In Dosbox Turbo, look at your settings and see where the dosbox.conf file is situated. Using a text editor, edit this file and change the last statement of mount command to reflect where your Dos files are. In the example above, your last few lines of the dosbox.conf should read as :

I had similar trouble getting the gog versions of dungeon keeper and 

theme hospital running on Linux.

After hours of searching, it turned out that dosbox needed to be built

with SDL_sound support included in order to mount those type of images.

I'm assuming that you have no way of loading the SDL_sound and its dev

packages on Android, then re-compiling dosbox, so you'll probably need to get the

Dosbox Turbo author to re-build his version with it included.


Download Dosbox Turbo Apk


Worked for every GOG game I've tried on DosBox Turbo. If you really desire MP3/OGG audio support, contact the dosbox turbo author and let him know. He told me if theres enough demand, he'll recompile with sdl_sound... but who knows what kind of performance impact that would have.

I downloaded "aFreeBox" which I asume is some sort of DosBox clone (it popped up first on Google Store when I searched for "dosbox" but it kinda sucks. I can't seem to figure out how to put the tactile display controls on the screen to strafe, shoot, jump etc. The performance is pretty poor too. I heard DosBox Turbo plays smooth.

2. Windows 3.11 install disk images. Dig out your closets and raid the garage, we're going old school. You'll be playing Exile on windows 3.11 on dosbox on android. I've read SciFi novels (Rainbow's End) which predicted this type of embedded recursive emulation and thought, "Why wouldn't they just use all their technology to find an easier way?" Well, the future's here, and it's just as kludgy as predicted, but in this case it works, and it works really well. There is no significant lag, stuttering, sound artifacts, or anything.

7. Last, make sure your dosbox.conf is properly attuned to your win311 install. I have removed all the comment lines (for space) from my own and pasted it below as an example. It mounts an additional directory to the D:, but that is not really necessary if you don't want that. Otherwise, it allows you to easily access anything on your device. Beware though: Windows 3.11 didn't have much in the way of file protections to prevent accidental mishaps with your file structure, and it was not uncommon for poorly written programs to ruin or even delete entire disk volumes. So, some sandboxing is prudent.

You may be able to speed this up considerably (depending on the host CPU) by using the DOSBox-X Turbo mode, which can be enabled from the drop-down menu bar by selecting "CPU" followed by "Turbo (Fast Forward)".This turbo mode is not like the old Turbo button on retro PCs, but functions more like a fast-forward, and therefore should not be used when interacting with the guest OS. ff782bc1db

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