Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles is a puzzle game featuring many tricky riddles and puzzles. There are over 275 brain-teasing levels designed to trick the player and test your brain. Think on your feet and outside the box to solve these riddles. Everything you see on the screen could be used to solve the problem. All the entertaining questions in Brain Test will blow your mind!

Easy Game is a game that tests your ability to solve riddles one by one. There are plenty of other games with a similar premise, but this game includes plenty of original riddles that will truly challenge you.

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Doctors use this test to diagnose epilepsy and other brain conditions, brain injuries, and sleep disorders. Seizures cause spikes on the EEG graph. Brain tumors or a stroke make the waves slower than usual.

Learning the potential of your brain can lead to a more fulfilling and well-rounded life if you've ever wondered about your thinking style and how your brain functions. Our Right Brain Left Brain Test is the perfect opportunity to gain insights.

Backed by years of experience in brain training programs, our company is dedicated to helping individuals tap into their cognitive strengths. Our test has been meticulously developed and rigorously tested by a team of experts in the field.

However, it's important to note that the idea of being strictly "left-brained" or "right-brained" is a bit oversimplified. While certain functions do tend to be more dominant in one hemisphere, our brains are highly interconnected, and most activities involve both sides working together.

Our brains are much more complex than a simple "left" or "right" designation. People are not exclusively left-brained or right-brained. Instead, we all use a combination of both sides for various tasks.

By answering a series of questions or engaging in specific tasks, you can gain insights into whether you lean more towards logical and analytical thinking (left brain) or creative and intuitive thinking (right brain).

Brain MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging, also called MRI, uses strong magnets to create pictures of the inside of the body. MRI is often used to detect brain tumors because it shows the brain more clearly than do other imaging tests.

Often a dye is injected into a vein in the arm before an MRI. The dye makes clearer pictures. This makes it easier to see smaller tumors. It can help your health care team see the difference between a brain tumor and healthy brain tissue.

Sometimes you need a special type of MRI to create more-detailed pictures. One example is functional MRI. This special MRI shows which parts of the brain control speaking, moving and other important tasks. This helps your health care provider plan surgery and other treatments.

Another special MRI test is magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This test uses MRI to measure levels of certain chemicals in the tumor cells. Having too much or too little of the chemicals might tell your health care team about the kind of brain tumor you have.

Magnetic resonance perfusion is another special type of MRI. This test uses MRI to measure the amount of blood in different parts of the brain tumor. The parts of the tumor that have a higher amount of blood may be the most active parts of the tumor. Your health care team uses this information to plan your treatment.

PET scan of the brain. A positron emission tomography scan, also called a PET scan, can detect some brain tumors. A PET scan uses a radioactive tracer that's injected into a vein. The tracer travels through the blood and attaches to brain tumor cells. The tracer makes the tumor cells stand out on the pictures taken by the PET machine. Cells that are dividing and multiplying quickly will take up more of the tracer.

A PET scan may be most helpful for detecting brain tumors that are growing quickly. Examples include glioblastomas and some oligodendrogliomas. Brain tumors that grow slowly might not be detected on a PET scan. Brain tumors that aren't cancerous tend to grow more slowly, so PET scans are less useful for benign brain tumors. Not everyone with a brain tumor needs a PET scan. Ask your health care provider whether you need at PET scan.

Collecting a sample of tissue. A brain biopsy is a procedure to remove a sample of brain tumor tissue for testing in a lab. Often a surgeon gets the sample during surgery to remove the brain tumor.

During this procedure, a small hole is drilled in the skull. A thin needle is inserted through the hole. The needle is used to take a tissue sample. Imaging tests such as CT and MRI are used to plan the path of the needle. You won't feel anything during the biopsy because medicine is used to numb the area. Often you also receive medicine that puts you in a sleep-like state so you're not aware.

You might have a needle biopsy rather than surgery if your health care team is worried that an operation might hurt an important part of your brain. A needle might be needed to remove tissue from a brain tumor if the tumor is in a spot that's hard to reach with surgery.

A brain tumor's grade is assigned when the tumor cells are tested in a lab. The grade tells your health care team how quickly the cells are growing and multiplying. The grade is based on how the cells look under a microscope. The grades range from 1 to 4.

A grade 1 brain tumor grows slowly. The cells aren't very different from the healthy cells nearby. As the grade gets higher, the cells undergo changes so that they start to look very different. A grade 4 brain tumor grows very fast. The cells don't look anything like nearby healthy cells.

There are no stages for brain tumors. Other types of cancer have stages. For these other types of cancer, the stage describes how advanced the cancer is and whether it has spread. Brain tumors and brain cancers aren't likely to spread, so they don't have stages.

Your health care team uses all the information from your diagnostic tests to understand your prognosis. The prognosis is how likely it is that the brain tumor can be cured. Things that can influence the prognosis for people with brain tumors include:

Treatment for a brain tumor depends on whether the tumor is a brain cancer or if it's not cancerous, also called a benign brain tumor. Treatment options also depend on the type, size, grade and location of the brain tumor. Options might include surgery, radiation therapy, radiosurgery, chemotherapy and targeted therapy. When considering your treatment options, your health care team also considers your overall health and your preferences.

Treatment might not be needed right away. You might not need treatment right away if your brain tumor is small, isn't cancerous and doesn't cause symptoms. Small, benign brain tumors might not grow or might grow so slowly that they won't ever cause problems. You might have brain MRI scans a few times a year to check for brain tumor growth. If the brain tumor grows more quickly than expected or if you develop symptoms, you might need treatment.

The goal of surgery for a brain tumor is to remove all of the tumor cells. The tumor can't always be removed completely. When it's possible, the surgeon works to remove as much of the brain tumor as can be done safely. Brain tumor removal surgery can be used to treat brain cancers and benign brain tumors.

Some brain tumors are small and easy to separate from surrounding brain tissue. This makes it likely that the tumor will be removed completely. Other brain tumors can't be separated from surrounding tissue. Sometimes a brain tumor is near an important part of the brain. Surgery might be risky in this situation. The surgeon might take out as much of the tumor as is safe. Removing only part of a brain tumor is sometimes called a subtotal resection.

Removing part of the skull to get to the brain tumor. Brain surgery that involves removing part of the skull is called craniotomy. It's the way most brain tumor removal operations are done. Craniotomy is used for treating cancerous brain tumors and benign brain tumors.

The surgeon makes a cut in your scalp. The skin and muscles are moved out of the way. Then the surgeon uses a drill to cut out a section of skull bone. The bone is removed to get access to the brain. If the tumor is deep within the brain, a tool might be used to gently hold healthy brain tissue out of the way. The brain tumor is cut out with special tools. Sometimes lasers are used to destroy the tumor.

During the surgery, you receive medicine to numb the area so you won't feel anything. You're also given medicine that puts you in a sleep-like state during surgery. Sometimes you are awakened during brain surgery. This is called awake brain surgery. When you're awakened, the surgeon might ask questions and monitor the activity in your brain as you respond. This helps lower the risk of hurting important parts of the brain.

Using a long, thin tube to get to the brain tumor. Endoscopic brain surgery involves putting a long, thin tube into the brain. The tube is called an endoscope. The tube has a series of lenses or a tiny camera that transmits pictures to the surgeon. Special tools are put through the tube to remove the tumor.

Sometimes endoscopic brain surgery is used to remove brain tumors in other parts of the brain. The surgeon might use a drill to make a hole in the skull. The long, thin tube is carefully put through the brain tissue. The tube continues until it reaches the brain tumor.

Surgery to remove a brain tumor has a risk of side effects and complications. These can include infection, bleeding, blood clots and injury to the brain tissue. Other risks may depend on the part of the brain where the tumor is located. For instance, surgery on a tumor near nerves that connect to the eyes might have a risk of vision loss. Surgery to remove a tumor on a nerve that controls hearing could cause hearing loss. 006ab0faaa

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