I had heard that they currently don't have a working version for Mojave. I know they had trouble with AFPS. Article. In this statement they recommend removing deep freeze before upgrading because of issues related to AFPS.

As you can see if you call binary, you can also set password, uninstall, set thawspace and more. What does not seem to be included as of now is the scheduling part, but you can easily let JAMF do that for you by simply script it to unfreeze.

Download Deep Freeze Old Version

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2y2MK4 🔥

We are running into a similar issue here. New Deepfreeze on Mojave does not work the same way. We use ARD to globally freeze and thaw, but that is no longer an option. I have a ticket open with Faronics. Could anyone help with respect to scripting "boot thaw" and "boot frozen" ?

Set Boot State to Thawed after reboot: DFXPSWD="password" /usr/local/bin/deepfreeze thaw --startup --env Set Boot State to Frozen after reboot: DFXPSWD="password" /usr/local/bin/deepfreeze freeze --startup --env

Just throwing this out there...can you get away from using Deepfreeze? When I took over Mac support I found Deepfreeze to be more trouble than it's worth(and we got it pretty cheap). I moved our DeepFreeze labs to being cleaned by a script on log out and the accounts were changed from being admin to standard users. More or less I feel it's much more in line with what Apple supports and it works well.

Even on the Windows side there were guys who swore up and down by Deepfreeze and due to issues with it there they started using scripts to do the same thing and are now questioning if it's worth the hassle to go back to it.

The "cannot communicate with Daemon" issue is not due to how the Program is packed, but how the client is receiving the package. I don't think JAMF is actually perfectly mirroring a normal install - In this case, it's just dropping the files, and not initializing the Daemon. The system is looking for a plist daemon for Deepfreeze that isn't running!

I have also been successful in deploying DeepFreeze to Mojave. Performed the install, started DF (without rebooting), enabled passwords, created user, set drive to freeze, set restart to thawed but again, did not reboot, and then created the package. In policy I just set it to reboot after install.

As stated, Deepfreeze console doesn't show the workstations column on my laptop. To clarify, on my desktop workstation all systems appear, but on my laptop the actual column for workstation names isn't viable. I and show status, ip, MAC, version, etc, but the actual workstation column doesn't show up.

Same problem here! Just recently updated a training room with new hardware and updated versions of everything including Deep Freeze. To my horror computers were randomly freezing throughout the class. Thankfully I found some references online to point to Deep Freeze as the culprit. Reached out to support who confirmed the issue. They told me it's been going on for a year and they still don't have a fix although they are close. They sent me a test deepfrz.sys file which blew up the machine I tried it on. Does anyone know if simply thawing these workstations will prevent the random hangs or does the application need to be removed? And don't say reimaged... ugh.

I've also been trying to manage this DF issue for the past year, just when I'd almost given up hope of a solution in 2022, they emailed me an install link for 8.65, I've rolled it out a couple of days now, and haven't experienced any more freezes in the environment. (30+ Dell PCs on Win10)

Now if you were to run sudo vgs followed by sudo lvs you should be able to see that the amount of free space left in the volume group "ubuntu-vg" (VFree under vgs output) is equal to the amount of space taken by the logical volume "root" (LSize under lvs output). In my case, I have 506.44g free in ubuntu-vg and my root partition is 506.44g large. If the free space left in the volume group is equal to the the size of the partition I want to freeze, I should be able to wipe out the entire partition and still be able to recover with a reboot. Leave the rest of the free space in ubuntu-vg unused for now. We'll be using it later.

until @JPLRepo can find a time to see to this error, can anyone help me getting rid of it with an unofficial build? I want to play interstellar and honestly, without deep freeze it's almost impossible to send kerbals to other stars in galaxies.

If there is no way to fix this for time being, can anyone help and recommend an alternative way? Personally was thinking about playing with civilian population hand in hand with deep freeze, but now, I don't know if I can use civilian population for years away from kerbol system!

Today I downloaded deep freeze from github, and I put everything inside the game data folder, so, lacking of a dependency is not an issue here, how ever, when I run the game, it complains about something went bad and about bad installation!

honestly I didn't try playing to see if parts and mechanics are ok or not, as soon as I install the mod, when I start the game, on the main menu there is a warning modal box saying that something seriously wrong about deep freeze installation happened and tells me to close the game and reinstall the mod properly!

Not sure what's going on. I did, however, encounter some issues with some recent updates to RPM, I had to not use the last two versions and use the version, the two newer ones were causing the game to crash when going to the launchpad with only a capsule and a small freezer section.

The Object.freeze() static method freezes an object. Freezing an object prevents extensions and makes existing properties non-writable and non-configurable. A frozen object can no longer be changed: new properties cannot be added, existing properties cannot be removed, their enumerability, configurability, writability, or value cannot be changed, and the object's prototype cannot be re-assigned. freeze() returns the same object that was passed in.

Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength, buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for attempting to freeze these properties.

The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations.

To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you know the object contains no cycles in the reference graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze() recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.

\n Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength,\n buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of\n an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for\n attempting to freeze these properties.\n

\n The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the\n immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property\n addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on\n object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those\n objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value\n re-assignment operations.\n

\n To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property\n (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you\n know the object contains no cycles in the reference\n graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to\n deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path\n (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze()\n recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a\n risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.\n

Global optionspip-df syncpip-df treeConfigurationOther toolsDevelopmentContributingAboutpip-deepfreeze aims at doing one thing and doing it well, namely managingthe dependencies of a Python application in a virtual environment.

It is easy to use.It is fast, with very little overhead on top of a regularpip install + pip freeze.It relies on the documented pip command line interface and itsubiquitous requirements fileformat.It assumes your project is configured using a PEP 517/660 compliant buildbackend but otherwise makes no assumption on the specific backendused.It has first class support for dependencies specified as VCS references.It is written in Python 3.8+, yet works in any virtual environmentthat has pip installed, including python 2 and python 3.6 and 3.7.It is reasonably small and simple, with good test coverage and is hopefullyeasy to maintain.InstallationUsing pipx (recommended): ff782bc1db

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