You will need the Students: Assessments: Administer All Students permission to access all marksheets and input marks. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

To access the marksheet, go to School > Programmes > Courses and select the level of students you would like to view the assessments for. If you're a Head of Department, you might select Maths, or Head of Year might select Year 7 here.

Download Du Marksheet


The marksheet also contains a Comment column where you can add any additional comments to support the mark the student has been given. These comments can then be included in Report Cards when needed.

Please note that if marks have been approved for an assessment, they won't be changed by importing a new mark. You will need to unset the marks as approved - you can see how to do this here: Approving marks in report cards and locking marksheets

Marksheets names are made up of two elements separated by a colon. The part before the colon refers to the underlying template from which the marksheet is derived and the part after the colon refers to the group of pupils it represents.

For example a marksheet called KS2 Maths Y6: 6R is based on a template called KS2 Maths Y6 and is populated by pupils in a reg group called 6R. A marksheet called Year 11 English : 7x/Sc1 is based on a template called Year 11 English and a teaching class called 7x/Sc1

This is really useful David, however the marksheets seem to have been set up correctly, but there are no students displayed. I checked course manager and the classes and students are present. What have I done wrong?

I am trying to set up a year 10 marksheet but it has been assigned to the entire year group rather than a select group of individuals. I deleted the old marksheet but my only option for a new one was again, an entire cohort list.

How do I get a Deputy Head of Department to see all of the subject marksheets in SIMS? My Head of Maths wants her deputies to see the same marksheets as her, so should I add them as Supervisors in Course Manager or do I need to do this somewhere else?

Hi David, wonder if you could help. I have created a marksheet template for subject teachers using aspects for atl, attainment, and target. I have allocated it to the classes and some appear populated.

 They are timetabled in clusters and have the same class code but different subjects however data entry for one subject then appears in the others. Any idea why this is happening and how it can be rectified?

Are you please able to help with the following, how do we carry a mark sheet forward so we can see data collected for pupils in the same academic year?

 Currently when staff enter pupil data for a particular data drop they cannot see any previous data entered.

 In a school I worked in previously when entering data in marksheets staff would see on the same sheet data entered for the terms prior to the data collection.

The secret is to combine an aspect with a resultset. For example, you might have an aspect called Maths Grade. In your marksheets you can use this aspect any number of times by pairing it up with a suitable resultset. So you can use Math Grade with a resultset called Year 5 Autumn to create one column in your marksheet. Pair the same resultset with (say) a resultset called Year 5 Spring Term to create a second column. Do this for all the terms you need and you will be able to see all the columns you need. This is especially useful when pupils move from one year group to another as you can include Maths Grade Year 5 Summer Term as the first column in a Year 6 marksheet. Hope this helps.

The University provides facility for attestation of Marksheet. The candidates can get hismarksheet attested by University. Application form for this is available on next page. University charges Rs. 500/- for each marksheet attested.

This article will allow SIMS System Managers provide more access to marksheets in SIMS. This can be useful if you have a Head of Department who requires more access than just their own classes which Assessment Operator would provide. There are two solutions to this in which you can provide someone with more access to marksheets which are providing the assessment coordinator role or making them a course supervisor.

2. You can make them a Supervisor to the course in which you want them to have more marksheet access. This will give them access to the courses you make them a Supervisor of to do this use the following:

Once you are happy that everything is in the same order, you will need to transfer the data from the Tapestry file to the SIMS marksheet file. To do this, highlight all the data in the Tapestry file by selecting the top left corner of the data and dragging down to the bottom right corner of the data.

This will open up a pop up that shows how the data from your imported marksheet will match up to the data in SIMS. The column on the left (1) shows the data from the marksheet, and the column on the right (2) shows the data in SIMS.

If you are using a different marksheet, such as one that has age bands and refinements, you will need to do a find and replace on the Tapestry exported sheet before copying it into the marksheet file. The data that you copy over must be the same as you would normally enter into SIMS.

There might be various instances where you had to write letters to your class teacher or the principal for multiple reasons. One among them would have been applications for marksheet correction. At times, it so happens that the marks you have received in the exam and the marks printed on your marksheet do not match. In such scenarios, all you would be asked to do is to write a letter to the class teacher, the principal or the head of the department requesting for a marksheet correction. Read through the article to learn how to write a letter to get your marksheet corrected.

I, Anisha Anindita, would like to bring to your kind notice that I have received the final semester marksheet but the marks mentioned for my 2nd semester Honors paper is incorrect. I was awarded 83 marks, but it is mentioned 63 in the marksheet. It seems to be a typographical error.

In order to request your university or college/school to rectify the data which is incorrectly mentioned in your marksheet, you will have to write an application to the head of the institution or the concerned authority informing them about it. You can write the application in a professional language, following the formal letter format.

If you have changed your name and you want the same to be reflected in your Class 10 marksheet, then you can provide the affidavit/legal document to your institution or the board to make the necessary changes.

A Duplicate Mark Sheet can be obtained on payment of Rs.100/- only within a maximum period of 5 years from date of declaration of the concerned examination results. 


Duplicate Mark Sheet for the examination whose date of declaration of results is beyond 5 years can be obtained on payment of Rs.200/- each in Transcript format only. 


Application for duplicate mark sheet may be made on a plain paper mentioning applicant's Name, Date of Birth, Regn.No., Roll No., Term/Year of examination and address for receiving duplicate marksheet (including photocopy of your concern marksheet if available). Payment may be made through a Demand Draft of appropriate amount favouring "The Institute of Cost Accountants of India" payable at Kolkata. Signed application and payment may be sent to "Director (Examinations),"The Institute of Cost Accountants of India ", CMA Bhawan, 12 Sudder Street, Kolkata 700016".

To obtain Transcript, an applicant should apply in plain paper to the Director (Examination), ICAI at Kolkata mentioning his/her Regn. No., Terms/Years of passing Group/Stage examinations as well as his/her address along with the Photo copies of all the marksheets and certificates (for faster searching records ). He should pay Transcript Fee @ Rs.500/- for the first copy and Rs 100/- for each additional copy ( if require ) and payment should be made by Demand Draft favouring the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, payable at Kolkata or payment may be made through online bank fund transfer via NEFT mode only to account details: 



Account No : 0093002109030025 

Bank : Punjab National Bank 


IFSC Code : PUNB0009300 

 (NEFT mode only)

In case of payment made through NEFT mode please fill the details in the given link. 


Transcript will be sent in sealed envelope and normally by speed post. If requires to be sent by speed post, postal charges to be paid by the candidate as per Indian post tariff based on different country. Please follow the Indian Post site -Speed-Post-.aspx for tariff. Signed application and payment / payment details must be sent to "Director (Examinations),"The Institute of Cost Accountants of India ", CMA Bhawan, 12 Sudder Street, Kolkata 700016". 



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