"Centralise Customer Care Centre - call on 19121 OR Toll Free - 1800-233-155335 OR WhatsApp no 9825819121 OR E-Mail to ccc@ugvcl.com, HT Consumer CPC No. 9879200796, To get information about SURYA GUJARAT SCHEME - Solar rooftop scheme, just missed call on 7666449911" 

UGVCL BILL INFORMATION SYSTEM 1. View Consumer Master Details. 2. Last Bill information and download eBill. 3. Last Payment information. 4. Online Payment Link. 5. Download NEFT \/ RTGS Payment Form. 6. Add \/ Update Mobile number and Email address for alerts. 7. UPI Payment Accepted for the Bill Amount up to Rs. 1 Lacs.\nUGVCL - Pay Energy Bills Online - Uttar Gujarat Vij\nView Last Bill Amount and Download e-Bill. View Last Payment Status. No Processing Fee. Add\/Update Mobile and Email ID for alerts. No Registration Require. View Consumer Master Details. Add\/Update Mobile and Email ID for alerts. No Processing Fee. NEFT\/RTGS Payment Form.\nUTTAR GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD.\nRevised Policy of Vender Registration for erection contractor of HT\/LT line & Transformer center . To inform the loyal customers of Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL) that UGVCL does not send any type of SMS regarding payment of electricity bill through 10-digit mobile number.\nWelcome to UGVCL Consumer Web Portal - GUVNL\n1. Search in with the SR No. Or Consumer No. 2. Verify Payment Detail and process further by clicking on the Pay Now button. 3. Quick Online Pay screen will be redirected to Payment Gateway. 4. After completion of payment Payment Acknowledgement will be displayed.\nUser Login - UGVCL\nUser Login \u00bb Login Form Registered Consumers User name * Password * (Please type below words in text box) Security Code * New User Forgot Password?\n\u200eUGVCL on the App Store\nUGVCL - Know your bill is the app to know your current bill and Last Payment of the UGVCL Consumer. - By Entering your Customer number you can also see your Last Payment Detail as well. - You can confirm your online payment done by any other source. - You can download e-Bill.\n","upvoteCount":1},"suggestedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","id":"https:\/\/safo.dpver.gov.ar\/en\/ugvcl-bill-information\/#answer","url":"https:\/\/safo.dpver.gov.ar\/en\/ugvcl-bill-information\/#answer","text":"ugvcl bill information\nUGVCL BILL INFORMATION SYSTEM\n UGVCL BILL INFORMATION SYSTEM 1. View Consumer Master Details. 2. Last Bill information and download eBill. 3. Last Payment information. 4. Online Payment Link. 5. Download NEFT \/ RTGS Payment Form. 6. Add \/ Update Mobile number and Email address for alerts. 7. UPI Payment Accepted for the Bill Amount up to Rs. 1 Lacs.\nUGVCL - Pay Energy Bills Online - Uttar Gujarat Vij\nView Last Bill Amount and Download e-Bill. View Last Payment Status. No Processing Fee. Add\/Update Mobile and Email ID for alerts. No Registration Require. View Consumer Master Details. Add\/Update Mobile and Email ID for alerts. No Processing Fee. NEFT\/RTGS Payment Form.\nUTTAR GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD.\nRevised Policy of Vender Registration for erection contractor of HT\/LT line & Transformer center . To inform the loyal customers of Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL) that UGVCL does not send any type of SMS regarding payment of electricity bill through 10-digit mobile number.\nWelcome to UGVCL Consumer Web Portal - GUVNL\n1. Search in with the SR No. Or Consumer No. 2. Verify Payment Detail and process further by clicking on the Pay Now button. 3. Quick Online Pay screen will be redirected to Payment Gateway. 4. After completion of payment Payment Acknowledgement will be displayed.\nUser Login - UGVCL\nUser Login \u00bb Login Form Registered Consumers User name * Password * (Please type below words in text box) Security Code * New User Forgot Password?\n\u200eUGVCL on the App Store\nUGVCL - Know your bill is the app to know your current bill and Last Payment of the UGVCL Consumer. - By Entering your Customer number you can also see your Last Payment Detail as well. - You can confirm your online payment done by any other source. - You can download e-Bill.\n","upvoteCount":1}}} .content-newsletter .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper.bg-img:after, .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper:after{ background: rgba(120, 192, 168, 0.8); } /* primary color */ a{ color: #78c0a8; } a:hover, a:focus{ color: #78c0a8; } .secondary-nav ul li a:hover, .secondary-nav ul li a:focus, .secondary-nav ul li:hover > a, .secondary-nav ul li:focus > a, .secondary-nav .current_page_item > a, .secondary-nav .current-menu-item > a, .secondary-nav .current_page_ancestor > a, .secondary-nav .current-menu-ancestor > a, .header-t .social-networks li a:hover, .header-t .social-networks li a:focus, .main-navigation ul li a:hover, .main-navigation ul li a:focus, .main-navigation ul li:hover > a, .main-navigation ul li:focus > a, .main-navigation .current_page_item > a, .main-navigation .current-menu-item > a, .main-navigation .current_page_ancestor > a, .main-navigation .current-menu-ancestor > a, .banner .banner-text .title a:hover, .banner .banner-text .title a:focus, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:focus, .widget ul li a:hover, .widget ul li a:focus, .site-footer .widget ul li a:hover, .site-footer .widget ul li a:focus, #crumbs a:hover, #crumbs a:focus, .related-post .post .text-holder .cat-links a:hover, .related-post .post .text-holder .cat-links a:focus, .related-post .post .text-holder .entry-title a:hover, .related-post .post .text-holder .entry-title a:focus, .comments-area .comment-body .comment-metadata a:hover, .comments-area .comment-body .comment-metadata a:focus, .search #primary .search-post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, .search #primary .search-post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-title a:focus, .site-title a:hover, .site-title a:focus, .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:focus, .widget_bttk_pro_recent_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .widget_bttk_pro_recent_post ul li .entry-header .entry-meta a:focus, .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:hover, .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:focus, .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:hover, .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .carousel-title .title a:focus, .portfolio-sorting .button:hover, .portfolio-sorting .button:focus, .portfolio-sorting .button.is-checked, .portfolio-item .portfolio-img-title a:hover, .portfolio-item .portfolio-img-title a:focus, .portfolio-item .portfolio-cat a:hover, .portfolio-item .portfolio-cat a:focus, .entry-header .portfolio-cat a:hover, .entry-header .portfolio-cat a:focus, .banner-layout-two .grid-item .text-holder .title a:hover, #primary .post .text-holder .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .blog.blog-layout-two #primary .post .text-holder .entry-footer .entry-meta a:hover, .entry-content a:hover, .entry-summary a:hover, .page-content a:hover, .comment-content a:hover, .widget .textwidget a:hover { color: #78c0a8; 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