Tanjiro and Nezuko: They're a package deal, you don't get one without the other, so I had to put them together here. Tanjiro and Nezuko are both very hard-working and they do well to make sure you keep cheering for them through the whole run of the manga, but the part that made me actually cry (this is a comic, I should not be crying at some pictures) was after Tanjiro's demonification. I actually really liked those few chapters, and while it wasn't the action filled finale I was hoping for, it definitely had me on the edge the entire time.

Inosuke: Sad as hell backstory, definitely the one that got me the most. Zenitsu has a pretty decent backstory, and Tanjiro & Nezuko have the big main character backstory; but there's something about having this guy that just seems to be hotheaded and trigger happy actually have this heartfelt backstory feel so sad. Inosuke's mother was definitely a good woman, but when Inosuke confused Shinobu for his mother, that tugged on my heart strings. That shit hurt. Then to have Shinobu and Kanao's backstory also include the same demon that Inosuke's backstory included and have them all fight against him in this big collaboration, I think it's my favorite fight in the whole manga. Jeez

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Genya and Sanemi: this is Itachi and Sasuke all over again, but this time Sasuke dies. I didn't expect that at all. With all the demon stuff, I really did assume for the mangaka to just make him heal in the end, but no, he just fucking dies. How Sanemi feels about it hurts so much as well. Sanemi really did not want his brother associated with the Demon Slayer Corps in any way at all, and to see that be how Genya dies is heartbreaking. Nonetheless Genya was really important during his fight. Probably the character I respect the most.

Holy Shit. I can't believe so many people died. I mean i knew it was gonna get ugly when they face off against Muzan and the rest of the upper moons, but to lose all but two Hashira, not to mention Genya and the hundreds of other corps members slaughtered in an instant by Muzan, definitely more carnage than i expected. I love how they make you feel bad for the demons even after all the horrible stuff they do. Like Akaza's backstory is pretty tragic, even though its incredibly satisfying to see him finally get taken down. Saddest deaths for me were probably Tokito or Genya, watching Sanemi hold his brother in his arms as he died had me choking up, and manga doesn't usually get me like that. And Tokito continuing to hold on to his blade and turn it red even after he was cut in half and knew he was gonna die is some next level badass shit, and quite the sacrifice. I can't believe all but two Hashira died, but i will say I'm glad it was Giyu and Sanemi who survived, as I think Sanemi surviving makes Genya's sacrifice mean much more, and honestly i just love Giyu and would've been really sad if he went down. Tanjiro becoming a demon was nuts, when it looked like he was gonna kill Kanao i freaked out, but the conversation with his like inner Muzan where he like leaves him behind was dope. Found that ending chapter a little weird with the flash forward, but when I saw Tanjiro's great grandchild was friends with an obvious Rengoku descendent it put a smile on my face. Overall, a great finish to a great story.

So i have been collecting lots of manga recently and one series i have been considering wether i should or shouldnt alought is demon slayer. Some of the manga i have collected up until this point has been because of the love for the anime and demon slayer is one i have considered for this reason. The reason why i havent gotten it yet is because i dont know if its worth it because i would be lying if i said lots of the reason i like the series is due to the animation and i dont know if that makes the manga pale in comparison. Im not saying the show is only good for that im just wondering if that almost makes it less worth it to get the manga because of how good the animation in the fights are. And was hoping to get one final decision on wether i should or not get the box set

and why does tanjiro level up so fast? i feel like tanjiros training in the swordsmith and hashira training arcs isnt given alot of time, especially in swordsmith village. I also think another arc couldve been fit in between those arcs - making the manga longer. I really wanted demon slayer to be like a 500chap manga where we see the 15yo characters grow to like 18 but imo the story ended so quick.

I have finished Demon slayer. It is good maybe even great but my expectation were pretty underwhelmed. Up to the point where the anime ends I real enjoyed it but after that I thought the story got weaker and in some parts even a bit boring. I am not down playing the success of demon slayer but besides the great animation of the anime, the manga does not have something realy exceptional. For one point I thought some characters just existed to die. We got them introduced, get their tragic backstory where a loved one was killed by a demon and then the character dies a bit later. In the end one character i liked was even slightly ruined

The ending was great but I honestly feel like demon slayer was rushed, what disappointed me is that I never got to see tanjiro and his friends become hashiras. I wanted to see them become this, display all their strength from all the years of training.

So does the ending insinuate that the entire story of Kimetsu No Yaiba never actually happened and what we were seeing was just a child reading the story in some alternate world where ordinary people resemble the demon slayer characters?

Oh man the Hashira's are so cool I cant wait to see what they are like- and they're gone. As sad as it is to say every single demon slayer and some hashira outside of the main cast are just soulless fodder. I might be crazy but it's seemed like if they didn't wear a colorful uniform they didn't have a breathing style? The whole Demon Slayer organization is very vague which is a shame because it looks and sounds cool.

im already caught up on the anime and im thinking about getting the manga as well. im also thinking about getting tokyo ghoul manga which is supposed to be way better then the anime because the anime did not follow the manga that well. I heard that the anime adaption of demon slayer is very faithful to the manga so the story should be virtually the same, even so is it worth getting? or should i just wait for the rest of the anime?

This post is spoiler heavy and a theory. Also i posted before but lost the thread. The theory goes as follow, tanjiro's ancestor is one of the two children upper moon 1(kokoshibo) abandoned and it explains a lot of things like but it also changes how we see demon slayer, mainly the breath styles. Below will be what i have supporting my theory.

One. Demon slayer marks appear to be genetic and not based on breath style, the biggest hint to this and that backs the theory is tanjiro, yurrichi, and kokoshibo all have the same demon slayer mark. Tanjiro and yurrichi makes sense if you look it at it solely from a breath user standpoint but tanjiro,yurrichi, and kokoshibo does not make sense. We see in the final battle that each breath user unlocked a demon slayer mark uniquely distinct from another. On the surface it looks like they're getting different marks based on their breaths but again kokoshibo breaks this claim, what does make sense is that they're getting different breaths based on their different body types.

Two. Yurrichi tried to train several people who were demon slayers/swordsmen before the breath styles on how to replicate sun breathing, but limited by their body types they could not replicate it, so Yurrichi changed it to suit different people which is where all these offshoots/imitation breath styles came from, yet tanjiro family was magically able to do it and successfully for generations for over 400 years. Well this begs the question of why couldn't yurrichi's identical twin do it? And the answer is his ego, kokoshibo was selfish and driven solely by jealousy in his want to be stronger. It's why he became a demon amd it's why he lived over 400 years still couldn't do it,because he never changed his selfish, ego driven mindset. Notice how yurrichi, tanjiro, tanjiro's father, and sumiyoshi (who in this theory inherited the body necessary for sunbreathing) also had a kind,selfless personality where they wanted to help those around them.

Three. Kokoshibo met back up with yurrichi in a chance encounter when they were 19 i believe and by this point kokoshibo had 2 children, if you look at the panel by the artist you see a wife, an infant child, and a kid around the age of 6( judging on the height and the fact they stand solo and on their own) this would mean kokoshibo had children very early in his life(at least early by today's standards). After this kokoshibo spent years with yurrichi, training and being a demon slayer, and we know that he awakened his demon slayer mark as a human and that he became a demon before the age of 25 because he was very fearful that he like many other demon slayers who awakened the mark would die at age 25. This would be a couple of years since the age of 19, possibly 21 or hey maybe 23 but do know he did not turn 25 in this time frame. Yurrichi also never once met his brother's children. The biggest unknown in this theory is how much time passed between yurrichi's days as a demon slayer corps memeber, his fight with muzan, and the amount of time he spent wandering the country before meeting sumiyoshi. Sumiyoshi is around tanjiro's age or maybe 2-3 years older but at maximum that would mean yurrichi met sumiyoshi at 38. Still young and seeing as we seen him as an adult male we can expect that he wouldn't change in build or looks since he's fully matured.

Four. Why do i say breath styles are more so genetic? It's because the body you get when you're born is genetic, if my day is 6'6 and my mom is 6'0 the odds are greatly in my favor that I would be born tall. We see this type of thing happen in a number of categories like skin color, eye color, and hair color. While on the topic of hair color in all of japan we only see the kamado family with red hair and red eyes, and kokoshibo and yurrichi. We know hair color is genetic and passed down in the demon slayer universe by looking at the kamado family who have had it for over 400 years and looking at the rengoku family. In this theory the red hair trait comes from kokoshibo and with it not being a dominant trait(evident by tanjiro's full blooded siblings who did not inherit red hair,but some did get red eyes) we can see why other proven descendents like mist pillar did not inherit it. ff782bc1db

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