Is your brain feeling extra lazy today? Have a go at this super simple quiz - you should be able to answer these questions in your sleep! 

And if you were actually looking for the world's HARDEST quiz ever, you can try out our extra difficult spelling test, this ultimate physics quiz, or see if you can guess the countries from the shape of their outline! 

Anyway... let's get on with it!

I'm writing this python code that will allow the user to chose a easy and hard mode with multiple choices. The questions for each mode are the same but the hard version just has more options to chose from in each question. This is my code so far:

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For our customers who want to make an online quiz, Formsite has put together a simple and powerful combination of features to do exactly that. Using Scoring, Success Pages, and Rules, you can create your own browser-based test that automates the collection and scoring.

After your quiz is made, go to Form -> Success Pages and create a new success page with the scoring summary area set to show. You can optionally display the explanations if you have them, or you can choose to not show the summary table.

Go to the Form -> Edit -> Rules page to add the conditional logic for sending the visitor to the correct success page. Remember the scores for each correct answer? Here you will use those scores to direct visitors to the success pages that are not the default. Since my default is the perfect score, I will add rules to skip to the partial and failed quizzes.

Birds was just an example, but the beauty of iNat would be you could quiz yourself on anything; moths, spiders, oaks etc.

Ebird also has a quiz functionality built in, but you just specify an area and date and it makes a quiz of random birds based on that. With iNat you could specify gulls or sparrows etc and only comb through those.

If you are looking for a way to easily create a Trivia game, Trivia on Brightful is one of the many online trivia platforms you can use to set up your next trivia game. Trivia on Brightful is easy to set up and takes only a few seconds to get everyone playing. With over 1,000+ questions available, you never have to worry about running out of questions anytime you host a Trivia game!

For even more advanced features, upgrade to the PRO version for access to quiz stats and results, the ability to set up quizzes for specific user roles, show results to users, and more. With the PRO version, you can also set time limits for each question, redirect users to a specific URL after completing the quiz, and send results via email directly from the result page. Keep track of time elapsed and see results displayed in a graph, making it easy to analyze and track progress. With Easy Quiz Maker with WordPress, creating and managing quizzes has never been easier!

Yes, results are saved as a custom post type and include all relevant information such as total marks, obtained marks, and correct answers. You can view a detailed summary of submitted quizzes and results.

But what happens when you're required to come up with the questions? Well, you can trawl the internet for hours, or you can just use these questions that we've thought up for you. Seriously, it's that easy.

Trivia is fun for all ages! When designing trivia quiz questions for children, be sure to include popular characters like Harry Potter, places like Mount Everest, and even famous athletes like Michael Phelps. Incorporate a wide variety of topics including; animals like baby goats and famous Americans like John F Kennedy! If you have trouble thinking of a few questions to get started, indulge in our list of 110 creative questions for kids to get the ball rolling!

I am trying to recreate some quizzes in 2.0 that were used in an earlier install as there were too many errors in those that I carried over in the upgrade. I have created a simple 5-question multiple-choice quiz as a starter and have been looking at how it behaves. With all the various options, the quiz runs as follows:

You click to open the quiz, then again to start the attempt.

Next, you answer all the questions. In adaptive mode you submit each question as you go. Using adaptive, I expected the quiz to auto-end once all the correct answers were submitted, but it doesn't. In adaptive, as all the answers have already been submitted, you shouldn't need to submit them again. Next, at the bottom of the page there is a button labelled 'next', which you click. Alternatively, just to help anyone who is confused, there is a link labelled 'finish attempt' at the top left corner of the page.

Now you reach a screen that gives one or two choices; 'start again' (sometimes) or 'submit all and finish'. After clicking 'finish', a pop-up box appears asking if you are sure you want to end the attempt. (I would dearly love to get rid of this box as, in my experience, many people automatically click 'no' when warning boxes appear).

Next, you get a review screen which shows lots of info relating to the attempt. I'm not sure what setting triggers it but sometimes there is a small table (history of responses) which details: attempt number / action / response/ time / raw score / grade. I'm sure this is useful in some circumstances, but I don't want it displayed. The only way I found to avoid the history box was to deselect the relevant feedback page and lose the entire review.

Anyway, having read all the info, at the top-left corner of the page there is the 'finish review' button, which you click in hope.. However, the button takes you back to the start page of the quiz, at which point you can start it all over again if you want. In fact, all the end or finish buttons finally take you back to the quiz start page. 

To exit the quiz and go to the course homepage you need to know where to look in the course menu, and click there. I'm used to teaching people with very basic computer skills and I know this will baffle more than a few. Seriously.

I've played with all the various settings but to no avail. What I want is to start a quiz, submit the answers, finish the quiz and go to a basic review page (if not in adaptive) and then a button to bale out of the quiz and go to the course homepage again. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

All activities in Moodle work by having a main page. For example, in the forum, it is the list of all discussions. That is always the place you are taken back to, for example, after posting a new discussion. Suppose you set your students a task "Go the the social forum, and make a post introducing yourself." After they have done that, they are not automatically taken back to the course page. Why should the quiz be any different?

Now, as it happens, if the quiz is set to only allow one attempt, then after they sudent has completed that one attempt, and clicked "Finish review" then they no longer see a "Re-attempt quiz" button. Instead they see a "Continue" button that takes them back to the coures page.

However, if the quiz allows multiple attempts, then after finishing the review of your first attempt, you are taken to the start page again, with a button to re-atteimpt the quiz. Perhpas you want to try again, to see if you can get more questions right this time.

Tim wrote The quiz in Moodle 2.0 is designed with the thougth that one question-per-page is a good thing. It is good to encourage the student to focus on one thing at a timeAs a teacher I have quite another opinion. "encouraging" students by focus on one question per page we forcing them on some order throught the questions. They can't easily look on all questions and decide, which ones they want to do first (especially in a timed quiz), navigating using clicks for, say, 10 question quiz, it takes too much effort. So the results may be lower, beause students couldn't plan their time on quiz (and I remember you talking about more freedom and choice for the students).

I don't think that a quiz with 5 simple multiple choice questions represent the pinacle of pedagogy. So, the quiz is not necessarily optimised for this case. I neither create 5-multiple-choices quizzes, nor think they are pinnacle of pedagogy. But I think that students (pupils?) who need to attempt such quizzes may be confused by complex interface. And I think that having Moodle quiz only really usable on the pedagogy-pinnacle quizzes, and not in a simpler situation is a kind of loss. Thats really a sad thing.

The summary page and new navigation are also meant to help that. They make it clear which questions you have not answered yet, so you can easily get back to them, after they have made a first pass through the quiz and answered the questions they can do easily.

We could aslo consider chaning things so that the summary page is not used at all for one-page quizzes. That is also something that is relatively easy to tweak (I think). In mod/quiz/attempt.php, replace the line (line 151)

So, none of this is set in stone. As you can see, it is actually quite easy to tinker with. ... and, as any usability person would tell you, the only way to really find out what is usable, is to put things in front of real users and observe what happens. You cannot tell very much from theoretical arguments.

But I guess the best way is to skip it when all questions are in answered states. You need a warning only when you really forget something. That would be somewhat harder than changing it for 1-page quiz, but still simple enought (write if you agree on this, and I'll create issue for it in the tracker). You can't change the button title this way, but "next" is good enought. I think it's better (thought more tricky) to leave confirmation still. The best way to implement it may be to redirect to confirmation and end of the quiz when generating summary page and find out that all is done.

More serious thing to consider for Moodle 2.1 is to make quiz work in such way, that renderer (i.e. theme) could affect this, so you can have themes with separate navigational interfaces for simple quiz for kids, long one-page quiz or long one-question-per-page one. The power you give to renderers should be sufficient to do this. e24fc04721

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