No. UIDAI does not have visibility of linking of your Aadhaar with any other services. Concern departments such as bank, income tax etc. do not share any information of Aadhaar number holder neither UIDAI stores any such informations.

No. Anyone with a smartphone can install and use mAadhaar App.

Without a registered mobile number, Aadhaar number holder will be able to avail only few services such as Order Aadhaar PVC card, Locate Enrolment Center, Verify Aadhaar, Scanning QR code etc.

However registered mobile number is mandatory to create the profile in mAadhaar and use the same as digital identity and avail all other Aadhaar services. The OTP will be sent only to registered mobile for creating the profile in mAadhaar.

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mAadhaar app can be used anywhere anytime within India. mAadhaar is more than Aadhaar card in a wallet. On one hand the mAadhaar profile is accepted as a valid ID proof and on the other, resident can use the features in the app to share their eKYC or QR code with service providers who sought Aadhaar verification of their customers before providing Aadhaar services.

Only someone with an Aadhaar linked to a registered mobile number can create Aadhaar profile in the mAadhaar App. They can register their profile in an App installed in any smartphone. However the OTP will be sent to only their registered mobile. Steps to register Aadhaar profile are given below:

Identity verification can simply be accomplished by providing an identity document like PAN card, Passport etc to the service provider. However, all these documents, which may be used for identification can still be forged and faked which may or may not be possible to verify offline instantaneously. The document verifier has no technological means to verify the authenticity of the document or the information it contains and has to trust the document producer. Whereas, the XML file generated by the Aadhaar number holder using Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC is digitally signed document using UIDAI digital signature. Thus, the service provider can verify the demographic contents of the file and certify it to be authentic when doing the offline verification

Any Aadhaar number holder who desires to establish his/her identity to any service provider (OVSE) using digitally signed XML downloaded from UIDAI website can be a user of this service. The service provider should have provisions of providing this Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC at their facility and do the offline verification

A resident desirous of using this facility shall generate his/her digitally signed Offline XML by accessing UIDAI website. The Offline XML will contain Name, Address, Photo, Gender, DOB, hash of registered Mobile Number, hash of registered Email Address and reference id which contains last 4 digits of Aadhaar Number followed by time stamp. It will provide Offline Aadhaar Verification facility to service providers/Offline Verification Seeking Entity (OVSE) without the need to collect or store Aadhaar number.

UIDAI website translation is done by Bhashini Machine Translation which may not be correct. This is done on experimental basis and will be improved over a period of time. Kindly ignore the errors if any.

Before the creation and advent of Aadhaar, availing the benefits of government programs was very hard and taxing for the poor. It involved filing a lot of complicated paperwork, providing several proofs of residence and identification and also required people to take time off work to complete these requirements. Aadhaar has since then replaced most requirements for identification proof and is usually the only document required to avail a government scheme.[7]

The Aadhaar card is now linked with services such as driving license, school scholarships, cooking gas subsidies, passports, pensions and provident fund accounts.[8] The Aadhaar card is also being considered for provision of the services provided by Indian Railway System, especially the online reservation process.[9] The Developmental Cooperative Bank even launched its first Aadhaar based ATM in June 2016 and aims to utilize the biometric fingerprint as an additional security feature in customers accessing their money.[10]

One of the major criticisms of Aadhaar has been the numerous major security lapses that have been omnipresent in the workings of Aadhaar and which have as a result made the system prone to data leaks. UIDIA has had to regularly shut down fraudulent websites that keep popping up, disguising themselves as official websites, and phishing people for their personal information.[11] In 2018 around 200 official government websites accidentally made personal Aadhaar data public; the problem exacerbated to such a level, that one could access thousands of government databases with confidential information simply by Googling it.[12] The Indian Government had to resort to blocking around 5,000 officials because Aadhaar data was being accessed by unauthorized personnel working for the government.[13]

The Tribune also reported that its journalists were able to track down an anonymous group on WhatsApp that was selling Aadhaar card details for a meagre Rs 500 ($7.2 US). Once the payment was made, the journalists received the Login ID and Username to a portal where all the information under the Aadhaar number of that individual could be accessed easily.[14] Before this vulnerability in the system was fixed, the Tribune estimated that over 100,000 people had accessed sensitive Aadhaar information illegally.[15]

The Aadhaar project initially continued without any real legislative backing and was delayed in its full implementation due to political polarization and opposition from the minority parties. The first legal trouble started in 2012 when oil companies lobbied to have the UPA make it mandatory for beneficiaries of gas subsidies to link their bank accounts to Aadhaar. The case went to the Supreme Court (SC) of India, which struck down the mandatory provision in 2013 and declared that the lack of an Aadhaar card was not grounds to deprive anyone of any service.[20]

The main issue between the NDA and the critics of the Aadhaar system was one of privacy. Aadhaar suffers from a myriad of security issues and the system has repeatedly proven to be vulnerable to both internal leaks and external abuse of the data. The NDA had argued that the right to privacy was not a fundamental right but was proven wrong by the SC verdict in August 2017 which guaranteed the fundamental right to privacy under the Indian Constitution.[23]

The latest development came in 2018 when the SC upheld the constitutional validity of the Aadhaar project.[24] The SC allowed the mandatory linking of Aadhaar for filing tax returns and accessing welfare schemes but removed the requirement for bank accounts and SIM cards. It also struck down section 57 of the Aadhaar Act, which allowed corporations and individuals to ask for Aadhaar in exchange for goods and services.[25] The court also demanded that the Central Government pass a strong data protection law as soon as possible.[26] Although the limited power of the private sector and the requirement to pass a strong data protection law are crucial in guaranteeing the right to privacy, the overall judgement did not go far enough in limiting government abuse of the program and of the data collected under the program.

The government of India thus has access to the data of nearly of all its citizens. They can track activities of suspicious individuals through their Aadhaar number which will connect them to other services that they use. It is highly likely that the government will push for AI programs that will scan citizens activities and their patterns to automatically flag certain individuals as dangerous or suspicious. While this may help with crime and controlling terrorism, it has the potential to turn India into an oppressive surveillance state.

Aadhaar is a perfect example of a well-intentioned government scheme gone awry. It started as a novel idea to reduce bureaucracy and fraud but is now threatening the individual privacy of all its users and limiting the constitutional rights of Indian citizens.

Furthermore, its plethora of security issues has left the biometric data of billions of people vulnerable to external and internal abuse. Aadhaar has also given the government unjust powers to surveil its citizens and deny them their fundamental rights. The association and potential of Aadhaar contributing to state-controlled machine learning programs will also undermine democratic principles. The Modi led NDA is using Aadhaar as another creative way to expand the powers of the government, even if it means eroding the fundamental rights guaranteed in the constitution.

The ABHA card is managed under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), which is a digital healthcare initiative of the National Health Authority (NHA). Under this mission, having this health card, the citizens of India are provided with numerous benefits, such as hassle-free raccess to medical treatments and healthcare facilities, easy sign-up options for personal health record applications (like ABDM ABHA app), and trustable identity.

ABHA Number is a 14-digit identification number and can be generated using an Aadhaar card or your mobile number. It allows users to share their health records digitally with hospitals, clinics, insurance providers, and others.

You can use it to save your medical records and share them with the concerned medical records whenever required. The ABHA health locker secured your medical data and let you access it anywhere anytime.

For demographic details updates (Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile Number, Email) as well as Biometrics (Finger Prints, Iris & Photograph) in Aadhaar you will have to visit Permanent Enrolment Center.

PM-JAY provides cashless cover of up to INR 5,00,000 to each eligible family per annum for listed secondary and tertiary care conditions. The cover under the scheme includes all expenses incurred on the components like medical examination, treatment, and consultation. 152ee80cbc

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