Another option if it is for home use. freeze with Deep Freeze the unit c and cut the files from C: \ Users \ User to the unit D: then if you install programs or another plugin for windows it will return to previous state. I hope to have explained.

I had heard that they currently don't have a working version for Mojave. I know they had trouble with AFPS. Article. In this statement they recommend removing deep freeze before upgrading because of issues related to AFPS.

Download Deep Freeze 6 Full + License Key

Download Zip šŸ”„ šŸ”„

As you can see if you call binary, you can also set password, uninstall, set thawspace and more. What does not seem to be included as of now is the scheduling part, but you can easily let JAMF do that for you by simply script it to unfreeze.

We are running into a similar issue here. New Deepfreeze on Mojave does not work the same way. We use ARD to globally freeze and thaw, but that is no longer an option. I have a ticket open with Faronics. Could anyone help with respect to scripting "boot thaw" and "boot frozen" ?

Set Boot State to Thawed after reboot: DFXPSWD="password" /usr/local/bin/deepfreeze thaw --startup --env Set Boot State to Frozen after reboot: DFXPSWD="password" /usr/local/bin/deepfreeze freeze --startup --env

Just throwing this out there...can you get away from using Deepfreeze? When I took over Mac support I found Deepfreeze to be more trouble than it's worth(and we got it pretty cheap). I moved our DeepFreeze labs to being cleaned by a script on log out and the accounts were changed from being admin to standard users. More or less I feel it's much more in line with what Apple supports and it works well.

Even on the Windows side there were guys who swore up and down by Deepfreeze and due to issues with it there they started using scripts to do the same thing and are now questioning if it's worth the hassle to go back to it.

The "cannot communicate with Daemon" issue is not due to how the Program is packed, but how the client is receiving the package. I don't think JAMF is actually perfectly mirroring a normal install - In this case, it's just dropping the files, and not initializing the Daemon. The system is looking for a plist daemon for Deepfreeze that isn't running!

I have also been successful in deploying DeepFreeze to Mojave. Performed the install, started DF (without rebooting), enabled passwords, created user, set drive to freeze, set restart to thawed but again, did not reboot, and then created the package. In policy I just set it to reboot after install.

The Deep Freeze allows for instant sound freezing in three modes of operation. Latch freezes sound each time the footswitch is pressed until the effect is bypassed, while Moment mode freezes sound only while the footswitch is held down. Auto mode captured sound automatically each time it senses signal above its threshold for virtually foot-free freezes. These three modes make it easy to operate the Deep Freeze in a way that fits any playing style.

Controls on the Deep Freeze let you further tailor the operation of the effect. Separate DRY and EFFECT volume controls let you blend signals from subtle backing to 100% effect experimentation. GLISS adjusts the morph time between freeze sounds creating otherworldly soundscapes. The SPEED/LAYER knob adjusts either the attack/decay time of the effect in Moment and Auto modes, or the amount of layering possible in Latch mode which makes playing impossible chords possible!

I am looking into new AV solutions for the School Board I work for, and I have always been a fan of Eset's Nod32 AV and use it on my personal devices. The biggest issue we have with any of the AV solutions we have tried is that we need them to integrate with Faronics Deep Freeze. (hxxp:// Deep Freeze is a great product, but their AV is not. The issue is that Deep Freeze locks down the system drive, and after every reboot the system drive reverts to its original state, so any AV updates have to be re-downloaded after every reboot. What I am looking for is an AV solution that is centrally managed, and one where you can change where AV definitions are stored. Deep Freeze can create a hidden thaw space on the system drive that is not effected by Deep Freeze, this is how their own AV product handles updates. Any info appreciated.

Though the cost of annual preparations for extreme and relatively infrequent weather events has proven difficult for policymakers and industry to justify, the shocking aftermath of the February freeze and the resulting widespread power outage demand a careful re-examination. Our analysis indicates winterizing for extreme winter weather events appears financially reasonable.

Data on gross domestic product, electricity consumption and retail prices for 2019 produce an average VOLL of $6,733 per megawatt hour (MWh) for firms and $117.60 per MWh for households. The total duration of load shed during the mid-February freeze was 70.5 hours, with an average load shed close to 14,000 MW. The amount of power lost along with VOLL estimates suggest the power outage cost $4.3 billion.

A large and perhaps inexpensive fix would be prioritizing electricity delivery to gas infrastructure. If power plant and pipeline operators improve coordination to identify and constantly monitor the gas infrastructure requiring such prioritization, some of the problems experienced during the freeze could be prevented.

This mod provides the ability to freeze and thaw kerbals for those long space journeys.

Introduces glykerol resource used for freezing kerbals.

To freeze a kerbal you must have 5 glykerol units (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) and 3000 electrical charge (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) per kerbal.

To thaw a kerbal you must have 3000 electrical charge (configurable via part.cfg or settings menu) per kerbal.

This is the on-going release and development version of the original concept developed by @scottpaladin.

The mod has progressed way beyond that original concept and contains very little of the original concept development code and parts.

Due to other commitments Scott indicated to me some time ago that he has little time and unlikely to continue any mod work on KSP into the future and has given me permission and well wishes to continue that initial work.

As per the terms of the original license full credit to forum user scottpalladin PaladinLabs for the original concept, ideas and first versions of the mod.

The license continues under the same license conditions. The release version will be known as DeepFreeze Continued...

Uses:When kerbals are frozen they do not consume life support resources. If you don't use life support mods, this mod doesn't really do much, except provide a few cool parts and ability to thaw and freeze kerbals.

V0.19.3.0 "KSP 1.0.5"

Recompile for KSP 1.0.5

V0.19.2.0 "Bug fixes and Enhancements"

Fix distribution to include missing Editor group icon from V0.19.0.0 that somehow got left out of V0.19.1.0.

Fix bug that V0.19.1.0 introduced that was causing invalid seat placements and

Add more robust checking of Seat placements for frozen kerbals to avoid bugs that have been occurring for some users.

Fix seat placement when a freeze/thaw process is aborted.

V0.19.1.0 "Bug fixes & Enhancements"

Added comatose function for when EC or Heat options are ON and Fatal option is OFF. Now when you run out of EC or overheat with these options set kerbals will be emergency thawed

and become comatose (tourists) for a period of 5 minutes (can be changed in the settings menu).

Fixed bug with new pop-up windows when EC is critical or overheat - this pop-up will now NOT appear if the active vessel is the vessel that has run out of EC or overheat.

V0.19.0.0 "Bug fixes & Enhancements"

Added Fatal EC/Heat option. If this is ON kerbals will die if EC runs out or it gets too hot (if you are using the EC and Heat options). If this is OFF

the Kerbals will be emergency thawed and become available again, and start consuming LS resources again. (to-do - expand this to perhaps make them unusable for a period of time due to

emergency thaw effects, but not in this version) Default setting (for compatibility) is set to ON. - IE: running out of EC or over-heating will Kill kerbals.

Added pop-up window when EC is critical for vessels that are not the active vessel and you can automatically switch to that vessel.

Added flatline sound effect if kerbals die due to lack of EC or over temperature condition.

Support for Texture Replacer V2.4.10, you MUST have this version (or above) of Texture Replacer installed. Thawed kerbals will no longer lose their customised texture settings.

Support for RasterPropMonitor V0.23.0, you MUST have this version (or above) of RPM installed.

Changed the Editor Icon for DeepFreeze parts category to use Snowflake/Freeze icon instead of EVA Kerbal (stock) icon.

Added Engineer Info report check where there is a DeepFreeze Freezer attached that the vessel has 5 or more units of Glykerol available.

Fixed Engineer report in editor so that DeepFreeze Freezers are now considered parts that use Glykerol and ElectricCharge.

Fixed bug where ships docking/un-docking with frozen kerbals results in unable to thaw frozen kerbals.

Fixed bug in new Internal Camera system when swapping to other DeepFreeze vessels that are in range the cameras do not move/update to the correct vessel.

Fixed bug if you have multiple vessels in loaded range on initially switching to flight mode on one vessel, if you swap to a DeepFreeze equipped vessel (with DeepFreeze part) and you attempt to thaw a previously frozen

kerbal, the thaw may not work or it will work but the kerbal is not visible on thawing.

Fixed issue where a freeze/thaw is in progress and the player switches vessels. DeepFreeze will now abort any in-progress thaw/freeze in this case.

Fixed NullReference bug in DFIntMemory with the internal cameras function.

V0.18.2.1 "add missing dll file from distribution"

Added missing DFInterface.dll file from distribution. If you are not having issues (probably because you installed over the top of previous version) you do not need this update.

V0.18.2.0 "Bug Fixes & Enhancements"

Fix Radial attachment points for CRY-0300 exclusion zones around the external doors.

The CRY-300 now correctly allows you to attach radial parts to the outside of it except for where the external doors are.

There is a EVA Access point at the bottom of the external doors. If you block this with radial parts your EVA access will be blocked by KSP and you will get the "Hatch Obstructed" message.

It is recommended you do not attach parts to the doors or the lower front section of the CRY-0300.

Fix DeepFreeze partmodule to support re-use on non DeepFreeze parts. To use you must add partmodule to a crewable part but you must NOT have an internalmodel defined for that part.

Refer to the WIKI page on how to configure your own parts (WARNING: No support will be provided for parts you have made yourself using this method).

All Cryopods now have windows that freeze and thaw (as was our original intent) so they go transparent when empty or a thawed kerbal is seated, and they appear frozen when a frozen kerbal is within.

You can now switch to Internal Cameras (same cameras used when in IVA and you freeze/thaw a Kerbal) using Modifier key (Windows this is ALT) and d key.

Switch to the next Cryopod Internal Camera using the 'n' key. Switch to the previous Cryopod Internal Camera using the 'b' key.

Press the 'c' or whatever key you have mapped to camera to switch back to IVA/Flight Camera mode.

You can change the key settings in the \GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeze\Pluginf\Config.cfg file using a text editor (not available via the in-game settings menu).

internalFrzrCamCode = 100 - this is the decimal ASCII code for the CameraMode Key, the default is 100 which is the 'd' key.

internalNxtFrzrCamCode = 110 - this is decimal ASCII code for the Next Freezer Camera Key, the default is 110 which is the 'n' key.

internalPrvFrzrCamCode = 98 - this is decimal ASCII code for the Previous Freezer Camera Key, the default is 98 which is the 'b' key.

The numeric values are from the standard ASCII key code tableĀ 

Minor adjustments to the CRY-2300 and CRY-1300 Internal models.

Tweaks to the animations - on vessel load pod window states are set immediately, before it used to run the animation loops. The same for when a freeze or thaw event fails.

The Freeze and Thaw Process have been tweaked: On initiating a Freeze or Thaw process the Pod will first Charge the required EC before executing the freeze or thaw process.

New sound effect for charging the Pod EC on Freeze and Thaw. Monitoring equipment sound effect when in IVA/Internal view mode.

New RPM props for EC and Glykerol monitoring.

V0.18.1.0 "Small Freezer but huge changes" Bug-Fix Version

Fix GUI LastTimeUpdated field to stop tracking time when settings are changed to turn off ECreqd/Monitoring option.

Fix GUI Colours for EC monitoring, Temp Monitoring and LastTimeUpdated field.

Fix error accessing Kerbal Alarm Clock entries with invalid vessel id's (alarms not attached to vessels) and reduce log spam.

Fix Error in Texture assignments for models.

Fix error loading/saving cryopod states on part load/save.

Fix CRY-0300 transparency issue for some users.Ā 

V0.18.0.0 "Small Freezer but huge changes" VersionĀ 

This Upgrade should not be SAVE game breaking. But as always, backup your Persisent save file before upgrading.

If you are upgrading from a previous version it is recommended on first startup of your save game to switch to each existing vessel that has DeepFreeze Continued...

parts attached for about 5 seconds to allow the mod to make updates to each part and save configuration details.

Please ensure you follow the download and install instructions. If you are using TAC LS you must re-download and apply my workaround fix DLLs from the link in the OP.

Introducing the new 1 Kerbal DeepFreezer part. 1.25M part. It can hold 10 glykerol and one kerbal.

This part has two unique features. It has External Doors that you can open and close IF and only IF you have RasterPropMonitor 0.22.1 (RPM) mod installed.

If you have RPM installed not only can you open and close the external doors, but the internal IVA space is visible from the outside using RPM's transparentpods

feature. To use this feature you will need to install RasterPropMonitor mod and Module Manager mod (required for RPM and DeepFreeze).

If you do not install these mods the CRY-0300 functions in the same way as the other freezer parts.

Due to the external doors you cannot radially attach parts to the doors themselves. As this part is small (1.25M) it is configured to NOT be passable if you are

also using Connected Living Spaces mod.

Implemented Background Electric Charge consumption if you have BackgroundProcessing Mod installed. This is ONLY applicable if you have the Consume ElectricCharge

option switched ON in settings.

If you do not have BackgroundProcessing Mod installed, Electric Charge consumption will stop when vessels are not the active vessel, but when you return to them the consumption calculation is made based on how long you were away from the vessel and up to 95% of your EC will be used. This gives you little time to recover and save your kerbals before your EC runs out. You can install BackgroundProcessing from this link:Ā 

The choice is yours depending on what gameplay experience you want.

Unfortunately I have not implemented background Temperature processing yet as I haven't figured out if this is even possible with an unloaded vessel yet.

It appears that it can't be done, but I can and have been proven wrong on lots of things.Ā 

DeepFreeze has it's own rough calculation processing that it does on all unloaded vessels to calculate when it thinks the vessel will run out of EC and updates the DeepFreeze GUI accordingly.

If that's not all, DeepFreeze Continued... now includes Kerbal Alarm Clock (KAC) mod integration. If you have KAC installed you can bring up a list of all KAC

alarms attached to the active vessel and assign DeepFreeze Thaw and Freeze events to the alarm. So when the alarm fires in KAC DeepFreeze will automatically

execute whatever Thaw and Freeze commands you have attached to that alarm. This ONLY works once the alarm fires and you switch to the vessel that these events

are attached to (if it isn't already the active vessel). DeepFreeze will remember these commands forever and execute them once you switch to this vessel but keep

reminding you to do so until you do switch to the vessel or you delete the alarm events from within Deepfreeze (not KAC).

If you also have Remote Tech mod installed you can only modify DeepFreeze alarm events if the associated vessel has a valid remote connection or a kerbal in command.

DeepFreeze will however execute your alarms even if the vessel does not have a connection or kerbal in command as they are stored and executed by the on-board


Fixed internal model/part orientation bug with the CRY-2300 internal showing in the portrait cameras of attached parts that also had crew.

Deprecated the original CRY-2300 Part (which was inherited from ScottPaladin), and replaced it with a renamed part.

This is in order to rename the part as it is known internally to KSP in or der to align with the new parts. This means that in sandbox mode you will noticed TWO CRY-2300 parts (one of which is marked as Deprecated). Please DO NOT create new vessels using this part and it is recommended that all in-flight vessels using this part complete their missions. The deprecated part will be deleted in coming versions. The deprecated part does not appear in career mode, but it will continue to function for all in-flight vessels using the old part.

For those that have no in-flight vessels with a CRY-2300 part attached you can delete the deprecated part from your install by deleting the file:-


Added DeepFreeze Parts Filter category to filter and show Deepfreeze parts in the VAB/SPH. - There is now an icon to filter and show DeepFreeze Continued... parts.

Added REPOSoftTech Agency configuration and logo/flag.

ReFactored RemoteTech Integration -if you have R/T installed and the vessel has no active connection:-

Kerbal Thaw/Freeze events will not appear in part right-click menu

Thaw/Freeze icons are disabled in the DeepFreeze GUI

You are unable to Modify KAC alarms (but existing alarms will still execute)

KNOWN ISSUE: RemoteTech seems to not report connectivity correctly for vessels so the DeepFreeze GUI is only showing what RemoteTech tells it with regard to connectivity, this is not

a DeepFreeze bug.

REPOSoftTech Agency and flag added.

Minor adjustments to internal model glitches and textures on the CRY-2300 and CRY-1300.

New Cryopod model - moved the Status screen on the pods from the bottom of the pods to the top of the pods, so that they are visible when the pod doors are open or closed (before they were obscured when the doors were open). This is in advance of future update to make these screens actually show real data (currently they are a dummy mocked up screen).

All Internals now have light switches on the walls (requires RPM to be installed).

The CRY-0300 has an Internal Door Handle that will operate the external door from the inside (requires RPM to be installed).

Incorporate Alternate Resource Panel Glykerol icon and specific heat capacity adjustment of Glykerol. - Thanks to KSP forum user Olympic1 for this.

Fixed description for CRY-1300 in Editor. - Thanks to KSP Forum user Olympic1 for this.

Added all missing DeepFreeze information from the Freezer parts context (right-click) menu.

Added partname to the IVA camera mode Kerbal info messages.

Moved KSC DeepFreeze messages to bottom right side of screen as they were always obscured by the Vessel/Crew/Science recovery pop-up.

GUI improvements and information display when EC usage/monitoring and Temperature usage/monitoring are switched on.

Re-balanced part costs and Science nodes.

CRY-0300 can be found in the Space Exploration node for entry cost 8,000 and 4,000 per part.

CRY-1300 remains in Specialized Construction , entry cost remains at 12,400 but part cost increased to 6,000 per part.

CRY-2300 remains in Advanced Metalworks but entry cost is no 16,000 and part cost is now 8,000 per part.

The Radial Glykerol tank reamins in Specialized Constructions but entry cost is now 3,000 and part cost is 500 per part.

The Glykerol Radial Tank now holds 25 units of Glykerol.

V0.17.1.0 "Medium Freezer" VersionĀ 

Introducing the New CRY-1300 3-Kerbal capacity 2.5M Freezer part (hitchhiker sized).

Contains 3 DeepFreeze Cryogenic Cryopods and a Glykerol Tank (capacity 15 Glykerol units).

New Part at specialized Construction in TechTree.

Moved Cry-2300 10 kerbal Freezer to advanced Metalworks in TechTree. Re-factored Parts Directories, if upgrading please Delete \GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeeze

before installing.

V0.17.0.0 "Animated Cryopods" Version

Finalization of the Large Internal, and set-up for all the up-coming parts (as they will use the same base code and animations).

Yes - Animated Cryopods! See for yourself. When you Freeze or Thaw from external view, you will see the Pod open/close in the portrait cameras.

If you are in IVA/Internal mode when you freeze/thaw the camera will switch to an internal camera viewing the pod of the kerbal you are about to freeze/thaw.

It will then animate open/close of the cryopod. This is in place of kicking you out to flight view and removing/replacing the Cryopod windows (which it was doing in previous version).

Fixed Issue with USI LifeSupport consuming resources on thaw of kerbals. DeepFreeze will detect if USI LS is installed and remove tracking in USI LS for kerbals when they are frozen. (Same Issue as TAC LS, but can fix this one in DeepFreeze without waiting for author of other mod to change).

Fixed attach point for the external Glykerol Tank.

Changed the Cry-2300 Internal Glykerol tank to store 50units of Glykerol (instead of 40). This allows you to Freeze 10 kerbals (the part capacity) ONCE without the need for external tanks.

Converted all textures to DDS format.

V0.16.0.3 Support KSP 1.0.4

Added the following fields to the Settings file (settings menu in space center). This is NOT save game breaking if upgrading from and up.

heatamtMonitoringFrznKerbals - this is the amount of heat in Kilowatts generated per herbal to run the monitoring equipment. Is only relevant is xxxx is set to on.

heatamtThawFreezeKerbal - is the amount of heat in Kilowatts generated per second when thawing or freezing a kerbal. Is only relevant if xxx is set to ON.heatamtThawFreezeKerbalDon't forget the new heat system in KSP, the amount of kW of heat is proportionate to the part's thermal mass.

This WILL create an issue for anyone who has been using these features in the previous versions. You may notice the first time you switch to a freezer equiped vessel that previously had EC usage or heat generation switched on that it will instantly use up 95% of your EC. So be prepared.

This change will ensure tracking of the last time checked is correct. The down-side is that due to no EC consumption or heat generation during high timewarp or

when the vessel is not the active vessel that when you return to that vessel a spike in usage will occur.

Future versions to address this by providing monitoring and warning of EC usage and heat generation for all vessels including inactive vessels.

Added Messages in the bottom right corner of the screen when you are IVA mode displaying the current Kerbal's name and Crypod number.

Pick-up new Ship Manifest Interface DLL and corrected bug if transferring crew into a freezer that is full of frozen kerbals.

Fixed Pod Numbers in internal model to be correctly numbered.

V0.16.0.2 Support KSP 1.0.3Ā 

Support for KSP 1.0.3.

Expanded and enhanced API for other mods to use and integrate into DeepFreeze.

If you are also using my work-around TACLS DLLs you must

a) install the current version of TACLS

Ā then re-download and install my work-around DLLs from here

c) click the link and then click "view raw" to download the file.

d) Then unzip the two DLLs into your TACLS directory for KSP 1.0.3 and replace existing files.

V0.16.0.0 Full IVA implemented.

and a few more things, like:-

IVA portrait cameras now correctly update when you thaw and xfer kerbals. Did I mention portrait cameras? Oh wait - IVA Internal texturing now completed for Large Freezer.

All Praise to MerlinsMaster for his Amazing!! Internal modelling and texturing. So now the portrait cameras will correctly display thawed (Crewed?) crew and Frozen crew. In Internal IVA mode you cannot switch the camera to frozen kerbals. They're frozen! and their eyes don't work. You can switch around all the un-frozen kerbals seat cameras to take a look around. If you attempt to freeze a kerbal while in IVA mode the camera will automatically switch back to Flight mode. This is because the Kerbals want privacy while they get frozen.

Snacks! - Vessel Supply screen now correctly updates to reflect number of active crew on-board.

TAC LS - You still have to use my workaround re-build of TAC LS here.

Remote Tech is now supported.

Finally fixed Crew Xfers and seat allocations for frozen kerbals correctly.

Added Temperature Checking function.

Fixed the on-going ElectricCharge function. If you run out of ElectricCharge the freezer systems will go critical.

A countdown timer will commence and when it finishes if you have not restored charge all your frozen Kerbals will DIE!!

Updated the DeepFreeze GUI to include monitoring section for Temperature and EC if you have switched them on in the settings.

Updated GUI to include scrollbars.

Part config file changes (see descriptions above).

Config/Settings file changes (see descriptions above).

Now has a Config/Settings Window at the SpaceCenter that allows you to change the following config file settings from in-game.

To access bring up the Deepfreeze Window at the Space Center by clicking the DeepFreeze App Icon and then click "settings" at the bottom of the window.

V0.15.0.5 Initial full release of DeepFreeze Continued...

Changes since Dev version -.14.3 include, but not limited to:-

New Radial Attached Glykerol tank. Glykerol storage inside the large DeepFreeze part reduced from 100 to 40 units.

New IVA in place, Needs finalization of the model and textures added - next version.

Ship Manifest support (using new interface supplied by Papa_Joe) and crew transfers working correctly (Kerbals not getting shoved into lockers any more).

Added a API for future other mod (such as life support mods) support.

GUI changes and tweaks. - Tracks kerbals per vessel, includes vesselname in GUI. GUI can be resized and dragged, includes close button.

Can now optionally change config file to automatically recover kerbals or not on vessel recovery (at a cost).

Added config file parameters.

Lots more bugs squashed.

Moved the install directory from GameData\PalladinLabs\DeepFreeze to GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeze ff782bc1db

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