Hello, I recently bought one of these as a gift for christmas for someone. On the receipt it says "Steam DOTA 2 wallet card" or something similar. My question is, can the funds in these Dota 2 branded steam wallet cards only be used on dota 2 or can they be used anywhere in the steam store?

So long story short I play a lot of LoL but am getting quite sick of it. I have about $120 in steam wallet money and was wondering if Dota 2 accepts that as payment as it would help the transition to getting skins of my new favorite characters if I switch to dota 2. I really like the looks of the game and hope that I could understand it in a timely manner. My connection is terrible though so i'm hoping DOta 2's servers are better than leagues as I have packet loss from their servers but not many other games. For example in LoL I will be farming a creep and hit them and it shows no damage dealt then about 3 seconds later everything basically catches up and I see the creep died and i'm being killed by an enemy champion but on my screen it's like 200x speed since it had packet loss.

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You should be able to, but its a bit fiddly to set up. You would need to link two steam library folders in your steam client, one on your SSD and one on the HDD, then you need to choose to install DOTA on to the SSD library and all of your other games on the HDD.

I currently have this as my set up for a couple of games on my SSD:

the C:\ is my SSD and that was the default steam location.

the D:\ drive is my 1TB WD Blue and all I did was click [Add Library Folder] and made a new folder in the root of my HDD.

I am assuming you just got the SSD and want to migrate your games over.

You just need a program called Steam Mover. Works really well. Once you have that new games folder created you can start a game download in that location and let steam make all the necessary folders like the steamapps>common>[game folders]

Then you can cancel the download and the folders will remain. Just use steam mover to select all the games you want to transfer into the common folder and select the blue right arrow. Then just wait as the files transfer.

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You will need to then go back into steam and simply start downloading the game and make sure you select the steam folder that is on the other hard drive. Steam will automatically register the game as full downloaded after this. I have done this many times after about 3 or so OS re-installs.

I basically just deleted my steam folder excluding the steam.exe and steamapps folder to my ext hdd, then I'm going to move them back to a fresh 1tb HDD, and launch the steam.exe in the HDD, then verify game cache or download games if necessary. But how can I have just the steam application and dota on ssd and rest on the HDD. If i was to move the executable and the steam apps folder to the ssd, it will move all games over and I dont have the space.

Yes I know how to do that but that's not the problem, I have the steam.exe and steamapps folder on my ext HDD, but I was wondering if I could just put the steam application on the ssd and the games on the HDD. If I run the exe in the ssd and move the steam apps to the HDD, would that work? Your method only applys when you already have steam installed in the desired drive.

Yes move the steam folder where you want and double click the .exe file or create a desktop shortcut. If the game is in that folder and doesn't launch verify the integrity of the file. The other games installed that you want to transfer, google a utility to do it. There are several ways to do it. I believe one is mentioned in the post above.

So I tried using my system libs with $ STEAM_RUNTIME=0 steam , and after installing most of the needed libs which steam asked for (I finally had to add alucryd repo because one lib couldnt be found) I ran steam and DotA2 TF2 work flawlessly but DotA 2 Reborn gives me the following error

My Dota 2 account has been compromised and steam will not give me any indication of how, or do anything about it. I believe this would make a good video on how to help people through this situation and just to get to the bottom of what happened to my account.

I have been paying Dota 2 for over a decade started playing back in 2011 and have accumulated a lot of items. I made over $4500 in purchases over that period of time. On the night of January 12 2022 and through to the 13th 2022 over 100 transactions were made to transfer my items to other people, and 1 large transactions of over 500 items. Steam is of absolute no help the just tell me sorry and that they cannot return my items because it will make the other items worth less value. After I tried to go through steam help and get an answer of what happened how did he get in, how was he able to transfer 500 items at once, Did he hack my computer, what computer the transactions came from they close the service ticket and cannot reply. I have made in my DOTA 2 career maybe 10 trades TOTAL, how was this possible how did some one trade items that cannot be traded like my arcana's and some legendary items. How did he get into my account as i had 2 factor authentication turned on through the steam app. so i should have been notified if anyone had hacked my account and tried to log in. I don't know what to do, II don't know who to contact at steam or even how to contact them and i am being told that this is my fault and deal with it. i just went through ever purchase i made on dota 2 and it comes out to $4440.48 cents CDN (some were In USD but didn't exchange them). Its like they don't care. they had the time to go to this guys account and hopefully recover some of my 500 items he stole in one transaction, i contacted them the morning of jan13th 2022 when i noticed everything was gone, and received this reply that day. ow was it even possible to transfer over 500 items in 1 go on one transaction, I have added the pictures of the single transaction and what was taken. Is this is what i have been buying on market place for the last 10 years stolen items from people. This is completely unfair to me and the people buying all the items that were just stolen, do they not have a tracking system. I get if someone paid for the item and it was stolen i might not be able to get it back. But they should be able to revert the transaction and get some off them back. The amount off money i have spent and what was stolen is just shy of federal crime in Canada. just from googling i have seen that over 77,000 a month on steam get hacked (article from 2015). But i had 2 factor authentication with steam guard and this still happened, what is steam doing about this. I am a dota player i really love the game but having your whole career of items you have made over 11 just up and vanish really makes me want to put the mouse and keyboard down and call it quits.

I don't want all of my items i just want some one at steam to least steam to try to do something for me. $4500 dollars spent on game is a lot of money. Like give me back my arcana's i have purchased for $45 dollars each, or even some of the items I purchased last month. To me this is completely unfair on how to treat customers that have been with you playing this game for 11 years, and have spent the money i have on this game. i hope you guys at LTT get this and can at least make a video to help out other people who are having this problem. or are able to even help me out. LTT Please help.

Yes I understand, that's the problem. There are over 20 logins from Russia from differnt computers. Over the 2 days, My email has not been compromised, no emails came through for any login attempts or through steam guard app. I use Microsoft exchange through Microsoft also with 2 factor authentication. So only way they could get in is to have my actual password. But they only took stuff from dota. Nothing else. No one has any phisical access to any of my computers, laptop and desktop but my self. Laptop was not even on at the time. And no email has not been pwnd. And I pay for malwarbytes so its always running and has found nothing. Ran a scan right after this happend to make sure.

I do have a feeling that you are not telling the whole story. I mean if I log into steam even on the PC I usually log into I get a notification on my phone to confirm my login and I get an email stating that I just logged in from device XYZ. Additionally to that if someone logs in from an previously unknown device you cannot trade or things like that from that device for 7 days. If you use the 2 factor identification you have to approve all transactions via phone.

Ya it might be for worthless items but it was all over like 10 years of playing. Its really the only game I play online. But that literally is the whole story that's why something doesn't make any sense. I have 2 factor on my email account, I am useing the steam guard app. I set it up 6 months ago, and I did not receive any notifications that a new log in has occurred, or that I was making a trade. Who ever logged in traded it all to over 100 differnt trades, and 1 very large one with over 500 items in the single trade. It happend all in 2 days I was even able to trade stuff that should not be tradable. Which doesn't make any sense. I get it that valve won't give it back. But I want to know how he did it, how he logged in. How he spoofed the code to active his computer, anything so I can avoid this in the future. And if he did spoof their code that's not on me that's on valve. ff782bc1db

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