The eclipse-wtp is automatically applied whenever the eclipse plugin is applied to a War or Ear project. For utility projects (i.e. Java projects used by other web projects), you need to apply the eclipse-wtp plugin explicitly.

The eclipse-wtp plugin generates all WTP settings files and enhances the .project file. If a Java or War is applied, .classpath will be extended to get a proper packaging structure for this utility library or web application project.

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The Eclipse plugins allow you to customize the generated metadata files. The plugins provide a DSL for configuring model objects that model the Eclipse view of the project. These model objects are then merged with the existing Eclipse XML metadata to ultimately generate new metadata. The model objects provide lower level hooks for working with domain objects representing the file content before and after merging with the model configuration. They also provide a very low level hook for working directly with the raw XML for adjustment before it is persisted, for fine tuning and configuration that the Eclipse and Eclipse WTP plugins do not model.

Eclipse defines only one classpath per project which implies limitations on how Gradle projects can be mapped.Eclipse 4.8 introduced the concept of test sources.This feature allows the Eclipse plugin to define better separation between test and non-test sources.

Final option is to just delete your Eclipse installation (not your workspace), and re-extract a clean copy. Since Eclipse "installation" is just a zip/tar extraction, it's not hard to do. You would just need to re-install any third-party plugins that you already had and wanted to keep.

Backup everything before, because you might delete something that belongs to Eclipse. This will sometimes require that you run eclipse -clean from your command line/terminal to truly get rid of the plugin.

I don't know of a way to do development on a plug-in that is 'live' in your instance of the IDE, so I think you'd have to install it to your copy of Eclipse by dropping it in the plugins directory, then restart.

Based on the plugin.xml file I can be guarenteed that the method will only be called if a single Java Project is selected, so all I need to do is get the current selection and then get its absolute path. Any ideas? Or is there a better way to do this?

Disclaimer: Users are advised to use m2e, the Eclipse Maven Integration instead of this plugin, as it can more closely resemble the actual build and runtime classpaths as described in the project pom.xml - among other advantages. However, there are project setups and workflows that still work more efficiently with statically generated Eclipse metadata - for example when there is a large number of projects in a reactor. That's where the Maven Eclipse Plugin can still help you.

General instructions on how to use the Eclipse Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more specific use cases are described in the examples given below. Last but not least, users occasionally contribute additional examples, tips or errata to the plugin's wiki page.

In case you still have questions regarding the plugin's usage, please have a look at the FAQ and feel free to contact the user mailing list. The posts to the mailing list are archived and could already contain the answer to your question as part of an older thread. Hence, it is also worth browsing/searching the mail archive.

If you feel like the plugin is missing a feature or has a defect, you can fill a feature request or bug report in our issue tracker. When creating a new issue, please provide a comprehensive description of your concern. Especially for fixing bugs it is crucial that the developers can reproduce your problem. For this reason, entire debug logs, POMs or most preferably little demo projects attached to the issue are very much appreciated. Of course, patches are welcome, too. Contributors can check out the project from our source repository and will find supplementary information in the guide to helping with Maven.

Thanks! The person who told me I should install the Eclipse plugin for RTC had mentioned the p2 file, but I did not understand the relationship of a p2 file to an Eclipse plugin until the final link of your response. 

The other factor that makes it more confusing is when you reference any RTC 3.x.... download pages, the top of the page has a message about:

This is tag_hash_108___ the most recent version. We recommend Rational Team Concert 4.0.2

Which is confusing because, sure... if you are doing a full server installation and setup of RTC then go to 4.0.2, but as you pointed out, if someone is just looking for client code to connect to RTC, then they want whatever version of RTC client matches the RTC server.

Maven projects typically have separate test source directories in the same project. The Eclipse convention, however, is to have a separate test bundle (often a fragment of the host/target plugin with the suffix ".tests"). Tycho introduces new eclipse-test-plugin packaging type to represent such projects. Build behavior is like regular Eclipse plugins, but these are treated specially at test-time.

org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:test mojo executes JUnit plug-in tests and it is bound to the integration-test build phase. Other than than, the tycho-surefire-plugin is similar to the standard maven-surefire-plugin, and it supports most of the parameters of the maven-surefire-plugin (see site doc for details). The tycho-surefire-plugin supports both headless and UI-based tests, but use of UI test harness has to be explicitly enabled, as follows:

The OSGi runtime for the test execution consists of the test bundle/fragment and its dependencies. If needed, you can add more features ("eclipse-feature"), bundles/fragments ("eclipse-plugin"), or installable units ("p2-installable-unit"), each including their transitive dependencies, to the test runtime. The recommended way to do this is to add an extraRequirements configuration to the target-platform-configuration (!) plugin. Example:

The packaging type eclipse-repository is used for aggregating content into a p2 repository (aka "update site"). It can also be used for building Eclipse/RCP application distributions. See Tycho/eclipse-repository for more information.

Note: the wiki was previously saying, however it seems that with version 1.1.0, "" is already appended to the id, thus making build fails with a You requested to install 'org.eclipse.equinox.executable.feature.grouptag_hash_110______________ 3.6.0' but it could not be found.

I'm wondering whether bndtools would be a more appropriate build

system for Eclipse plugins for us compared to Tycho. Problem is: I'm

not sure how to go about using it for Eclipse plugins...As far as I can tell, bndtools is itself built with bndtools, so I've

been trying to use that as an example. I've checked out bndtools from

its GitHub repository, and used "Import Existing project" in Eclipse

to import the checkout into my workspace. I've also discovered the

'build' and 'p2' Ant targets, which seem to build everything.So far, so good. But I can't figure out how to run Eclipse with the

bndtools in my workspace. Obviously, I could run a full build and

install the result into an Eclipse, but that's not a practical way to

do plugin development.Are there any instruction on this? Specifically, I can't work out:

* Should I try to run using OSGI Run, or using the usual "Eclipse Application"?

* If the former, which .bnd file should I try to Run?

* If the latter, how do I get Eclipse to recognise each project as a bundle?I'm also puzzled by the cnf project.

* Is there supposed to be one per workspace?

* Does it have to be called cnf?

* Can I have my own project in the same workspace as bndtools itself?I found "Launching Eclipse Applications" on the bndtools wiki, but it

didn't really answer my questions.Thanks


Many thanks for your email and for trying bndtools!Yes bndtools can be used for Eclipse plug-ins and RCP applications,

with one big caveat. Currently there is no support for editing

plugin.xml, i.e. extensions and extension points. You have to use a

plain XML editor and keep referring back to documentation, which is

very painful compared to PDE's rich editing support. I hope I can

improve this in the future, perhaps by forking PDE's editor and making

it work in the context of a bndtools project. But then again the

extension registry is becoming less important in Eclipse, for example

Eclipse 4.0 has decreased its reliance on extensions significantly, so

I may not bother.To run an OSGi framework from bndtools you use the "OSGi Run" launch

type, usually by selecting a .bndrun file. Because running Eclipse

requires various platform-specific bundles, there are separate .bndrun

files for each platform: look for the bndtools..bndrun

files. You'll notice however that these each includes

bndtools.shared.bndrun, which lists all of the cross-platform bundles

and other common settings.The "Eclipse Application" launch type comes from PDE. Please ignore it

when using bndtools.The cnf project is a configuration project for the bnd workspace. It

contains things like shared settings for bnd, and the local repository

of bundles that are available for building and running. The reason for

putting this stuff in a project is so that it can be shared across a

team using version control. Unfortunately it cannot currently be

renamed, it must be called cnf. If you want that to change, please

raise a bug report against bnd ;-)Finally, yes you certainly can create other projects in the same

workspace as bndtools.I hope this helps.Regards,


You're right that the PDE manifest editor pops up when you open a

plugin.xml, even outside a PDE project. However, try using it for a

minute and you'll discover it's not really worth bothering with. None

of the support for extensions works, because the editor can't see any

of the available extension points or their schemas.Still, at least it doesn't throw NPEs any more, which is what it used

to do in this scenario...Regards. e24fc04721

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