune.

In 1192, Yoritomo was awarded the title of Sei-i Taishgun by Emperor Go-Toba and the political system he developed with a succession of shoguns as the head became known as a shogunate. Hojo Masako's (Yoritomo's wife) family, the Hj, seized power from the Kamakura shoguns.[42] When Yoritomo's sons and heirs were assassinated, the shogun himself became a hereditary figurehead. Real power rested with the Hj regents. The Kamakura shogunate lasted for almost 150 years, from 1192 to 1333.

The fight against the shogunate left the Emperor with too many people claiming a limited supply of land. Takauji turned against the Emperor when the discontent about the distribution of land grew great enough. In 1336 Daigo was banished again, in favor of a new Emperor,[43] leading to the creation of the new Ashikaga shogunate.

During the Kenmu Restoration, after the fall of the Kamakura shogunate in 1333, another short-lived shogun arose. Prince Moriyoshi (Morinaga), son of Go-Daigo, was awarded the title of Sei-i Taishgun. However, Prince Moriyoshi was later put under house arrest and, in 1335, killed by Ashikaga Tadayoshi.

In 1336[44] or 1338,[45][46] Ashikaga Takauji, like Minamoto no Yoritomo, a descendant of the Minamoto princes,[45] was awarded the title of sei-i taishgun and established the Ashikaga shogunate, which nominally lasted until 1573. The Ashikaga had their headquarters in the Muromachi district of Kyoto, and the time during which they ruled is also known as the Muromachi period.

After Hideyoshi's death following the failed invasion of Korea, Tokugawa Ieyasu seized power with the victory at the Battle of Sekigahara and established a shogunate government at Edo (now known as Tokyo) in 1600. He received the title sei-i taishgun in 1603, after he forged a family tree to show he was of Minamoto descent.[47]

During the Edo period, effective power rested with the Tokugawa shogun, not the Emperor in Kyoto, even though the former ostensibly owed his position to the latter. The shogun controlled foreign policy, the military, and feudal patronage. The role of the Emperor was ceremonial, similar to the position of the Japanese monarchy after the Second World War.[50]

The shogunate system was originally established under the Kamakura shogunate by Minamoto no Yoritomo after the Genpei War, although theoretically the state, and therefore the Emperor, still held de jure ownership of all land in Japan. The system had some feudal elements, with lesser territorial lords pledging their allegiance to greater ones. Samurai were rewarded for their loyalty with agricultural surplus, usually rice, or labor services from peasants. In contrast to European feudal knights, samurai were not landowners.[55] The hierarchy that held this system of government together was reinforced by close ties of loyalty between the daimy, samurai, and their subordinates.

Each shogunate was dynamic, not static. Power was constantly shifting and authority was often ambiguous. The study of the ebbs and flows in this complex history continues to occupy the attention of scholars. Each shogunate encountered competition. Sources of competition included the Emperor and the court aristocracy, the remnants of the imperial governmental systems, the daimys, the shen system, the great temples and shrines, the shei, the shugo and jit, the jizamurai and early modern daimy. Each shogunate reflected the necessity of new ways of balancing the changing requirements of central and regional authorities.[56]

Unable to usurp the throne, the shoguns sought throughout history to keep the emperor away from the country's political activity, relegating them from the sphere of influence. One of the few powers that the imperial house could retain was that of being able to "control time" through the designation of the Japanese Neng or Eras and the issuance of calendars.[61] e24fc04721

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