This example runs anytime the push event includes a file in the sub-project directory or its subdirectories, unless the file is in the sub-project/docs directory. For example, a push that changed sub-project/index.js or sub-project/src/index.js will trigger a workflow run, but a push changing only sub-project/docs/ will not.

A single workflow can be triggered by multiple schedule events. You can access the schedule event that triggered the workflow through the github.event.schedule context. This example triggers the workflow to run at 5:30 UTC every Monday-Thursday, but skips the Not on Monday or Wednesday step on Monday and Wednesday.

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You can use to provide default shell and working-directory options for all run steps in a workflow. You can also set default settings for run that are only available to a job. For more information, see You cannot use contexts or expressions in this keyword.

Use concurrency to ensure that only a single job or workflow using the same concurrency group will run at a time. A concurrency group can be any string or expression. The expression can only use github, inputs and vars contexts. For more information about expressions, see "Expressions."

Alternatively, using a dynamic expression such as concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} in your workflow means that the workflow or job would be part of a concurrency group named ci- followed by the reference of the branch or tag that triggered the workflow. In this example, if a new commit is pushed to the main branch while a previous run is still in progress, the previous run will be cancelled and the new one will start:

If you build the group name with a property that is only defined for specific events, you can use a fallback value. For example, github.head_ref is only defined on pull_request events. If your workflow responds to other events in addition to pull_request events, you will need to provide a fallback to avoid a syntax error. The following concurrency group cancels in-progress jobs or runs on pull_request events only; if github.head_ref is undefined, the concurrency group will fallback to the run ID, which is guaranteed to be both unique and defined for the run.

You can use jobs..concurrency to ensure that only a single job or workflow using the same concurrency group will run at a time. A concurrency group can be any string or expression. Allowed expression contexts: github, inputs, vars, needs, strategy, and matrix. For more information about expressions, see "Expressions."

The path is relative (./) to the default working directory (github.workspace, $GITHUB_WORKSPACE). If the action checks out the repository to a location different than the workflow, the relative path used for local actions must be updated.

On Github, folder .github is just a convention folder used to place Github related stuff inside it. Github handles some of these files even when you place it in root of your project (such as, etc). Because Github is constantly bringing in new features, these features are documented on their own, so there is no "all possible files in .github" page. Feel free to place anything that is related to Github specifically inside it.

Github lists all of the files you can use in the documentation page titled Creating a default community health file and the workflows you can add to the .github directory are detailed in the Introduction to GitHub Actions documentation.

To create a remote repository from an existing local repository, specify the source directory with --source.By default, the remote repository name will be the name of the source directory.Pass --push to push any local commits to the new repository.

The Metadata Standards Directory Working Group was supported by individuals and organizations involved in the development, implementation, and use of metadata for scientific data. The overriding goal was to develop a collaborative, open directory of metadata standards applicable to scientific data can help address infrastructure challenges. This work is continued by the RDA Metadata Standards Catalog Working Group.

Use the object media type parameter to retrieve the contents in a consistent object format regardless of the content type. For example, instead of an array of objectsfor a directory, the response will be an object with an entries attribute containing the array of objects.

Gets the contents of a file or directory in a repository. Specify the file path or directory in :path. If you omit:path, you will receive the contents of the repository's root directory. See the description below regarding what the API response includes for directories.

If the content is a directory:The response will be an array of objects, one object for each item in the directory.When listing the contents of a directory, submodules have their "type" specified as "file". Logically, the valueshould be "submodule". This behavior exists in API v3 for backwards compatibility purposes.In the next major version of the API, the type will be returned as "submodule".

Creates a new file or replaces an existing file in a repository. You must authenticate using an access token with the repo scope to use this endpoint. If you want to modify files in the .github/workflows directory, you must authenticate using an access token with the workflow scope.

You might already be familiar with the .github directory you'll find in many repositories. The .github directory houses workflows, issue templates, pull request templates, funding information, and some other files specific to that project.

But another special repository you can create is the .github repository. It acts as a fallback for all of your repositories that don't have an actual .github directory with issue templates and other community health files.

For example, say I have a repository named .github with generic bug report and feature request issue templates. And say I create another repository called new-project, but I don't add a .github directory with issue templates to it.

Just note that the files inside a repository's .github directory will be chosen over the ones in the .github directory. For example, if my new-project repo has a .github directory with a feature request issue template inside, that will be used instead of the generic feature request template from the .github repo.

Organizations can also have profile READMEs that show up on the organization page on GitHub. This README resides on the profile directory of the organization's .github repository. To demonstrate this, I will quickly create a demo organization.

For basic site configurations, you may need to set the build command and publish directory. For more advanced configurations, such as sites that build from a subdirectory of a repository or a monorepo, you may also need to set the base directory and package directory.

Base directory: directory where Netlify checks for dependency management files such as package.json or .nvmrc, installs dependencies, and runs your build command. The build system will use this directory to perform caching during the build process. If not set, the base directory defaults to the root of the repository.

Package directory: typically used for monorepos, the directory that contains your site files, including the netlify.toml. Set this only if the location is different from the base directory. Learn more about how Netlify searches for your configuration files in monorepos.

Publish directory: directory that contains the deploy-ready HTML files and assets generated by the build. The directory is relative to the base directory, which is root by default (/). Visit the frameworks doc to learn about typical publish directories for popular tools.

Functions directory: directory that contains function files and optional subdirectories for organizing function files. Netlify will access the functions directory during every build, preparing and deploying each supported code file as a function. Default is netlify/functions. The functions directory is relative to the base directory.

If not explicitly set, the base directory defaults to the root of the repository. If you want to install dependencies and build your site in a subdirectory rather than root, you can specify this by setting a base directory.

Single sign-on in GitHub authenticates to a specific organization in GitHub and does not replace the authentication of GitHub itself. Therefore, if the user's session has expired, you may be asked to authenticate with GitHub's ID/password during the single sign-on process.

To avoid having to worry aboutconflicts if you change a file and the same file changes in the repository,I suggest that you never modify the files in this directory. Instead,create another directory for doing your own work, e.g. 2351a5e196

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