Super Reactions bring an extra burst of energy and spirit to hype up chat when you need it the most. Whether you want to recognize a friend who did something really rad, highlight a certain post to have it stand out from the pack, or just really really agree with someone, make your reactions burst to life using a Super Reaction.

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I need to implement some of the feature and one of the feature is implementing polls type feature. Can't use public discord bots due to some policies so we have to implement something on my own. Did some research yesterday and was able to make basic bot using python3 and commands api from discord.ext. Now what i need to figure out is:

As an aside, given you're starting this project, and are already using the rewrite documentation, make sure you're using the rewrite version. There are some questions on here about how to make sure, and how to get it if you're not, but it's better documented and easier to use. My answers below assume you are using

Note that this will only work for custom emoji, the ones you have added to your own server (This is because treats unicode emoji and custom emoji differently.) This would accept commands like

I have just seen what you are stuck and I was stuck at this too. The solution is that reactions are not actually things like ":one:" it is actual emojis, there are different ways to fix this, the simplest being adding them to the dictionary yourself. Or you can use python3 -m pip install discordhelp and use the functions for it listed here.

I've been trying to make a bot using add a reaction to a message using after reading this (which is not what I wanted because I am not using custom emojis) but it ends up giving this error:

Often I see someone's chat message and I just want to react with an emoji/emote, but replying and tagging the user with just an emote isn't really the same and can get spammy, especially with multiple reactions from different people. This is DEEPLY ingrained in Discord culture, and seeing your message get several reactions is quite rewarding.

Yes, I would like to see this. I think if a chat post receives enough positive thumbs up and other emojis it should highlight it in the channel based on how many up votes it has. This would give visibility to it for the streamer to respond to as well. It would also encourage more quality posting in channels.

For large channels where the chat goes by quickly due to large viewership, there could be a separate side chat UI where highly upvoted posts are placed there so they're not missed.

Would love this! Sometimes you may want to react to a message which doesn't necessarily warrant sending a chat: such as reacting to people replying to you saying hi! In addition, reactions would in some way reduce the amount of messages (especially replies to messages) in the chat which makes it nicer/easier to read, a lot less chaotic in some senses.

Sera muy bueno que se pueda reaccionar a los comentarios del chat, como emoticones de felicidad, tristeza, enojo, etc. A veces no es necesario responder un comentario y decir que est gracioso, basta simplemente con que se sepa que lo fue.

for a previous chat txt, it would be great to have just an emoji response w/txt like slack. Some times people chat some funny things would be great to do a lol, heart, or some other emotes. I am sure Twitch has an emoji dept.

On Discord, you can react to a message with an emote or emoji. This allows people to react to a comment without clogging up the chat with "LOL" or "yes/no", etc. The streamer would be able to opt-in to it to prevent it when it isn't wanted.

All of your personal information, including email address, name, and IP address will be deleted from this site. Any feedback you have provided that others have supported will be attributed to "Anonymous". All of your ideas without support will be deleted.

This module uses the Python logging module to log diagnostic and errorsin an output independent way. If the logging module is not configured,these logs will not be output anywhere. See Setting Up Logging formore information on how to set up and use the logging module

Right now this involves on_socket_raw_receive() and on_socket_raw_send(). Ifthis is False then those events will not be dispatched (due to performance considerations).To enable these events, this must be set to True. Defaults to False.

Creates a websocket connection and lets the websocket listento messages from Discord. This is a loop that runs the entireevent system and miscellaneous aspects of the library. Controlis not resumed until the WebSocket connection is terminated.

This function also sets up the logging library to make it easierfor beginners to know what is going on with the library. For moreadvanced users, this can be disabled by passing None tothe log_handler parameter.

This function must be the last function to call due to the fact that itis blocking. That means that registration of events or anything beingcalled after this function call will not execute until it returns.

The timeout parameter is passed onto asyncio.wait_for(). By default,it does not timeout. Note that this does propagate theasyncio.TimeoutError for you in case of timeout and is provided forease of use.

When using this client, you will be able to use it as-if it was a regularClient with a single shard when implementation wise internally itis split up into multiple shards. This allows you to not have to deal withIPC or other complicated infrastructure.

If a shard_ids parameter is given, then those shard IDs will be usedto launch the internal shards. Note that shard_count must be providedif this is used. By default, when omitted, the client will launch shards from0 to shard_count - 1.

In order to use PCM based AudioSources, you must have the opus libraryinstalled on your system and loaded through opus.load_opus().Otherwise, your AudioSources must be opus encoded (e.g. using FFmpegOpusAudio)or the library will not be able to transmit audio.

If an error happens while the audio player is running, the exception iscaught and the audio player is then stopped. If no after callback ispassed, any caught exception will be logged using the library logger.

Within this method, to start the voice connection flow it is recommended touse Guild.change_voice_state() to start the flow. After which,on_voice_server_update() and on_voice_state_update() will be called.The order that these two are called is unspecified.

This launches a sub-process to a specific input file given. However, rather thanproducing PCM packets like FFmpegPCMAudio does that need to be encoded toOpus, this class produces Opus packets, skipping the encoding step done by the library.

Alternatively, instead of instantiating this class directly, you can useFFmpegOpusAudio.from_probe() to probe for bitrate and codec information. Thiscan be used to opportunistically skip pointless re-encoding of existing Opus audio datafor a boost in performance at the cost of a short initial delay to gather the information.The same can be achieved by passing copy to the codec parameter, but only if youknow that the input source is Opus encoded beforehand.

Do not provide this parameter unless you are certain that the audio input isalready Opus encoded. For typical use FFmpegOpusAudio.from_probe()should be used to determine the proper value for this parameter.

On Windows, the .dll extension is not necessary. However, on Linuxthe full extension is required to load the library, e.g. Linux however, ctypes.util.find_library() will usually find the library automaticallywithout you having to call this.

Called when the client has disconnected from Discord, or a connection attempt to Discord has failed.This could happen either through the internet being disconnected, explicit calls to close,or Discord terminating the connection one way or the other.

Usually when an event raises an uncaught exception, a traceback islogged to stderr and the exception is ignored. If you want tochange this behaviour and handle the exception for whatever reasonyourself, this event can be overridden. Which, when done, willsuppress the default action of printing the traceback.

This function is not guaranteed to be the first event called.Likewise, this function is not guaranteed to only be calledonce. This library implements reconnection logic and thus willend up calling this event whenever a RESUME request fails.

Audit log entries received through the gateway are subject to data retrievalfrom cache rather than REST. This means that some data might not be presentwhen you expect it to be. For example, the AuditLogEntry.targetattribute will usually be a discord.Object and theAuditLogEntry.user attribute will depend on user and member cache.

This is a low level function that is not generally meant to be used.If you are working with components, consider using the callbacks associatedwith the View instead as it provides a nicer user experience.

Called when a Message receives an update event. If the message is not foundin the internal message cache, then these events will not be called.Messages might not be in cache if the message is too oldor the client is participating in high traffic guilds.

Called when a message is deleted. If the message is not found in theinternal message cache, then this event will not be called.Messages might not be in cache if the message is too oldor the client is participating in high traffic guilds.

Called when messages are bulk deleted. If none of the messages deletedare found in the internal message cache, then this event will not be called.If individual messages were not found in the internal message cache,this event will still be called, but the messages not found will not be included inthe messages list. Messages might not be in cache if the message is too oldor the client is participating in high traffic guilds. 152ee80cbc

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