I am new to git and what I am doing now is to upload all my recent projects as repositories to github. There are a lot of different projects like webdesign, wordpress themes and different types of applications. And some of these also belong to bigger projects because they were about testing some stuff as a different application.

The problem is that I have a confusing amount of repositories online now. How can I group related github repositories in a folder structure? Is there a feature providing any ability to order and structure or even tag repositories on github?

Download Directory From Github Repo

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I'd also like to see a top-level list of all topic that have been marked on any repos within my private organization, to serve as a top-level directory or table-of-contents of repos in my organization.

Github lists all of the files you can use in the documentation page titled Creating a default community health file and the workflows you can add to the .github directory are detailed in the Introduction to GitHub Actions documentation.

Original (manual) approach: Checking out an individual directory is not supported by git natively, but Github can do this via SVN. If you checkout your code with subversion, Github will essentially convert the repo from git to subversion on the backend, then serve up the requested directory.

If you truly just want to just "download" the folder and not "clone" it (for development), the easiest way to simply get a copy of the most recent version of the repository (and therefore a folder/file within it), without needing to clone the whole repo or even install git in the first place, is to download a zip archive (for any repo, fork, branch, commit, etc.) by going to the desired repository/fork/branch/commit on GitHub (e.g. http(s)://github.com///commit/ for a copy of the files as they were after a specific commit) and selecting the Downloads button near the upper-right.

However, there is a much easier way. GitHub has an API that allows you to download a single file or an entire directory's contents using GET requests. You can access a directory using :owner/:repo_name/contents/:path that returns a JSON object enumerating all the files in the directory. Included in the enumeration is a link to the raw content of the file, the download_url parameter. The file can then be downloaded using that URL.

For whatever reason, the svn solution does not work for me, and since I have no need of svn for anything else, it did not make sense to spend time trying to make it, so I looked for a simple solution using tools I already had. This script uses only curl and awk to download all files in a GitHub directory described as "/:user:repo/contents/:path".

Conversely, if you only want a few individual files from a repository, the easiest way to download them from GitHub is to follow the process outlines in the section above and download each file individually.

To download a folder from GitHub, navigate to your desired repository, select the folder you want to download from GitHub, copy the URL, navigate to -directory.github.io/ and paste the URL into the text box, and hit enter.

Note: If you're most comfortable with a point-and-click user interface, consider adding your project with GitHub Desktop instead. For more information, see "Adding a repository from your local computer to GitHub Desktop."

The next step is to push a copy of the files from your local repository to your remote repository. Within this stage, you also need to configure the branch you are using and its name of it. You can do this using the following command.

The base directory value is incorrect. The value is the name of the directory inside the repository you are deploying from, i.e. Random-Quote-Machine and the publish directory value should show Random-Quote-Machine/dist. You are including your GitHub username (Amapola-Negra) and repository name (which is now called freeCodeCamp-Projects-Repo) which is not correct.

GitHub has a README section on the main page of a repository, but I want to tell users how to use a specific script in a directory inside the repo. So I created an individual README.md file inside said directory. When I entered the directory's page, I couldn't find a README section.

To create a remote repository from an existing local repository, specify the source directory with --source.By default, the remote repository name will be the name of the source directory.Pass --push to push any local commits to the new repository.

It's that easy. Git will rewrite the repo so that only the desired sub-dir is included. This works even if the sub-dir is several layers deep. Just name the destination directory the name of the sub-dir. Then in the "git filter-branch" command put the relative path to the sub-dir. Oh, the --depth 1 tells git to only download the top of the head (essentially removing the history).

There are some workaround solutions to be able to get a single file out of a git archive, listed on a Stack Exchange answer for the same question, but you will still have to download the entire repository to get that single file or directory you want.

If you are looking for a boring solution with does not preserve Git history, write a script to clone the GitHub repository locally, copy the directory into a new Git repo, and push that to GitLab. The following takes the trick into account to create a private repo on a fresh push.

My suggestion to clone ur class notes github to its own folder inside your main vault. But u would have to manually pull push from github using either command line or atom text editor or github desktop.

Do you need to download a folder from GitHub? GitHub doesn't give you the option to download a specific folder directly, but you can still easily do so using a third-party tool. GitHub does allow you to download an entire repository through the website, as well as clone a repository to your computer using GitHub Desktop. This wikiHow teaches you 3 ways to save GitHub folders and repositories to your computer.

Easy. Go to your github account and click the button to create a new repo. I typically do not initialize with the .gitignore, readme.md, or license.md files, but add them myself manually after the project is up and running.

Now we want to move into our Documents directory where we will create adirectory to host our GitHub repository (to be created in Week 2). The commandto change locations is cd followed by a directory name if it is asub-directory in our current working directory or a file path if not.cd stands for "change directory", which is a bit misleading: the commanddoesn't change the directory, it changes the shell's idea of what directory weare in.

With continuous deployment configured, you can specify how Netlify will build your site. You can specify these settings when you first add your site from an existing repository and anytime afterwards by going to Site configuration > Build & deploy > Continuous deployment > Build settings.

For basic site configurations, you may need to set the build command and publish directory. For more advanced configurations, such as sites that build from a subdirectory of a repository or a monorepo, you may also need to set the base directory and package directory.

If Netlify automatically detects that your site is a monorepo or uses a framework that Netlify is able to identify, Netlify will automatically fill in some of these configuration fields for you when you first create your site. You can update the fields afterwards as needed. Learn more about commonly used build settings for frameworks and how to configure sites from monorepos.

Base directory: directory where Netlify checks for dependency management files such as package.json or .nvmrc, installs dependencies, and runs your build command. The build system will use this directory to perform caching during the build process. If not set, the base directory defaults to the root of the repository.

Package directory: typically used for monorepos, the directory that contains your site files, including the netlify.toml. Set this only if the location is different from the base directory. Learn more about how Netlify searches for your configuration files in monorepos.

If not explicitly set, the base directory defaults to the root of the repository. If you want to install dependencies and build your site in a subdirectory rather than root, you can specify this by setting a base directory.

The purpose of the .gitkeep file is to solve problem of Git not pushing empty folders to remote DVCS repos like GitHub or GitLab. To get Git to recognize an empty directory, the unwritten rule is to put a file named .gitkeep in it. Git will see the .gitkeep file in the otherwise empty folder and make that folder part of the next commit or push.

The files above, README.md and LICENSE.md, are for demonstration purposes only, though they are included in the root directory of many open source projects. These particular files use the markdown format. We are using markdown here because it is readable as plain text and will render nicely when we share our repository on github.com in the next section.

The Initialized message means that git "initialized", or created, a new repository in your current directory. Technically, the only thing that changed was a .git directory was added to the git_basics directory. Conceptually, you can think about it as turning that directory into a git repository. After you initialize a directory as a git repository, you can start issuing other git commands.

It's important to only issue the git init command from within the directory that you wish to turn into a git repository. If you've accidentally typed that command in a directory that you didn't want to turn into a git repository, all you have to do is delete the .git directory within that directory. Deleting the .git directory doesn't uninstall the git application or affect the other git repositories on your computer. It only removes the git repository from the current directory. e24fc04721

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