These are awesome! I would be great to have a stack on hand for teacher's notes and little thank yous. As soon as I get my sewing machine back up and running, I'm going to whip a few up myself.

Incidentally, I make a lot of my own crafty paper for small jobs by putting lots of the images of fabric squares that you find on fabric websites together on an A4 paper in Word and hitting print! Cheap and effective. x

I am so excited to find these, as well as other ideas on your blog. I will be making some of these to give the children at church to use to write get well/we missed you notes to people who were not at church that day. Who wouldn't LOVE to get a big manila envelope full of well wishes inscribed by children on these cute cards? so simple, yet so unusual and special. thanks for sharing!

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Great idea, they are very pretty!

I would love to try these but I don't have a sewing machine - would it be possible to glue them on, and if so can you recommend the best glue to go with?

Many thanks!

Oh my gosh I LOVE these! I sew cards with hearts on them already and I love this fun and different way of doing it than I do. Thank you so much! 

I found you gals because I'm finally having a moment to go through the Seattle Bloggers list. Such a treat to discover these clever cards!

What did you think of this All Squared Away bundle? Do these look like fun dies to play with? Honestly, you could really just use the dies and layer and Designer Series Paper behind them and then add the greeting of your choice.

Do you like these projects? If you enjoy making quick and easy cards, or if you are new to the hobby of card making, make sure to subscribe to my blog. When you subscribe, each time I post you will get an email reminder to check out my fun projects.

If you like this project, just hover over the picture below to get the PINTEREST symbol and PIN IT to your favorite Pinterest board. That way, when you want to find it again, you will easily come right back here for the video and all the details.

The content of this blog is my sole responsibility as an independent Stampin' Up! demonstrator and the use of, and content of, the classes, services, or products offered on this blog is not endorsed by Stampin' Up!

This extension allows you to take notes on LinkedIn profiles. These notes are there only for you. You can also access these notes when you are messaging to someone on LinkedIn. All notes are securely stored in Google Chrome Sync Storage. This Extension does not transmit data to any 3rd party. ?

The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes without laborious recopying. After writing the notes in the main space, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or "cue."

Method: Rule your paper with a 2 _ inch margin on the left leaving a six-inch area on the right in which to make notes. During class, take down information in the six-inch area. When the instructor moves to a new point, skip a few lines. After class, complete phrases and sentences as much as possible. For every significant bit of information, write a cue in the left margin. To review, cover your notes with a card, leaving the cues exposed. Say the cue out loud, then say as much as you can of the material underneath the card. When you have said as much as you can, move the card and see if what you said matches what is written. If you can say it, you know it.

Advantages: Organized and systematic for recording and reviewing notes. Easy format for pulling outmajor concept and ideas. Simple and efficient. Saves time and effort. "Do-it-right-in-the-first-place system."

Method: Listening and then write in points in an organized pattern based on space indention. Place major points farthest to the left. Indent each more specific point to the right. Levels of importance will be indicated by distance away from the major point. Indention can be as simple as or as complex as labeling the indentions with Roman numerals or decimals. Markings are not necessary as space relationships will indicate the major/minor points.

Advantages: Well-organized system if done right. Outlining records content as well as relationships. It also reduces editing and is easy to review by turning main points into questions.

When to Use: The outline format can be used if the lecture is presented in outline organization. This may be either deductive (regular outline) or inductive (reverse outline where minor points start building to a major point). Use this format when there is enough time in the lecture to think about and make organization decisions when they are needed. This format can be most effective when your note-taking skills are super and sharp and you can handle the outlining regardless of the note-taking situation.

Mapping is a method that uses comprehension/concentration skills and evolves in a note-taking form which relates each fact or idea to every other fact or idea. Mapping is a graphic representation of the content of a lecture. It is a method that maximizes active participation, affords immediate knowledge as to its understanding, and emphasizes critical thinking.

Advantages: This format helps you to visually track your lecture regardless of conditions. Little thinking is needed and relationships can easily be seen. It is also easy to edit your notes by adding numbers, marks, and color coding. Review will call for you to restructure thought processes which will force you to check understanding. Review by covering lines for memory drill and relationships. Main points can be written on flash or note cards and pieced together into a table or larger structure at a later date.

When to Use: Use when the lecture content is heavy and well-organized. May also be used effectively when you have a guest lecturer and have no idea how the lecture is going to be presented.

Method: Determine the categories to be covered in lecture. Set up your paper in advance by columns headed by these categories. As you listen to the lecture, record information (words, phrases, main ideas, etc.) into the appropriate category.

Advantages: Helps you track conversation and dialogues where you would normally be confused and lose out on relevant content. Reduces amount of writing necessary. Provides easy review mechanism for both memorization of facts and study of comparisons and relationships.

When to Use: Test will focus on both facts and relationships. Contents is heavy and presented fast. You want to reduce the amount of time you spend editing and reviewing at test time. You want to get an overview of the whole course on one big paper sequence.

Example 1: A revolution is any occurrence that affects other aspects of life, such as economic life, social life, and so forth. Therefore revolutions cause change. (see page 29 to 30 in your text about this.)

Example 2: At first, Freud tried conventional, physical methods of treatment such as giving baths, massages, rest cures, and similar aids. But when these failed he tried techniques of hypnosis that he had seen used by Jean-Martin Charcot. Finally, he borrowed an idea from Jean Breuer and used direct verbal communication to get an unhypnotized patient to reveal unconscious thoughts.

The Easy Notes House and Farm magnets can be placed on the Treble and Bass of the Staff Boards to set the scene for the Easy Notes stories. The set also includes 12 ledger line magnets. The magnets are made of thin magnetic rubber so that other magnets can be placed over them. The House & Farm Magnets work on all of the Staff Boards.

The Easy Notes Character magnets represent the music notes taught using the stories in the Easy Notes theory books. The learner can place the magnets on the magnetic staff board and on the piano keyboard to practice identifying the notes on the staff and linking them to the notes on the piano. This gets the learner moving and engaging with what they are learning in the theory books, which helps them to assimilate and retain it. The characters are bright and colorful, and simply adorable!

The Easy Notes Piano Map magnets include dog houses, lily pads and other pictures that can be placed on the groups of black notes to create a map on the keyboard. The pictures relate to the stories in the Easy Notes theory books, and help the student to connect the notes on the staff to the correct notes on the piano. The Piano Map magnets are made to be used with the Piano Keys magnets.

The notes are taught through stories, and each note has its own character name. Four octaves, from Low C to High C, are covered. The most essential element of Easy Notes are the two workbooks. I have recommended the Easy Notes Large Stave kit to my families because it includes a sturdy, practical magnetic staff and whimsical character magnets for each of the notes in the four octaves. It also includes ledger lines and some magnetic pictures (a house for Treble Staff Street and cows grazing on a hill for Bass Staff Farm) to place on the magnetic staff.

The Match-up magnets enable students to learn and practice crucial aspects of music theory through hands-on interaction. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

The match-up magnets enable students to learn and practice crucial aspects of music theory through hands-on interaction. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

The Notes and Rests notation magnets can be used to manipulate and create music notation, helping students to understand how music is written and why it is written that way. Through hands-on activity students can engage with important aspects of music notation such as time signatures, key signatures, pitch, rhythm, and dynamics. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." 152ee80cbc

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