We are grateful for those who choose Firefox on Linux, making it a popular option and for many, their default browser. Previously, Firefox .deb packages needed the help of people and organizations (depending on the linux distribution) outside of Mozilla. With this new package, we offer Firefox assembled from its source code, without any modifications, built and supported by Mozilla. ?

Getting the latest version with features and security fixes is key to having a good experience whenever you use Firefox. Now, our new APT repository is directly connected to the Firefox release process, so you will receive the latest updates whenever we make them available. Tip: you will still need to restart Firefox for the latest version. ?

Mozilla Download Linux

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otherwise on linux it leads into an extremely inconsistent design, so firefox themes/colour that you can download on the addons website should style everything

or have libadwaita styling for whatever's using a gtk3 stylesheet right now

Command line options are used to specify various startup options for Mozilla applications. For example, if you have multiple profiles you can use command line configuration options to bypass the Profile Manager and open a specific profile. You can also control how Mozilla applications open, which components open initially, and what the components do when they open. This page describes the commonly used options and how to use them. You can open the command line interface by pressing Shift+F2.

Command line options follow the command to start the application. If the option contains arguments, enter the argument after the option. Some options have abbreviations, for example, -editor can be abbreviated as -edit (available abbreviations are described in the text below). In some cases, option arguments must be enclosed in quotation marks (this is noted in the option descriptions below). Multiple command line options can be specified. In general, the syntax is as follows:

Firefox 67's downgrade protection prevents accidentally starting Firefox in a profile running a later version of Firefox. Depending on changes between the two versions, some files in a profile may not be downwards compatible. Adding this option bypasses downgrade protection.

Create a new profile in the default directory, but do not start the application. The profile will be named profile_name in the profile manager, the profile_name must not contain spaces ( ). Do not run profile_name while running an instance of the application, you can use the -no-remote option to avoid connecting to a running instance.

Creates a new profile in the profile_dir directory, but do not start the application. The profile will be named profile_name in the profile manager. Note profile_name and profile_dir are quoted together, and are separated by exactly 1 space (as with the previous syntax, profile_name must not contain spaces).

Note: Since Firefox 9, this does really mean what its name implies on all platforms. i.e. instances created with this parameter do not accept or send remote commands, see bug 650078. That means that such instances won't be re-used. Also when using this argument a new instance is created in any case.

Load the specified override.ini file to override application.ini (browser/app/application.ini). This can be used to suppress the migration wizard at startup by loading the following override.ini. Firefox only.

Note: profile_name is case sensitive. If you don't specify a profile name then the profile manager is opened instead.You must use an upper case P on Linux with versions older than 7.x, as there lower case invokes purify mode (memory and leak detection). Other platforms accept both upper and lower case.

Open URL in a new private browsing window. If a private browsing window is already open, a new tab is opened in the existing window. Firefox 29 and later only. Does not work in Firefox 31 on linux mint 17 nor on Firefox 48 on Windows 7. URL opens in a non-private window.

Netscape did something formidable at the time. It released its source code to the World. Mozilla was formed to use that code and coordinate the development of a new Open Source browser, which eventually became Firefox. A few years later the Web was no longer dominated by a single browser. In 2010 Firefox represented 30% of the user share and Internet Explorer had gone down to 50%.

We have our champions. Pioneers and early adopters remember the importance of key projects and key personalities in the history of Linux and of Free Software. I remember using Netscape on Unix terminals at the university, even before we had Linux at home. I remember having the best browser available at a time when even getting a sound card to work in our favorite operating system was a challenge and very few software applications were available.

Nowadays this is still true. Firefox is still a champion of Open Source, it still proudly promotes Free Software outside of our community and it still produces one of the best and the most open browsers available not only to us but to millions of people who enjoy it on proprietary operating systems before migrating to Linux.

Firefox will continue to be distributed as .deb packages through the official Linux Mint repositories. Its configuration and the way it is built is changing to make the Linux Mint version of Firefox much more similar (almost identical in fact) to the version which is distributed by Mozilla.

For Mozilla, the goal is to make Firefox work the same way across all platforms to ease maintenance and simplify development and bug fixing. With these changes Firefox will give the same experience in Linux Mint as it does in other operating systems.

The .deb format was a requirement on our side. Its our native package format. APT provides us as a distribution and you as users with the essential freedoms described by the FSF, the ability not only to modify software, but also to pin repositories, freeze versions, play with various sources under various priorities.

If the Icon is original, thank you very much, as I never liked the Firefox icon in Mint.

I still hope that you will continue to work on the design so that there is transparency and rounding at the bottom, and I also hope that in the future you will return Kde Plasma back.

Thank you developers!

Personally, I am quite happy to learn that not only current Mint releases, but also future Mint releases will deploy Firefox as .deb packages.

From my point of view, partially different Firefox default configuration settings are not a big thing really, nothing to get upset about. After all Firefox permits changing settings either through the preferences dialogues or through about:config.

Please include Thunderbird .deb packages as the Flatpak version is not maintained by the core Thunderbird team and the release is always delayed. Also opening attachments in Thunderbird flatpak does not work well. Thank you

I thought ,, at one point ,, Thunderbird was supposed to be free and open-source , but when I tried to implement it , the first thing that showed up was a flash page with the cost of using Thunderbird . I cancelled the page and have not been back since , I was wondering if Thunderbird was still charging for their email service and how much?

Thanks, the fact that I needed every time I installed Mint on a new computer to setup google and change default home page was the only thing that I thought was annoying in Mint. The the list now is empty ?

The advantage would be that Linux Mint, Ubuntu based and Debian based, would be able to make the most recent Thunderbird versions available to its users in a more timely fashion than Ubuntu and Debian do at the moment.

But maybe I am the last Mohican still to use Thunderbird as my preferred local mailing application.

To Paul Anderson, Thank you for your comments. We all got a great reply from Clem and some understanding of his points of view in regards to the changes within in the Firefox Browser ! I love Firefox because you can go to settings and reconfigure it to your own settings, search engines and plugins ! I do this everytime there is a new release of Mint. You can change what information you send to Firefox. This is what makes Firefox the best. I did think that everybody would be doing this ? Thanks to Clem and team for keeoing us all informed of the changes, Great Job. Cheers NUM NUTT.

As someone that does not want to use Firefox at all, in any circumstance, will this change my experience? Is the only option to plaster over it with a local setting and hope you never need to open a browser as root?

Oki, all in all, I think this is good. And I use Ff also on other OS, so no trouble to change search engine if I want to, which I do, here in Linux Mint in same manner as I do on other OS. Cheers to Linux Mint!

I will not be using anything Mozilla in my systems. They have already stated they will be sharing user data for research and public use. Not something I am interested in. Linux is supposed to be secure, Mozilla has chosen not to be secure and hand out user data.

Hi Stphane, the distribution policies.json is loctated in /usr/lib/firefox/distribution. If your policies.json file is in that location currently it would be overwritten. Place your policies.json files in the directory /etc/firefox/policies (create it if needed) and it will supplement the distribution policies. You can check your policies after restarting Firefox by going to about:policies.

I am running Mint 20.2 waiting for the official stable 20.3 release. As the comments go, 20.3 appears to be the ones with problems like telemetry magically being enabled back for example. Either way, the browser should still allow you to add a different search engine or something is very wrong.

The updates to firefox should come from the package manager ideally rather than within firefox itself imo. Silent updates managed by individual software is very windows-like, snap does that too I think

What I like about the Mozilla version of Firefox is that we now have the original icon and the fact that they included a search engine that is not incorporated in the USA: Qwant. If we could also have the MetaGer search engine included sometime in the future, it would almost too good to be true. 152ee80cbc

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