Large-scale implementation of energy efficiency projects by independent ESCOs is constrained by a number of factors. Customers often lack an understanding of the opportunities available for, and long-term benefits of, increasing energy efficiency at their premises and have limited technical capacity, budget and resources for implementing such projects or contracting with and managing independent ESCOs to implement such projects on their behalf.

Many organisations are also often poorly incentivised to increase long-term energy efficiency at their premises and find it difficult to deploy operating budgets for projects of this nature, particularly in the public sector, where a lack a commercial orientation is common. Furthermore, public sector contracting and procurement rules are often restrictive making it difficult for public sector entities to contract with independent ESCOs.

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The difficulties faced by both independent ESCOs has prompted the need for, and enabled the role of, government-backed super energy savings companies ("Super ESCOs") as a mechanism for overcoming some of the limitations hindering the large-scale implementation of energy efficiency projects, particularly in the public sector.

A Super ESCO is an entity established by a government or via a public-private partnership to function as an intermediary between the government, facility owners and ESCOs to coordinate the large-scale implementation of energy efficiency projects, primarily in hospitals, schools, municipalities, government buildings and other public facilities, where the efficiency potential is substantial, but the implementation of energy savings programs is complicated by numerous factors, such as those set out in the "Challenges" section above.

A Super ESCO is uniquely positioned to overcome a number of the barriers faced by independent ESCOs. Being government-backed, where public agencies may otherwise lack interest in ESMs and provided a limited budget for such projects, Super ESCOs can conduct their own market campaigns, create incentive mechanisms for public agencies to execute such projects and gain funding through project financing. Contracting with a Super ESCO may also overcome any public sector procurement related restrictions, as public agencies find it easier to contract with government-backed entities.

In turn, with their size and credibility as a public institution and their contacts with public agencies which assists in obtaining access to public premises, Super ESCOs also have the capability to support the growth of the private ESCO market, utilising private ESCOs as implementation agents on Super ESCO projects, connecting them with customers and assisting them in accessing project financing and developing standard contracting models and agreement templates for use in both public and private sector energy efficiency projects. Under a typical Super ESCO project structure, the Super ESCO contracts with the customer in order to set out the parameters for the energy efficiency project, and then separately contracts with private ESCOs under a DFSA and ESPC to identify and implement the ESMs for the customer.

Super ESCOs have the potential to provide a much needed stimulus to the implementation of energy efficiency projects by overcoming some of the typical problems that independent ESCOs face in public sector energy efficiency projects, as well as providing training and technical assistance to independent ESCOs. They can provide support for independent ESCOs in their respective countries, develop their capacities, create market opportunities for them, and monitor the quality assurance of their interventions, therefore raising the confidence level of end use consumers and financiers dealing with ESCOs and energy saving projects.

In recent years, the Middle East has seen an increase in the utilisation of Super ESCOs as one of the most effective instruments to support energy efficiency market transformation. A recent energy savings project at Riyadh's National Information Centre by Tarshid, Saudi Arabia's Super ESCO, led to a 28% reduction in electricity consumption, demonstrating the impact such measures can have in the move towards more sustainable and affordable energy systems and for delivery on the related sustainable development goals. We therefore expect to see a growth in such projects in the region in the years to come.

The model contract provides broad contours of an agreement to help ESCOs and host companies avoid pitfalls in working with outsourced energy efficiency improvement projects. It has been prepared after consultation with stakeholders and adjusted for the financial and legal systems in India.

Another challenge to project financing an energy efficiency project is project size. While the limited or non-recourse nature of a project financing is most often appealing, execution costs for a project financing can be considerable, resulting in either limited lender appetite, or limited cost effectiveness for the transaction parties. This can sometimes be solved where a number of energy efficiency projects that are small individually can be bundled together to benefit from a portfolio financing.

Finally, the ESCO may be able to access certain tax incentives in connection with project financing an energy efficiency project. For instance, if the ESCO or an affiliate constructs a qualifying solar project, and either sells electricity to the Owner pursuant to a power purchase agreement or leases the project to the Owner, the ESCO (or affiliate) may be eligible to claim a federal investment tax credit (ITC) and accelerated depreciation on the project.[2] A taxpayer generally may utilize ITCs to offset federal income taxes arising in the year the solar project is placed into service, although, under current law, unused ITCs for a taxable year generally must be carried forward to a subsequent year when the taxpayer has sufficient federal income taxes to be offset by the credit.[3] For this reason, developers of qualifying solar projects often seek co-equity investors, commonly referred to as tax equity investors, that have sufficient federal income tax exposure to utilize the ITCs and accompanying accelerated depreciation on a current basis and, based on the value of these benefits, generally accept an otherwise below-market economic return on their investment. State and local incentives benefitting solar projects also may exist, depending on the particular jurisdiction.

We expect ESCO energy efficiency projects, and therewith their project financings, to grow as companies continue to look for ways to minimize their energy consumption and effectively manage the cost of implementing energy-saving equipment and facilities upgrades, as well as to achieve demonstrable reductions in their GHG emissions.

Understand project management and the activities which comprise this area. Know the variables implied in project management such as time, resources, requirements, deadlines, and responding to unexpected events.

- The ESCO company guarantees improvement of energy efficiency of the industrial installation. Investments in the ESCO model are financed from external sources, i.e. the client does not engage his cash at the start of the project. However, savings appear already in the first year after the project implementation due to lower costs of energy consumption - says Piotr Danielski, Managing Director of Willbee Energy specializing in energy efficiency improvement projects in the ESCO formula.

The traditional model of investments in energy efficiency improvement assumes the involvement of own financial resources, which are returned after about 3-4 years and more. ESCO is an operating model in which specialized companies offer the implementation of various projects that reduce energy demand in the production plant, without the need for the client to engage their own human and financial resources.

- Implementation of energy-saving investments in the ESCO model allows to build a competitive advantage in the industry in times of economic slowdown without the need to incur investment costs. Cooperation with the ESCO company enables the implementation of energy-efficient investments in the best possible way, minimizing technical or financial risks of the project - indicates Anke Bttger, Managing Director of Willbee Energy.

In ESCO projects, the investment costs are covered by the ESCO company, sharing the savings with the customer. The customer gets part of the money from the energy savings already in the first year after the project, so he has free money to use for other projects.

Willbee Energy has expertise in energy efficiency and experience in implementing such investments in industry, from design to energy efficiency management of the company. Willbee Energy is one of the few ESCOs on the market to provide both financing and implementation of EPC Shared Savings energy efficiency projects in industry. The EPC model assumes the distribution of savings between the customer and the ESCO company. Remuneration of the ESCO from savings motivates to maximize the reduction of energy consumption per production unit, which is the main goal of every industrial company in terms of energy efficiency.

ESCO provides our clients with the right project solutions. We have a deep engineering bench with the proven ability to solve simple and complex challenges efficiently and appropriately. Whether our clients need help with front end engineering, design build, or innovating for differentiation, we have the ability and experience to drive project success.

This project met all expectations and came in on time and on budget. This was the first large scale project executed at Golden Grain and I felt comfortable from the start based on our previous working history. I would highly recommend ESCO to others.

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