I have been doing some experiments using Bard to reference documents on my Drive in a helpful way. How you refer to the document identity seems to make a big difference. These are the two working examples I have managed that access the correct documents.

I am trying to open a hyperlink in a pdf file located in google drive (My browser is Google Chrome) but for some reason it does not allow me to open it. But If I try to open in an incognito window I can open it. Also if I download that pdf file I can open the hyperlink and also I can open it through another browser. I believe there is some issue with my google account or google chrome.

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I know I am late to iCloud drive, but I need clarification on it. I have an app that can have thousands of files in the documents folder. Files are added constantly. Now, as far as I know, iCloud drive is yet another "hidden" folder that my app can copy to, which is then synced to iCloud Drive in the cloud. The problem is that if there are thousands of files and many of them are large, how I do I handle this situation? I know I can theoretically do anything I want with iCloud drive, but for example, if a user uses Open in... and now a 100 files are added, am I supposed to copy these files to iCloud drive and delete them from my documents folder?

1: If I just use iCloud drive like DropBox and upload and sync to it, I will have duplicates because I would copy any new downloaded files in my iCloud "drive" (which is really a folder on the iPad) and copy those files to the documents folder - now we have duplicates.

I'm trying to retrieve hyperlinks of these Google Drive documents based on the name in each Google Sheet cell, and set these hyperlink in each cell (by replacing documents name in each cell).To be noted that the Google Drive documents are not in the same Google Drive folders.

OK. So what happens when I do a local backup of my hard drive to another local (external) hard drive? Right now, I still have a Documents and Desktop folder on that backup. If I backup again now, those directories are going to be removed, effectively deleting critical files. I was unaware that iCloudDrive moved all local files to the cloud and then removed them from local storage.

Select Documents: Navigate to the location on your computer where your documents are stored and select the files you want to upload. You can select multiple files at once by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command key on Mac) while clicking on the files.

Upload: Click the "Open" or "Choose" button in the file dialog, depending on your operating system. Google Drive will then begin uploading your selected documents. The progress can be monitored in the lower-right corner of the Google Drive interface.

Hey @GabyR do you see any warnings when hovering over this? Are you logged in to your google drive on the same browser? This is strange, the option is enabled when I test this out and clicking it asks me to approve the integration.

Over the past month, I moved from a 2017 MacBook Pro to a 2023 Mac Studio, both with the same 500GB internal drive sizes. I used migration assistant to move files and settings and both are logged into the same iCloud account. Both are also setup with the Desktop and Documents folders turned on to sync with iCloud. Both machines have the same files in Documents - stored locally.

This image, is of my 2017 MBP local storage. Here, iCloud Drive is represented on the local drive and shown to occupy 268.48 GB which makes sense seeing as my Documents/[00] Backup folder takes up a huge chunk of that drive. The Document Folder files are local, there is no cloud symbol next to the files and no option to remove download.

When I look at the amount of local storage that I have remaining on the Studio however, I noticed iCloud Drive storage is only taking up 75.3MB of my local drive and I have nearly 363GB of free storage. The Studio is set up the same way as the MBP - files are local, exception that there is a cloud symbol next to the files and there is the option to remove download. I would think that the Studio's iCloud Drive too should be 268.48GB especially when I am looking at the files from Finder and they all appear local (option to remove download).

After opening the google drive, on the top search bar, open the dropdown menu

and select Owned by Me. Again from the dropdown menu, also select Folders. Now you will see all the folders that you ever created to save or share your files.

Now select all the folders through the check box on top of the list.

Hi Yvonne. We are are currently using G Suite Enterprise. We have 20 Users and my job as the new admin is to take ownership of all files and then un-share them. I thought if i could remove google drive from their account, maybe it would remove them from the share. Unfortunately I cannot seem to remove individual users in our company from G Drive. At this rate it will take weeks. I emailed Google support , but they have not contacted me yet. Also I imagine if I remove the users they will loose all their gmail as well.

Yvonne, quick update to this thread. I have been using AODocs which can be purchased in the marketplace and it allows for mass un-sharing of documents. I recommend anyone having issues like i explained above, to give the trial a chance.

You can index local resources, not web resources. If your Google documents are local to your machine you can index them. However, as you said, some items will only download as links. There are currently no plans to index online assets.

To double check, I just created a Word document, uploaded to it to my drive and tried to download it again. When I tried to download the document McAfee Web Advisor warned me the file was infected; please see image below.

There are many cases where you may need or are required to transfer ownership of files and folders you own in Google Drive. This document provides instructions on how to transfer ownership to another individual at the university or to a Google shared drive owned by a department/unit. (Note that you cannot transfer ownership of files/folders to a non-UM Google account using the steps below.)

It is recommended that you choose to move your collaborative data related to administration, learning, teaching, and/or research at U-M into a Google shared drive. Shared drives are owned by a group rather than an individual, which makes offboarding easier for your department/unit. If your team does not have a shared drive, refer to Shared Drives in U-M Google for more information.

Google recently released the ability to move folders from My Drive into a shared drive. However, due to the feature still being under development and the complexities of how shared folders work in Google, there are several critical limitations that you should be aware of when attempting to move a folder into a shared drive.

Google Drive Documents (Google Docs) is the widely used word processing application through Google Drive. Google Docs is missing some key accessibility functions, but the methods in this tutorial will increase the accessibility of documents produced through Google Docs. Google Docs should be used with caution, as source material made through Google Docs cannot be made as accessible as source material produced through Microsoft Word. As the program can be used in a collaborative basis, the importance of making it accessible is necessary.

For the MSU wordmark (shown in the examples below), "Michigan State University wordmark" would be appropriate for most documents. A graphic design document describing the introduction and use of different branding marks at MSU might require a more detailed description, if the specific formatting of the text would be important to the reader.

To improve quality of navigation for assistive technologies, it is recommended to add a table of contents. Throughout the document you must designate headings, because these are what used to generate the table of contents section. Using headings is also an accessibility best practice within documents. Doing so also provides other advantages for the author including the ability to rapidly modify the overall document style without having to change each individual header.

If you plan to collaborate with a group of people on a recurring basis, such as within a department or for a class, we strongly suggest creating a shared folder or a shared drive (see below). Then every item placed in this folder will automatically be shared with the group.

Shared drives are shared spaces where teams can easily store, search, and access their files anywhere, from any device. Unlike files in My Drive, files in a shared drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay exactly where they are so your team can continue to share information and get work done.

If you answered "yes" to both questions, creating a new shared drive is a good idea. If the files are for a variety of projects, create multiple shared drives. For a comparison of My Drive and shared drives, see Differences between My Drive and shared drives.

If you own a shared folder, you may not own all the data within it. Check shared folders from your drive or other folders you collaborate in. Files will be lost if the user who owns the file is no longer with the university, regardless of who owns the folder where it's located.


On University computers running the Windows operating system, documents do not automatically save to your H: network drive. Instead, documents default to the C: drive, which is only stored locally (not backed up) on the computer.

Whenever you receive a new University computer running Windows, it is imperative that you follow the following instructions to set your default documents folder to be your H: network drive. Failure to do so could lead to you being unable to access saved files from another computer or losing data if your University computer malfunctions. e24fc04721

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