Just curious, practicing with a metronome more lately because for some subconscious reason which utterly baffles me i can play at 3x the speed with a click track, but anywho some songs are more intricate in the rhythm department than "tik... tok... tik... tok" so im just wondering if any of you guys have a source for drum tracks outside of the youtube lottery

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I'm close to pulling the trigger on Different Drummer, but am still unsure if it can do metal, in particular I'm wondering if the kick drum can sound huge enough. Is this app, or any others good for metal?

Can't comment on Different Drummer as I don't own it, but the most versatile workflow is to use Auria with Drumagog, because if you record your drums onto separate tracks you can then replace them at mix time with something that fits the song better.

Personally I use Drumperfect, because it adds a little human variation, or alternatively Impaktor if I want to do the "drumming" myself, and then replace the sounds I'm not happy with in Drumagog - this works really well with Impaktor sounds since I can replace them with something better.

I don't really do metal, but you might want to have a look at Drums XD - it has a huge library of great drum sounds. It doesn't have any kind of internal sequencer though, you have to drive it with something (or play it from the touchscreen).

Does Drums XD allow you to sequence drums, as apposed to manually playing them? My drumming skills are lacking when it comes to doing fast double bass drumming. Drumagog + Drumperfect is gonna be a little more expensive than I'd like, but I'll bite the bullet if I have to.

I will have to check that out too! I need to remember that even though playing drums on a keyboard feels kind of lame, it should be totally possible to use a MIDI controller/sequencer like Xynthesizer (which even has velocity control!) to automate bs-16i percussion SoundFonts.

I just got Auria, but while Drumagog's samples sound really good (and it would be nice to have that built into an app), I really struggle with having to split 4-10 different kit instruments into separate audio tracks in Auria. Yes, you can freeze the tracks later to help with memory, but that's a lot of unnecessary stress on an older device when the whole drum kit can be balanced and tweaked within a drum app, and all of that mixed into one Auria track.

Anyone know of a drum app that can easily browze a rather large tree of folders containing midi files and then preview, drag, and drop them into a midi piano roll-type editor (like what you can do with the EZDrummer vsti)? I have a rather large collection of Groove Monkee drum loops I bought that are still sitting idle until I find a good solution to this for this on iOS.

I'm still using DM1, you can load whatever samples you want and get some super-fast double pedaling. I've used it with great success in my tracks if you want to check them out. I just wish there was a piano roll etc.. Agreed, Superior/EZdrummer is needed! Must check out Jam Maestro, any good?

I just remembered Julian's metal track posted on here recently using DM1. Only real problem is the drums have only one set of dynamics / velocity sensitivity. Seems like a good approach though if you don't mind that limitation: -track-using-jamup-dm1-and-garageband/p1

I will be very happy the day ez drummer or jamstix shows up on iOS. Or apple decides to incorporate the drummer on their desktop version if GarageBand into the iOS version. We were using that on Sunday to work up demos for our session this week and it was very easy and sounds amazing. We have since recorded final versions with the real drummer (a human!) but drummer (GarageBand) was fantastic. Too bad my macbook maxes out at lion.

I'm not sure if I understand the question, but I'll take a shot at it. What you want is to have all of the snare takes packed into a take folder, and then all of the kick takes packed into a take folder, and so on. Then you put all the drum channels into a group. Then you do quick swipe comping on one drum part, and all those edits will be applied to all the drum parts that are members of the group.

I think I'm trying to do the same thing and the link was helpful for the next recording session of drums...but, I have project that I didn't record with the group "record" active. I would like to comp swipe all 10 tracks of drums by take in one folder.

Just to be clear I'll try saying it another way: I used 10 mics and recorded on 10 separate tracks. We made 7 passes (takes). I would like to be able to comp the drums (all 10 tracks) the way I am able to comp-swipe a single track, like the vocals.

I feel like I've tried just about every logical combination of selection methods (e.g. make 7 folders with the 10 tracks then make a take folder of the 7 folders, select all tracks make take folder, etc.)

Just to be clear, the method is not to put all tracks and all takes inside one folder. The method is that all seven takes of Snare are inside one Take Folder, and all seven takes of Kick are inside another Take Folder, and so on. Then you put the ten tracks in the same Group, and do Quick Swipe Comping on one track. These comping edits will then apply to all the ten tracks in that group.

There is some confusion in your phrase "multi track take folder," and addressing this confusion might be helpful. There is no such thing as a "multi track take folder," because one Take Folder does not embody multiple tracks. It embodies multiple takes for a single track.

Imagine that I have two mics, Snare and Kick. I have done three takes. Let's imagine that I have not recorded them as takes (I don't know if you did or not; it would be easier if you did). The separate regions are just lined up, one after the other. So on the Snare track, I have Snare1, Snare2, and Snare3. These are the three takes for Snare. And I have the corresponding situation on the Kick track. In other words, I now have six separate regions, on two tracks.

Now I want to line up the takes so they are arranged vertically, not horizontally. So I create two new audio tracks under the Snare track. Now I move Snare2 and Snare3 to those two new tracks, so that Snare1, Snare2 and Snare3 are all lined up at the same time position, one above the other. Now I select those three regions, and on the Arrange local menu, I use this command: Region > Folder > Pack Take Folder. (Not "Pack Folder.") 17dc91bb1f

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