Files stored in the "C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" folder areActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded automatically from theInternet when you view certain pages using Internet Explorer (IE).

The requested cab is downloaded (, and installed (standard Microsoft cab installation / extraction). The next time the web page is opened the Active X control should work as expected. That's the normal case (admin rights are required for this to work). A successful install here can be captured and packaged as an MSI. Heavy cleanup is required though, due to all the certificates that are involved to complete the install. None of the certificates are required in the MSI as I recall, since an MSI runs with admin / elevated rights and dump files straight in the folder. Quite a security problem if you ask me, but these cabs are rarely deployed this way. Unsigned cab files won't work though (unless IE is customized).

Download Downloaded Program Files Folder

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The CONFLICT folder that is created in this users case indicates that there are discrepancies between the installed files from the cab and the version of those files specified and expected by the web page. This causes IE to trigger a new CAB download. Upon discovering the same files already exist in C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\ a new CONFLICT sub folder is created each time, and the user gets prompted for a new Active X installation every time the page is opened.

Clears unnecessary files from your computer's hard disk. You can use command-line options to specify that Cleanmgr cleans up Temp files, Internet files, downloaded files, and Recycle Bin files. You can then schedule the task to run at a specific time by using the Scheduled Tasks tool.

Downloaded Program Files - Downloaded program files are ActiveX controls and Java programs that are downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain pages. These files are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder on the hard disk. This option includes a View Files button so that you can see the files before Disk Cleanup removes them. The button opens the C:\Winnt\Downloaded Program Files folder.

Temporary Files - Programs sometimes store temporary information in a Temp folder. Before a program quits, the program usually deletes this information. You can safely delete temporary files that haven't been modified within the last week.

Temporary Offline Files - Temporary offline files are local copies of recently used network files. These files are automatically cached so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.

Offline Files - Offline files are local copies of network files that you specifically want to have available offline so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.

has anyone had success copying files to the C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files folder? I need to copy the files there and pre-register the dlls for non-admin users. if you could lead me into the right direction, I would REALLY appreciate it.

But when I checked the contents of that folder from a command line, usingthe dir command, I didn't see anything indicating there wasany Java-related files in the directory. Instead, I saw the following:

But I can run a Visual BasicScript (VBS) script from the command line to obtain information similarto what is available from within Windows Explorer.When I ran the script show-downloaded-program-files.vbs, I saw thefollowing:

C:\TEMP>cscript /nologo show-downloaded-program-files.vbsCode base: file: {00000075-9980-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}Status: Not AvailableCode base: =39204Program file: Windows Genuine Advantage Validation ToolStatus: InstalledCode base: file: Microsoft Terminal Services Client Control (redist)Status: InstalledCode base: -1_6_0_07-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_5_0_01-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_5_0_02-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_5_0_04-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_5_0_06-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_6_0_01-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_6_0_07-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0Status: InstalledCode base: -1_6_0_07-windows-i586.cabProgram file: Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0Status: InstalledCode base: file: Shockwave Flash ObjectStatus: Installed

/bin and /usr/bin is where the scripts are that start the programs. The direct equivalent of "Program Files" though is probably /opt or maybe/usr/share (see Filesystem Hierarchy Standard). That directory contains the various support files for most programs.

To find out where a specific program is installed, you can do a number of steps. First you need to locate its .desktop file. Desktop files are simular to shortcuts in Windows, and for system applications they are located in /usr/share/applications. The desktop files for applications that are only available for the current user are in ~/.local/share/applications. Take for example Google Chrome, which has the desktop file /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop and look for the line that starts with Exec=, this determines how to start Google Chrome. It says:

In windows, every program that we install gets its own directory inside the Program Files directory. In that directory, further sub-directories are created for different kind of files. There is no fixed structure for sub-directories. Programs decide for themselves what they want to call each directory and where they want to put what.

But in Linux when a program is installed, different kind of files are copied to different locations. Executables are copied to /usr/bin, library files to /usr/lib, documentation to one or more of /usr/man, /usr/info and /usr/doc. If there are configuration files, they are usually in the user's home directory or in /etc.

Ubuntu doesn't really have a programs folder containing all of the data for each program. In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, EVERYTHING is a file, even the terminal commands. They're files as well. The way Unix handles programs can be pretty chaotic, and organized at the same time.

In Linux, your files are split up between specific sub directories depending on their function. There are directories for libraries, icons, man pages, Log files, configuration and so on. You may use some of them, but the system will manage all of them. They are not coupled together, but exist together with similar files from other programs.

Hello I am very new to Platformio. To ask this question simply, I have already downloaded programs for Platformio that I want to Build and Run. How do I open these programs in Platformio. In this case I do not to enter a program in in PIO I want to Open one.

Thank you very much for your help Maxgerhardt, I will dive into in a few minutes. I have downloaded various programs from Github, some are specifically for PIO and others for Android. I hope that helps you understand my situation any better.

2.) If that is not enough, then you could also try to reset the software distribution folder, which contains far more than just temporary files, even the servicing stack is in here. It's better to use the WinPE script, or modify that one based on the included documentation in the other links. This is actually an old problem from October 2021 or so that was already solved.

@JohnnyGuiThis script does not tell you to delete anything. All it does is grant permissions to the operating system and programs, so that it can open file handles with these particular entries (due to missing or revoked file permissions, as I wrote in my earlier posts.) Sometimes this does happen, though it's very rare. The only other way around that is to backup and reformat ( icacls / takeown will save you a lot of time, as you won't need to reinstall. If you reinstall, all that does is just copy the same files, and create new file permissions for each entry. Takeown and icacls does the same thing, but without deleting the files and recreating them. )

We removed these same files. On some computers we could see the RSPrintClient class files in the download programs folder and we removed those as well. We just made sure both were gone. Even after that, some client computers loaded the print control but some still got the error message. I think the tech finally created an msi script following the instruction in the link I sent and used that to fix the remaining computers. On some he had to manually copy the files to the computer and register them. Eventually we got everyone working. Sorry I can't be more help then this.

If the other problem still exists use the windows search option by pressing the windows button together with f choose all files and folders under advanced settings check everything enter as search term psapi.dll

Also, after infection, i could not open my 2nd harddisk by double clicking on it. when i right click on it, it show AUTO as the 1st option. And all this while, i could not show any hidden files in both HD using the folder option Guess that was a bug. How do i solve it?

Downloaded Program Files are Activex controls and Java applets downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain pages. They are temporarily stored in the Downloaded ProgramFiles folder on your hard disk. Feel free to delete them.

Step 2. After the process, select the "Deleted Files" and "Other Lost Files" folders in the left panel. Then, you can apply the "Filter" feature or click the "Search files or folders" button to find the deleted files. e24fc04721

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