We currently have a nRF52840 central device written with the Bluetooth Nordic SoftDevice API. From what I have read, the Zephyr RTOS is the best way going forward. I started creating a peripheral Bluetooth sensor that would connect to our central using Zephyr using the samples available. In order to configure the sensor, I will have to add quite a few read|write characteristics. I do not want to have to write separate read and write callbacks for every characteristic which may increase the code size considerably. Instead I want to use the "const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr" parameter to figure out which attribute is being read or write. I cannot figure out how to resolve the attribute handle to the specific characteristic. 

I think you can achieve this by using the user data field of the bt_gatt_attr struct, it is the last input of BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(). Then when you set up BT_UUID_AMI_LOG_TYPE_CHR you can point user data to X and when setting up BT_UUID_AMI_LOG_INTERVAL_CHR you can point it to Y. Then in the on_write callback, you can check if the user data (accessed through attr->user_data) is X (log type chr) or Y (interval chr) and then take the appropriate action.

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The sample \zephyr\samples\bluetooth\peripheral\src\main.c is also using the user data field to achive this, with a slightly different approach, it simply points the user data to the array storing the char value and then simply writes the value to that field. Check it out yourself:

It was amazing. I had a youth hostel card, a Eurail pass, a passport, and a backpack full of clothes and personal items. Nine weeks is a long time and I travel from Amsterdam to the southern tip of Turkey, often traveling alone and sometimes with people I met along the way. It was educational and fun but also scary and lonely.

You can travel solo but provide a little structure into your vacation by booking a cruise or a beach resort vacation. I would also consider it solo travel when I traveled to Germany to work in an internship or when I traveled to Thailand to study abroad. Both these ways of traveling solo provide a lot more structure than just backpacking through Europe.

Solo travelers are enthusiastically welcomed on any of our public tour dates. If you are a female traveler looking for an adventure, consider the Beartooth Hiking for Women tour and enjoy shared experiences, empowerment, support, and a lot of fun. If you are interested in traveling entirely solo, Lonely Planet has a good summary of 20 things you should be considering.

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The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration from time to time rates vehicles for safety standards.  Based on our last review, this vehicle was rated as a 5-star vehicle.  Please note these ratings are subject to change and reflect our last review.

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