It then "crossed Chung-Hoon's bow a second time starboard to port at 2,000 yards (meters) and remained off Chung-Hoon's port bow," coming within 150 yards at the closest point, the U.S. military said, adding that the "U.S. military flies, sails, and operates safely and responsibly anywhere international law allows."

Using a visa agent in Bali is a less time-consuming but more expensive option. The immigration office lines can be (very) lengthy at most times, so if you prefer to spend more time exploring Bali, this is a great option. The process works for both Visa on Arrival and B211A Visa. Click here to start the visa extension.

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Biden had only positive things to say about the Abraham Accords, and in indeed, if we see a Saudi breakthrough that would happen in the context of those accords. Democrats, Republicans can all agree that this was a positive move for the United States in the region. So too, that is true of this breakthrough, the Camp David principles with the most important US ally in Asia, Japan, and South Korea. Another very important ally of the United States, probably the second most important, certainly when you look at the troops that the Americans have positioned there. The level of regular engagement of certainly of the exercises that occur, the level of economic, of military aid and technology transfer that occurs, all of that is pretty significant. Here you have a relationship that really should have been much better between Japan and South Korea, and hasn't been for a long time, improved in part because the South Korea-China relationship got so much worse when the South Koreans decided they needed their THAAD missile defense system from the United States to defend them against North Korea.

And that's happening at a time when the Chinese economy is performing very badly. Now, there's a big question in how Xi Jinping is going to react to all of this. It's a bad time economically for him to be getting into a bigger fight with the Americans and others. He needs as much economic stability and growth as he can get, but that doesn't mean that he's going to sit and take it. There are political stability issues. He doesn't want to be seen as weak. He and his advisors all believe that the Americans are trying to contain Chinese growth and they see all sorts of policies that are being put in place, particularly by the Americans that lend support to that belief. And as a consequence of that, I think we are likely to see at least some level of Chinese response and reaction. We'll see how much of that plays out at the BRICS summit up coming in South Africa.

The Korean drama was really popular when it was released in December 2016 and Jumunjin Beach was flooded with throngs of Goblin fans. Since we were there about 2 years later, the beach was pretty empty so we kinda had all the time in the world to take photos. The downside was that it was difficult to get people to help with the pics but luckily a Korean guy was there with his mother and we managed to enlist his help.

PHEW! Finally! We reached the bottom of Yeongdo Lighthouse and thankfully, there was an unoccupied table. I realised we forgot to take photos of the ahjummas selling a wide array of freshly caught seafood. We were too fascinated by this whole thing of sitting on the table and eating fresh seafood by the sea, just like what we had seen in Korean dramas!

After changing back into our casual attires, we grabbed a quick bite around the area and went back to Gyeongbokgung Palace () for more photos. This palace is steeped in history and its beauty is magnificent. We only took some photos outside where an admission ticket is not required as we did not intend to spend a lot of time there.

There are many hanbok rental shops and we highly recommend Hanbok Girls for a number of reasons. Firstly, the rental price is very affordable, at prices starting from 10000 won only. Prices depend on the type of hanbok (traditional or special) and also the length of duration of the rental (2hr or 4 hr). There are no hidden prices and everything else is FREE. Lockers are provided at no extra cost so you can leave your bags and clothes in the locker while you walk around freely in your hanbok. Hair service and accessories are also provided. If you need a bag (for ladies) or a head gear (for men), or even footwear, these are all provided for your use. Secondly, the location of Hanbok Girls is superb! It is just a 3-minute walk away from both Gyeongbokgung station and Gyeongbokgung Palace. This means you spend less time travelling and can have more time for photos at the palace.

Thirdly, Hanbok Girls has a decent selection of hanbok although everything is on a first-come, first-served basis. You need not worry about not knowing how to put on the costume as there are a few staff who will go around helping customers at the fitting rooms. Lastly, if you want some professional photos taken, there is a studio located inside Hanbok Girls! Speaking of convenience, you can have some photos taken indoors before you head outdoors for more photos!

Quite apart from shopping for a range of imaginative handicrafts for which Bali is justly renowned, there is the island's cultural life waiting to be explored. The Barong dance, the most popular of Bali's many dance forms, is a spectacular fight between good and evil with many moments of light relief thrown in. Language ceases to be barrier in the episode involving Ketaki and Sahdeva as colour and movement crowd the open-air stage. You sit on stone steps padded with rush matting with a live orchestra occupying one side of the tiny stage, and watch engrossed. Swaying coconut palms provide a fitting backdrop for this vignette culled from the Ramayana. When Barong, the king of the spirits, vanquishes the forces of evil, you rejoice not merely because order and harmony have been restored but because of the seamless manner in which religion and drama have come together.

There are different kinds of profitability. There is short term profitable, and there is long term profitable. Empires that went into decline, at some point were no longer profitable. If direction is set based on a next-quarter-financials focus, then long-term profitability will typically hurt. Annoying your user base causes users to be less happy with you and your products, making them more likely to defect. This gets worse over time as the user accumulates negative experience, and at some point you get so

For one thing, there's not enough good people in the world to make it work. Most people are just not all that great at working, and almost all of them don't care about mission statements. Remember there's more than 100,000 full time employees spread all over the world.

Possibly an issue is that in the early days, Google incubated this idea that it and its employees are special people and not just another company and its workers. Such as the early model where they pretended to be a lot like a university campus where you could work on your own projects, which lasted only a short time. I know several ex-Googlers and they all seemed happier post-Google.

The first time I interviewed at Google (2008), I was through the process, had met the people I was going to work with, and was then informed that there was a hiring freeze. This is probably a red flag that I missed.

I see this even when the people who left were the mediocre workers. Especially if they leave and you can't hire replacements - half the time there's a hiring freeze, and the other half the HR can't find competent candidates. So good people get stretched out.

I think for most employees, their morale doesn't derive from the company's successes. Who really cares if the CEO gets rich? The morale is from enjoying the job, or the perks, or the ability to stop working and go home on time, or enjoying your co-workers. The morale drops when it feels like a chore to do a job, when there's dread to attend a meething, or when the stress levels go up and don't go back down.

HR exists to fuck over employees. They serve no other purpose. I tell you this as a former long time exec. And even as an exec when it's your turn to get fucked over by a C level they treat you exactly the same as staff. They ultimately serve the CEO and no others. HR is like the CEO's Gestapo and personal guard. HR is -never- there to help you as an employee if it's you vs. an exec or the company in some way. They are absolutely not ever a neutral or helpful organization.

Her department nominally has a strategy, but I couldn't leak it if I wanted to; I literally could never figure out what any part of it meant, even after years of hearing her describe it. Her understanding of what her teams are doing is minimal at best; she frequently makes requests that are completely incoherent and inapplicable. She treats engineers as commodities in a way that is dehumanising, reassigning people against their will in ways that have no relationship to their skill set. She is completely unable to receive constructive feedback (as in, she literally doesn't even acknowledge it). I hear other teams (who have leaders more politically savvy than I) have learned how to "handle" her to keep her off their backs, feeding her just the right information at the right time.

A visionary is just someone who sees things that aren't there, like the homeless guy that's searching through the company's trash bins. Sometimes when the starting visionaries leave the company does better. Very often the founders have so little to with the core operation of a company, they're outdated with the tech, they have no ideas, and they do nothing except to be a figurehead. ff782bc1db

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