A diagram is a symbolic representation of information using visualization techniques. Diagrams have been used since prehistoric times on walls of caves, but became more prevalent during the Enlightenment.[1] Sometimes, the technique uses a three-dimensional visualization which is then projected onto a two-dimensional surface. The word graph is sometimes used as a synonym for diagram.

In science the term is used in both ways. For example, Anderson (1997) stated more generally: "diagrams are pictorial, yet abstract, representations of information, and maps, line graphs, bar charts, engineering blueprints, and architects' sketches are all examples of diagrams, whereas photographs and video are not".[2] On the other hand, Lowe (1993) defined diagrams as specifically "abstract graphic portrayals of the subject matter they represent".[3]

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In the specific sense diagrams and charts contrast with computer graphics, technical illustrations, infographics, maps, and technical drawings, by showing "abstract rather than literal representations of information".[4] The essence of a diagram can be seen as:[4]

Or in Hall's (1996) words "diagrams are simplified figures, caricatures in a way, intended to convey essential meaning".[5] These simplified figures are often based on a set of rules. The basic shape according to White (1984) can be characterized in terms of "elegance, clarity, ease, pattern, simplicity, and validity".[4] Elegance is basically determined by whether or not the diagram is "the simplest and most fitting solution to a problem".[6]

One of my biggest pitfalls in terms of complex visualizations is that I keep trying to use chord diagrams whenever I work with a suitable dataset. However, trying to explain a chord diagram to a typical client I am working for always poses a challenge. In the past I usually just put a lot of text around it trying to explain it with a few examples. Like this.

i'm looking for tools that will help SAs like myself to design better AWS architecture diagrams. I have previously used draw.io but I'm looking for something that can dynamically map the changes to the AWS architectures as the changes are made.

The last functional element of a Melan diagram are the connections between levels. When a path goes from one level of the dungeon to another (by stair, elevator, sloping ramp, teleporter, or whatever), this is indicated by a break in the line with terminating lines on either side:

Visualises simple graphs (networks) based on a transition matrix, utilities to plot flow diagrams, visualising webs, electrical networks, etc. Support for the book "A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform" by Karline Soetaert and Peter M.J. Herman (2009), Springer. and the book "Solving Differential Equations in R" by Karline Soetaert, Jeff Cash and Francesca Mazzia (2012), Springer. Includes demo(flowchart), demo(plotmat), demo(plotweb).

A difficulty with a diagram like this is that it depends on levels and paths. E.g., one needs to decide what relationship one wants to show else it gets to be edges all over the place (i have one like that where folks kept wanting me to add runtimes and it would have made for a royal mess).

I agree that indicating support with different arrows is risky given that support for each of these paths are constantly evolving. I think it would be good to let this diagram focus more on the relation between MLIR dialects.

Using mermaid diagrams in Obsidian is currently a bit clunky, and not everything works. Most of these issues can be addressed by allowing the users to resize and realign the mermaid diagram. I think this screenshot can demonstrate my points pretty well:

image16861108 174 KB

The give me link just a link to Ability to resize and align mermaid diagrams where is no solution. And from there you refere to here Gantt charts are way too small to be readable where you refere as solution back here Ability to resize and align mermaid diagrams.

Lately, when editing diagrams, I have just been using ctrl  on Obsidian and using another editor to do the coding. It does make the process visually annoying and less convenient. Also, I tend to sometimes get various rendering artifacts when resizing or updating the code. It also means having to save every time I want the diagrams to update.

In pursuit of greater specificity, I added [width], [height], and [viewBox] because each mermaid diagram I saw also had width, height, and viewBox attributes:

The image describes the relationships between the nodes that make up the dependency structure of Bayesian network model. The nodes in the diagram of the model are arranged into five rows, the first being the inputs, the last being the outputs.

I am kinda confused about what shall be included into the diagram and what shouldn't. For example, should I include a UI kind of stuff before the system? I notice that the system does not prompt user to select any kind of function or module he/she wants to use but it is very weird if I put the prompting message inside the account management module which is used to log in/signup/grant and revoke access kind of stuff.

The flow of the diagram is like this, the user will log in to their account if they failed to be authenticated, the system will display an error message and prompt he/her to log in again with correct login details. After that, the system will determine he/she is a librarian or not, if he/she is a librarian the system will display the librarian interface allowing the user to delete the book record, if there is no book record inside the system it will display a message of "No book record was found." and return to the homepage. If he/she is a member, the system will display the member interface, there won't be an option of deleting the book record for them, it has other functions/modules such as transaction and search engine but I do not draw it out cause that is not the main focus of the scenario, the user may choose to log out since they cannot delete the book. When log out failed the system will prompt the user to log out again.

My main focus for this sequence diagram is to show the process of a librarian deleting a book record inside the database, will the login part drawn away the main focus from the database? Do I draw the sequence diagram correctly? Does everything inside the use case need to be included in the sequence diagram or is it the other way around? Is the diagram too complex?

Simply spoken: if your diagram is confusing the reader it's of no help and not of worth. You must not include every bit in a SD (or any other UML diagram). A diagram is a certain view on some part of your model. And it has some context. Without the context it will be misleading, but with knowing it you explain certain details.

It seems that both flowchart and sequence diagram can do the job. Which one is more appropriate for what situation? I am not referring to UML diagram but flowchart and sequence diagram in general sense.

So for your login process example, if you need to describe the sequence of messages between for example a client and a server process and a data base, you should use a sequence diagram. If however you need to describe the system's behavior as experienced by the user and without showing the interactions with other components, you should probably use a flowchart.

After raising this question for more than 1 year now I have a preference for sequence diagram over flowchart for most of high level design documents. Because in HLD I mostly want to show key components in my design and the interaction between them (who does what). If there is some branching logic in the interaction I can add note in it.

Let me quote this sequence diagram from the article "Single page application: from monolithic to modular" (I also highly recommend this article to someone who is interested in SPA). So the control flow shows in words and a loopback arrow.

I see some people may call it swimlane flowchart or cross-functional flowchart. But without a free tool and proper version control, I have to stick with the sequence diagram(and use mermaid). BTW, mermaid has an open issue for swimlane

Learn more about where water is on Earth and how it moves using one of the USGS water cycle diagrams. We offer downloadable and interactive versions of the water cycle diagram for elementary students and beyond. Our diagrams are also available in multiple languages. Explore our diagrams below.

Our newest diagram, released in 2022, depicts the global water cycle, as well as how human water use affects where water is stored, how it moves, and how clean it is. The diagram is available as a downloadable product in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese. (Check back in the future as additional translated versions become available.) 

This diagram depicts the water cycle under natural conditions. It does not include human influences on the global water cycle. The natural water cycle diagram is available in more than 60 languages. 

This water cycle diagram was specifically designed for young learners (K-5). It is available in more than 35 languages, as well as in interactive formats for beginning, intermediate, and advanced learners. 



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