I am trying to run a sample program in spring tool suite. I am not able to run the Pivotal server and am getting the error message shown in the attached image.Please can someone provide some suggestions to help.Thanks in advance.

After many weeks of frustration with this I think the answer is even easier than I thought. My workaround was to keep installing a new server every time this happens. Needless to say this clutters my workspace with many servers and wastes time.

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Turns out that the darn server folder say Server7 or whatever server you are using in your STS  MUST BE OPEN!!!  This may seem obvious but as I open and close different projects I am working on I always click on "close unrelated projects". Well this also closes the Server folder on my workspace! I think the problem is just this simple. Now to talk to the STS people to see if we can make the server intelligent enough to auto open the folder when we click start if it is not already open because I do appreciate being able to "close all unrelated projects" often. Hope this saves some people some frustration.

Also double click your server in server view. In the overview page make sure server configuration points to the directory of the server you are using. In my example it would be Server9. You will notice that if this Server folder is closed in package explorer it will not even be an option to choose. This is when the light bulb went off for me why it could not find the server-config file. See illustrated picture for guidance

UPDATE: to keep the server from closing when I click "close unrelated projects" simply right click the project and choose properties/project references then put a check mark next to the associated server of this project. Then when you click "close unrelated projects" the server will remain open.

Problem is, you can't just upgrade the Portal ExB. My thought then was that I could use the Developer Edition to download the ExB built in AGOL, move it to the Enterprise environment, and deploy it there. This is where I'm getting stuck. I have the .zip file from my AGOL ExB. What's the best way to get this deployed as an ExB app in my Portal? Is the only choice to deploy it to a separate web server and maintain it separately from the Enterprise Portal? I was really hoping I could just get it as an ExB app in Portal.

I think the only way to do this would be to upgrade your ArcGIS Portal to the latest 11.1 and then try importing your ExB .zip file. 

As you stated, it is possibly easier to install the Developer Edition of Experience Builder and restore your AGOL ExB project .zip file in C:\ArcGISWebAppBuilder\server\apps\2\ (*) 

Note that any custom widgets that you may have coded may not transpose easily; it may require reviewing the code. The ExB team has changed some function names in V1.11

3. Link with your Portal or AGOL (make sure your laptop name is in the Portal >organisation>settings>security settings >trusted servers/ allowed origin/allow portal access)

 4. Create your first blank ExB v1.11 application, drop a simple map and a text widget that says "TEST1234"

I would like to share Experience Builder Developer Edition across our entire GIS Team, and would like to run it as a Windows service on a server using a service account, similar to Web AppBuilder Developer Edition. There's a great blog post on how to do this with Web AppBuilder Developer Edition here

I am taking a look at SonarQube Community 8.9.9 and also the same version in the Developer Edition.

I want to first have a working Community edition deployed on OpenShift and then based on team needs, upgrade to the developer edition.

The more important thing is whether I can download the developer edition separately and purchase the license key separately and have them work together. I am downloading from SonarSource Downloads-CDN, if I were to download the files for Sonar from here and then separately obtain a license, should there be any issue in adding in the license?

Regarding licensing of SQL server, we are considering the possibility of running SQL developer edition in our non production environments, but SQL enterprise edition in our production environments. From a licensing perspective is looks like we would be allowed to do this, but what about from a testing perspective? Are these two versions identical? (I'm leaning toward "yes") I'm wondering if tests performed in our non prod environments would be valid as we release the changes to prod which runs enterprise edition. If we were able to do this it would allow us to offload the non prod SQL VMs on to a different host which is not licensed for SQL enterprise edition. This would help reduce resource consumption on those licensed hosts, and basically give us more room to run SQL servers.

I haven't used this situation so I can't give you any experience. However in answer to whether the versions are identical, this link -us/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-version-15?view=sql-server-ver15 may help you.

In terms of function, yes. They're identical. In terms of supported hardware, etc., No, they're not identical. The developer version should function perfectly as a test system in non-production environments. That's its entire reason for being there.

When I mentioned "offload" I'm referring to where the VM lives. We have certain on prem host servers that are licensed for SQL server, and others on prem host servers that are not. We keep all SQL servers on the SQL licensed hosts for compliance. In our environment we tend to run a lot of 3rd party applications, so on the SQL hosts we have about 125 SQL server virtual machines. We are starting to approach a resource utilization level on those hosts that we want to closely monitor and don't wish to go much higher. If I were to start installing SQL developer edition on our non prod virtual machines I could "offload" those VMs to other hosts which are not licensed for SQL server which would lower the resource utilization on our SQL licensed hosts.

As part of our application testing when we would like to introduce a change to the application, or an updated version we would typically take a recent backup of the production database, restore it to our user acceptance testing environment (We typically have DEV, UA, and PROD), development would apply the change, or new version of code to the UA environment, and users perform testing to certify the application prior to promoting that updated code to PROD. It is important to test with recent production data in order to simulate the closest environment possible to the actual production environment. I believe that this is a pretty standard process in the SDLC and I have followed this method with multiple different employers. Would the act of restoring the production database to the UAT environment violate the licensing of SQL developer edition?

I'm genuinely curious, are others essentially following the process that I outlined above? If not, I'd like to hear how others are accomplishing similar tasks. Are most people using SQL server development edition in the non prod environments, and enterprise edition in PROD only?

Exciting news! Starting today, SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition is now a free download for Visual Studio Dev Essentials members (you will be prompted to sign in to Visual Studio Dev Essentials before you can download SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition). We are making this change so that all developers can leverage the capabilities that SQL Server 2014 has to offer for their data solution, and this is another step in making SQL Server more accessible. SQL Server Developer Edition is for development and testing only, and not for production environments or for use with production data.

Hi Jason, yes, SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition is free and there is no time limit, but it cannot be used for production. Developer Edition offers the full feature set of Enterprise Edition, but is for development and testing only, and not for production environments or for use with production data. Express Edition can be used in production, but has the scalability and feature limitations detailed on our SQL Server Editions ( -us/server-cloud/products/sql-server-editions/) webpage. You will need a copy of Windows or Windows Server to run SQL Server Developer Edition. For additional detail about Developer Edition use rights, please see the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Licensing Guide: _Server_2014_Licensing_Guide.pdf


I have a 1 year developer (trial) license on my Citrix account. When I tried to activate this license on CVAD 2203 LTSR, I got an error saying this file is invalid. Due to this, I was wondering for which XenApp/CVAD version this developer license is. According to the .lic:

You can install just the SQL Server client components on a computer that is running client/server applications that connect directly to an instance of SQL Server. A client components installation is also a good option if you administer an instance of SQL Server on a database server, or if you plan to develop SQL Server applications.

On an internet server, such as a server that is running Internet Information Services (IIS), you will typically install the SQL Server client tools. Client tools include the client connectivity components used by an application connecting to an instance of SQL Server.

Although you can install an instance of SQL Server on a computer that is running IIS, this is typically done only for small Web sites that have a single server computer. Most Web sites have their middle-tier IIS systems on one server or a cluster of servers, and their databases on a separate server or federation of servers.

The developer edition of ArcGIS Experience Builder supports ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 and later. There are two services for extending Experience Builder, the server and the client. You will need to have both services running to have your updates load in Experience Builder. To install the developer edition of Experience Builder, complete the following steps for the server install and client install.If you need to install Experience Builder without an internet connection, complete the offline install steps. e24fc04721

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