In the event page there is only one record of this file, which I made yesterday to try what will happen now. So it is evident, that nobody delete all my new versions, simply dropbox did not save or lost them.

I have two laptops, Windows 8.1 (my main device) and Windows 10 which I rarely use. 8.1 had to go into a repair shop so i set about setting up dropbox on W10 with dropbox. It had some old files on it from the last synch several months back.

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When i checked on the synch - and luckily for me it was very slow - i found that W10 was uploading the old files to my dropbox account (instead of download everything from dropbox as I had expected it to do) which was then downloading the old files to my main 8.1 machine.

I never expected this to happen. It's very strange. Surely there must be a flaw with dropbox. Surely there should be some mechanism to check file properties and the synch should only upload/download documents that are not already on the server account.

So if for example, I have a "Test.v01" file saved on W10 when I last used/synched this device. Since then I have revised and saved "Test.v02" on W8.1. Then Two weeks later i use/synch W10 - will this now upload Test.v01 to dropbox? Will it replace the new version Test.v02 on W8.1 while synching?

Is there a way to downgrade the version of Dropbox on the computer. I'm on a Mac (OS v. 12.6) and I just updated to the newest version today (10/25/22), and the dropbox folder has disappeared from my desktop and is only available on cloud storage. You have to go to the finder sidebar to get to your files (an extra step). Would like to find a way to return to the previous version. Any suggestions?

There was an update today (10/25/22) and after I did so, the dropbox folder on my desktop has been moved to a "secure" location, but I can't find it on my hard drive. I'm using a MacBook Pro and MacOS 12.6. NEVERMIND.

I prefer the older version of Dropbox where we can move files seamlessly as if it is a local folder and auto sync to cloud storage. I am not happy dropbox takes away this feature. What is the point of using Dropbox anymore ?

Hi! I just upgraded mine and I had the same issue. I'm feeling so bad about hitting that upgrade button in the first place now.

Also, my dropbox folder won't even start syncing again as well. It just keeps saying "Indexing XX,XXX files" and the number just stays the same.

I think we're screwed.

I'd like to know if there is a versionhistory of the last couple of dropbox updates somewhere, I'd like to see what changes were made and issues fixed. Can't find anything on the website.

I'm still having a hard time with dropbox not showing it's contextual menus in finder on macos.

I have used Joplin for over a year. I have it running on my desktop. I have been synchronising my desktop app notebook with my android device using dropbox successfully. I have now changed my phone and loaded the Joplin app on my new phone. I cannot work out how to set up the desktop notebook sync with my new phone. Can you help? It's frustrating because I obviously got it to work with my previous phone - but cannot seem to repeat it. Thanks.

As an aside I figure I originally got my concepts mixed up. I originally thought you had to set up the each notebook to sync, but once I'd enabled the connection between dropbox and the device it sync'd all the notebooks that were sync enabled. Lesson learnt.

I am currently using the dropbox package without issues. I installed it yesterday, with system.stateVersion = "23.05";, using environment.systemPackages in the main configuration.nix file (not using home manager or others).


I'm in need of URGENT help! I've been using stage traxx for years (I love the product) and all of a sudden my songs were not loading from dropbox... I followed the steps for a backup and uninstalled the app, and when I reinstalled NOTHING was backed up... The dropbox files still not loading, so I bought the newest version... Now I have no idea how to get my tracks from dropbox onto the app. I can't find it anywhere. Please help as I have a show and need this for playback. 

Thanks so much in advance!!

Hi Peter, thanks a million for your response!

I don't even see an option to take the files from dropbox anywhere... When I'm in 'songs' and + I get to files and have only icloud drive. So I uploaded everything I need onto icloud and it's all there... but I'm still getting these error messages and my ipad is FULL of RED right now for all the apparent "missing" files. Even though I didn't move anything

And to have client_id/client_secret for every rclone instance you run. On this my advice is to create client_id/client_secret and then make dropbox remote config from scratch. I think a lot of people make mistake by connecting to dropbox and adding these parameters later. Then I do not think they work. Indicator that all is as it should be is not see rclone logo and name on dropbox authentication page but name of you application.

All downloaded files with infuse Through the dropbox API have the same effect as in the screenshot and play the same way everywhere. If you upload directly on the site or through the dropbox app, the file is fine. We conclude that there is some problem with infuse working with dropbox.

I am doing some "mastering" for a friend of mine, He uploaded his mixes (.wav files) to dropbox and I was able to import them into a project just fine. On a few of the tunes I suggested he do a few mix tweaks, and he agreed. He uploaded the revised files,( With amended file names) I imported them back in, and even though the file is showing the correct "Newer revision name", it is actually still the old mix. (I was able to confirm this with a null test.)

Have exactly the same problem.. I've been working with FPCX and Dropbox happily for 3 years.. no problems.. I just make the files available offline and I open them and work without any issues with all my changes being synced in realtime. This is a big blow.. I'm dealing with huge libraries and having to copy back and forth is a major workflow hindrance now. Once again, "progress" results in loss of functionality, convenience, productivity and time.. I just spent a whole hour with dropbox live chat support to see what the issue is and the conclusion we came to was that this is a problem from Apple and not dropbox. They've forwarded this issue to their tech department to see if there's a workaround.. but for now this really throws a wrench in the works. I thought Macs were all about productivity.. Imagine how many people work directly from synced files on google drive or dropbox. I regret doing the dropbox update yesterday but I guess this was inevitable. I can't be stuck on an older dropbox version inevitably. Any suggestions for alternatives to dropbox that don't have this issue? I wish Apple would address this.. So many professionals use such workflows..

as I said, I've been working like this for 3 years seamlessly and with no issues whatsoever. First, I make sure the library bundle file (.fcpbundle) is set to available offline and it is completely synced.. Then you can open the library file and it opens in FCPX with no issues.. I work on the file and as I make changes and edits, it gets synced in realtime to dropbox's servers. When I finish working, I close FCPX and allow dropbox to finish syncing the last changes. Then I inform the other team member working in another country that they can open the library once it has finished syncing at their end. Of course, it also has to be set to "available offline" at their end too.. This is how I've worked for 3 years and it seems I'm not the only one.

My workaround is to right click on the library bundle in the dropbox folder and click show package contents. Then I select all the contents and COPY them. Then with final cut, I create a new empty library on a local drive. I make sure to give it the same name as the one that I have on dropbox. I close final cut. I find the new library file, show package contents and PASTE the contents and choose replace all. Then when I open this new library file, it opens fine in final cut and has all the contents as expected.

My next adventure is to find out how I'm going to copy the library back to dropbox so that I can sync it and have my team member work on it.. this is such a disaster honestly. Really regret updating yesterday and dropbox support said that I actually can't install an older version anymore.. I hope.. somebody somewhere at Apple and/or dropbox is working on this. It's a huge blow to our productivity and workflow. Can anybody suggest any alternatives?

I just want to be able to import media from dropbox. No, I don't want to download it first. This worked fine up until I upgraded to a stupid new operating system that is ultimately worse than the old one. Why can't I see the dropbox folder? You're not getting along with the folks over at dropbox? You don't seem to have an issue with Adobe doing it. Maybe I should switch to Premiere?

When cron runs I get the following message in the logs

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at includes/ in Dropbox\OAuth\Consumer\ConsumerAbstract->authorise() (line 84 of /sites/all/libraries/dropbox/Dropbox/OAuth/Consumer/ConsumerAbstract.php).

A seminar attendee has moved a cloud recording (stored in my zoom account) to her dropbox. When I try to delete the recording from my Zoom cloud storage, I get a message that the recording will be deleted from her drop box. Can the dropbox version be preserved? I have Zoom 5.14.6 on an iMac with Ventura 13.3.1(a) ff782bc1db

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