They Kissed Again (TKA), sequel to the popular It Started with a Kiss Taiwanese drama did not fail to my expectations. The drama wrapped up last April which was periodically uploaded in mySoju. It was equally worth watching. Now it can be said that Joe Cheng (Zhishu) and Ariel Lin (Xiangqin) chemistry is a tandem to beat. There is still an excitement regarding Zhishu and Xiangqin tandem despite being a couple already in the drama. They are one of the best taiwanese screen couples i saw on TV.

A local channel in the Philippines is now airing TKA, the same time slot that ISWAK had before (right before Wowowee and ASAP). Unlike Meteor Garden 2 which i just watch because Jerry Yan was there, TKA story will get you glued on screen. The plot and twist remained simple. The drama is the life after marriage of Xiangqin and Zhishu; their struggles in their relationship as couple who are still finishing college.

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At this point of the story is when Xiangqin sneaked in to the island to see Zhishu, she has been of course exposed. At the time when she has to go back he asked Zhishu a kiss (this is one of those cute kissing scenes as well) not knowing that the kid patient was watching over them. It was so funny when the kid is in denial of Xiangqin being the wife of Zhishu. I somehow find it cute and funny when they were like arguing.

The story ended with Xiangqin fully realizing that Zhishu loves him more than she knows. After learning she is pregnant, the biggest twist is that she learned that her night blindness could lead to full blindness. This caused her much panic that she began to regret getting pregnant and run away from home. This time Zhishu showed a strong desire to look for her and bring her back home (normally when Xiangqin runs away, she comes back without Zhishu doing much effort). Towards the end Zhishu ended his character as a loving husband who will always be there for Xiangqin.

Unlike ISWAK, TKA boasts a lot of kissing scenes which will make you realize they kiss over and over again (hmmm sounds like a good title for the 3rd part if there will be). Towards the end of the drama all the kissing scenes from the awkward but funny ISWAK kisses to the countless kissing they made in TKA were flashed. I was like smiling recalling specific scenes to which those kisses belong to.

im still no # 1 fan of joe cheng cos so handsome than other for me he is the most hansome in my world, but i hope ariel lin is his GIRL FRIEND FOREVER and they good to be a true couple coz they like a 2 birds with the tree at the nest and they kiss so long ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nakakakakakakakakaakakakakakilig ang bawat momentds nila

im still no # 1 fan of joe cheng coz his so handsome than other for me he is the most hansome in my world, but i hope ariel lin is his GIRL FRIEND FOREVER and they good to be a true couple coz they like a 2 birds with the tree at the nest and they kiss so long ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nakakakakakakakakaakakakakakilig ang bawat momentds nila

ive never feel this so long time now immmmmmm so very inlove with him

im still no # 1 fan of joe cheng coz his so handsome than other for me he is the most hansome in my world, but i hope ariel lin is his GIRL FRIEND FOREVER and they good to be a true couple coz they like a 2 birds with the tree at the nest and they kiss so long ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nakakakakakakakakaakakakakakilig ang bawat moments nila

so long time ive never feel this na everyday i see his face 2 my mind and im smiling para daw akong baliw kasi im smiling naiisip ko kasi sya eh now immmmmmm so very inlove with him

 i always remember you everyday im going to taiwan 2 find you joe cheng and ariel lin your always in my heart

sana po ibgay nyo 2 kay handsome joe cheng

I first saw this in the year 2006 here in the philippines and im still just a nursingstudent that time. Iswak was my most favorite taiwanesse movie,. I never bore watching it again. I like the set of chracters because they are in good chemistry,, that it makes me so kilig to the max, when i saw joe cheng kissing ariel,..i just love how ariel act kinda immature and hallucinating most of the timw with joe,,.

sana palagi nato?kasi kung mamatay na ako dala-dala ko parin ang kanilang sweet moments jejejeje hindi ko talagang mapigilan ang they kiss again and started with a kiss bye i love you joe cheng and ariel lin?

ISWAK one very closely followed the Manga and from the BTS of ISWAK 2 it looks like TKA (they kiss again) will follow the manga as well. I admit that there were parts of ISWAK that dragged but I found it amusing overall and a sweet story. I am looking forward to TKA. It should air November 25th. First Romantic Princess will air and then they will Reair ISWAK and then start TKA.

Watched the 30 minute TKA special which was basically a recap from ISWAK, all TKA trailers, and a little extra. So far it looks promising and the bed scenes look pretty intense for a Joe and Ariel drama. Just a few more days!

wow!! i really want to have part 3!!! could you please tell the directors and producers of the movie to please have a part 3.. i think the part 2 is kulang.. can you please email me if there will be really a part 3.. zhi su is really cute and handsome.. i really like him a lot and the movie is so funny.. i really want a part 3 of this movie.. they have a a lot of fans here in the philippines.. i hope you could email me the true news if there will be a part 3 of the movie.. thanks a lot.. i would appreciate it if you could tell me asap.. thanks a lot..


i really LOVE your program.

i love Ariel Lin and Joe Cheng. they are perfect for each other. and i want to know more about them. I want to see them both in personal. wee!

The story was very good and very romantic. i hope there will be a PART 3. because im a big fan of started with a kiss and they kiss again. im addicted to your love story and love team. haha. GODBLESS!

I was curious if you ever thought of changing the page layout of your blog?

Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.

But maybe you could a little more in the way of

content so people could connect with it better. Youve got

an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures.

Maybe you could space it out better?

Indonesia is a republic with a presidential system and three branches of government. The President is head of state and serves a 5-year term for a maximum of two terms. On October 20, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the country's first popularly elected president, was inaugurated after defeating incumbent President Megawati Soekarnoputri. The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), which convenes once a year, has the power to amend the Constitution. Routine legislative affairs, including enacting legislation, are the responsibility of the House of Representatives (DPR). During the year, the Government made further progress in its transition from 3 decades of repressive and authoritarian rule to a more pluralistic and representative democracy. The country held successful legislative elections and free, fair, and peaceful direct presidential elections. Previously, the legislature chose the president. The Government further reduced the formal political role of the police and military, who relinquished their appointed seats in the DPR in October, when the new legislature was sworn in. The Constitution provides for an independent judiciary; however, in practice, the courts remained subject to outside influences, including the executive branch.

The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) formally have responsibility for external defense, and the Indonesian National Police for internal security; however, in practice, the division of responsibilities remained unclear. They are known collectively as the security forces. The military played a role in internal security matters, particularly in conflict areas such as Aceh, the Moluccas, Central Sulawesi, and Papua (formerly known as Irian Jaya). There was considerable friction between the police and the TNI, but joint operations were common in conflict areas. A civilian defense minister oversees the military but in practice exercised only limited control over TNI policy and operations. The military and the police continued to wield significant political influence as well as economic power through businesses operated by security force members, their proxies, and foundations. The security forces showed greater willingness to hold accountable human rights violators within their ranks; during the year, hundreds of soldiers were court-martialed, and dozens of police officers were dismissed or otherwise disciplined. However, most such disciplinary actions involved low-level officers and sometimes mid-level officers who committed lesser crimes, such as beatings, and in some cases punishments did not match the crime. Members of the security forces continued to commit numerous serious human rights violations, particularly in areas of separatist conflict.

During the year, the economy, which increasingly was market driven, grew by an estimated 4.8 percent; however, this failed to reduce unemployment or absorb the estimated 2.5 million new job seekers entering the market every year. The population was approximately 238 million. The poverty rate fell from 27 percent in 1999 to 16 percent in 2002; however, it increased slightly to an estimated 17.5 percent during the year. The estimated per capita income was $867. Consumer demand was the leading force driving economic growth. At year's end, the northern Sumatra region was struck by an earthquake and a resultant tsunami, which together left some 240,000 persons dead and missing in Aceh and North Sumatra Provinces and caused extensive destruction of infrastructure in Aceh Province.

The Government's human rights record remained poor; although there were improvements in a few areas, serious problems remained. Government agents continued to commit abuses, the most serious of which took place in areas of separatist conflict. Security force members murdered, tortured, raped, beat, and arbitrarily detained civilians and members of separatist movements, especially in Aceh and to a lesser extent in Papua. Some police officers occasionally used excessive and sometimes deadly force in arresting suspects and in attempting to obtain information or a confession. Retired and active duty military officers known to have committed serious human rights violations occupied or were promoted to senior positions in the Government and the TNI. Prison conditions remained harsh. The judicial system was corrupt, which contributed to the failure to provide redress to victims of human rights violations or hold perpetrators accountable. Security force violators sometimes used intimidation and bribery to avoid justice. Land disputes generated numerous human rights abuses. These frequently involved forced evictions, some accomplished with lethal force. As in previous years, the Government jailed some peaceful antigovernment protestors for "insulting the President" or "spreading hatred against the Government." Politicians and tycoons showed greater willingness to take legal action against news organizations whose reporting they found insulting or offensive, and this trend had a chilling effect on some investigative reporting. Members of the security forces and other groups sometimes limited freedom of expression by intimidating or attacking journalists whose articles they found objectionable. The Government restricted the foreign press from traveling to conflict areas in Aceh, Papua, Sulawesi, and Maluku. Authorities occasionally tolerated discrimination against and abuse of religious groups by private actors. The Government at times restricted the activities of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), particularly in Aceh and Papua. Women were victims of violence and discrimination. Female genital mutilation (FGM) occurred in some parts of the country, although the type practiced was largely symbolic in nature. Child sexual abuse and violence against children remained serious problems. Trafficking in persons was a serious problem. Discrimination against persons with disabilities and mistreatment of indigenous people were problems. The Government allowed new trade unions to form and operate, but it frequently failed to enforce labor standards or address violations of worker rights. Forced child labor remained a serious problem. 152ee80cbc

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