Feature levels in Direct3D define strict sets of features required by certain versions of the Direct3D API and runtime, as well as additional optional feature levels available within the same API version.

Feature levels encapsulate hardware-specific capabilities that exist on top of common mandatory requirements and features in a particular version of the API. The levels are grouped in strict supersets of each other, so each higher level includes all features required on every lower level.

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Some feature levels include previously optional hardware features which are promoted to a mandatory status with new revisions of the API to better expose newer hardware. More advanced features such as new shader models and rendering stages are only exposed on up-level hardware,[1][2] however the hardware is not required to support all of these feature levels[3] and the Direct3D runtime will make the necessary translations.

Feature levels allow developers to unify the rendering pipeline and use a single version of the API on both newer and older hardware, taking advantage of performance and usability improvements in the newer runtime.[4]

Separate capabilities exist to indicate support for specific texture operations and resource formats; these are usually specified per each texture format using a combination of capability flags, but some of these optional features are promoted to mandatory on upper feature levels.[5]

There are seven feature levels provided by D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL structure; levels 9_1, 9_2 and 9_3 (collectively known as Direct3D 10 Level 9) re-encapsulate various features of popular Direct3D 9 cards conforming to Shader Model 2.0, while levels 10_0, 10_1, 11_0 and 11_1 refer to respective versions of the Direct3D API.[1] "10 Level 9" feature levels contain a subset of the Direct3D 10/11 API[9] and require shaders to be written in HLSL conforming to Shader Model 4.0 4_0_LEVEL_9_x compiler profiles, and not in the actual "shader assembly" language[10] of Shader Model 1.1/2.0; SM 3.0 (vs_3_0/ps_3_0) has been omitted deliberately in Direct3D 10 Level 9.[3]

Since Direct3D 11.1 for Windows 8, some mandatory features introduced for level 11_1 are available as optional on levels 10_0, 10_1 and 11_0 - these features can be checked individually via CheckFeatureSupport function[11] however feature level 11_1 and optional features are not available in Direct3D 11.1 for Windows 7 platform update[12] because it does not support WDDM 1.2.[13]

There are two new feature levels, 12_0 and 12_1, which include some features that are optional on levels 11_0 and 11_1.[27] Due to the restructuring of the API, some previously optional features are realigned as baseline on levels 11_0 and 11_1.

To handle the diversity of video cards in new and existing machines, Microsoft Direct3D 11 introduced the concept of feature levels. Each video card implements a certain level of Microsoft DirectX (DX) functionality depending on the graphics processing units (GPUs) installed. A feature level is a well defined set of GPU functionality. For instance, the 11_0 feature level implements the functionality that was implemented in Direct3D 11.

Now when you create a device, you can attempt to create a device for the feature level that you want to request. If the device creation works, that feature level exists, if not, the hardware does not support that feature level. You can either try to recreate a device at a lower feature level or you can choose to exit the application.

For information about limitations creating non-hardware type devices on certain feature levels, see Limitations Creating WARP and Reference Devices. For more information on the introduction of feature levels, refer to the Direct3D 11 documentation on Direct3D feature levels.

Hardware feature levels are not the same as API versions. For example, there is a D3D11.3 API, but there is no 11_3 hardware feature level. Feature levels are defined in the D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL enum.

To check your feature level, run "DXDIAG" to open the DirectX Diagnostics. Go to the display tab and look at "Feature levels" in the Drivers section. You should see at least 9_3, preferably higher. 2D will for the most part work in 9_1, but you can easily hit certain layers that would require a higher level (and there's no guarantee this will continue to be the case).

Generally if the DirectX Device can't be created, you should see an error message over the mapview with the specific DirectX Error (this is usually just an error code, but if you google it, you should find the description of the directx error)

Each video card implements a certain level of Microsoft DirectX (DX) functionality depending on the graphics processing units (GPUs) installed. In prior versions of Microsoft Direct3D, you could find out the version of Direct3D the video card implemented, and then program your application accordingly.

With Direct3D 11, a new paradigm is introduced called feature levels. A feature level is a well-defined set of GPU functionality. For instance, the 9_1 feature level implements the functionality that was implemented in Microsoft Direct3D 9, which exposes the capabilities of shader models ps_2_x and vs_2_x, while the 11_0 feature level implements the functionality that was implemented in Direct3D 11.

Now when you create a device, you can attempt to create a device for the feature level that you want to request. If the device creation works, that feature level exists, if not, the hardware does not support that feature level. You can either try to recreate a device at a lower feature level or you can choose to exit the application. For more info about creating a device, see the D3D11CreateDevice function.

Using feature levels, you can develop an application for Direct3D 9, Microsoft Direct3D 10, or Direct3D 11, and then run it on 9, 10 or 11 hardware (with some exceptions; for example, new 11 features will not run on an existing 9 card). Here is a couple of other basic properties of feature levels:

The following features are available for the feature levels listed. The headings across the top row are Direct3D 12 feature levels. The headings in the left-hand column are features. Also see Footnotes for the tables.

The following features are available for the feature levels listed. The headings across the top row are Direct3D 11 feature levels. The headings in the left-hand column are features. Also see Footnotes for the tables.

2 Shader model 5.0 and above can optionally support double-precision shaders, extended double-precision shaders, the SAD4 shader instruction, and partial-precision shaders. To determine the shader model 5.0 options that are available for DirectX 11, call ID3D11Device::CheckFeatureSupport. Some compatibility depends on what hardware you are running on. Shader model 5.1 and above are only supported through the DirectX 12 API, regardless of the feature level that's being used. DirectX 11 only supports up to shader model 5.0. The DirectX 12 API only goes down to feature level 11_0.

3 At feature levels 9_1, 9_2 and 9_3, the display device supports the use of 2-D textures with dimensions that are not powers of two under two conditions. First, only one MIP-map level for each texture can be created, and second, no wrap sampler modes for textures are allowed (that is, the AddressU, AddressV, and AddressW members of D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC cannot be set to D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_WRAP).

I am using the latest version of Photoshop beta on my computer. Every time I open the programme, I get the warning "feature level 11.0 available; feature level 12.0 required". All updates of my graphics card and computer are complete. I still can't understand why I'm getting this warning. I would like you to help.

Hi @Ged_Traynor just want to know. Is my laptop compitable for DX 12? because it says at the display tab that i can go to level 12_1 but not in render tab that says only 11_0.

I was warned that I had an incompatible GPU and that one with DirectX 12 was required so I got one but now I still get the warning but this time it says that it only has 11 levels and that 12 are required. I do not recall seeing anything about 12 levels before I got the new GPU which leaves me somewhat irritated to say the least.

I fitted an NVidia GeForce GT710 which supports DirectX12 but as noted above in my original post it only has 11 levels. Since then I have been trying to find out which GPU I should have fitted and it appears that RTX 20 & 30 series GPUs have 12 levels.I have found it hard to determine which GPUs have 12 levels as it does not seem to be mentioned in the specifications but it appears that DirectX12 Ultimate is what you need. I stand to be corrected and if anyone knows better please tell me.

Feature levels in Direct3D define strict sets of features required by certain versions of the Direct3D API and runtime, as well as additional optional feature levels available within the same API version. Feature levels encapsulate hardware-specific capabilities that exist on top of common mandatory requirements and features in a particular version of the API. The levels are grouped in strict supersets of each other, so each higher level includes all features required on every lower level. Som...


I'm currently having problems playing Elden Ring , which require a feature level 12_0 of directx. I have a 770 4gb which supports directx12 (feature level 11_0). Since i've been searching for a solution to my launch problems, i've found a emulator for directx11 , which with forcewrap it can make it open in either feature_level 11_0 or 11_1. Problem is, i can't make it bigger, and i can't even open the game. Theoretically i should have the performance to run the game even if it's lower than minimum req. I've seen rigs that can run this game well enough that are under minimum spec. For example, on my laptop , on which i have 1650 ti, 8gb ram, i7 gen10 H version, it runs around 40-50 fps, which i don't know if it's the highest it can go since the game is horribly optimized.

But is there a solution to this or a runaround ? or i'll just have to play on laptop. 

Thanks , i'll add pics of my system and how it opens. 2351a5e196

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