My Debian Versions file says bookworm/sid. Is that correct? Or should it just say bookworm? Did I do anything wrong. Nothing seems broken and the upgrade went smoothly, just wanted some feedback. I left bookworm-updates, because there is nothing in the repo and I want to track bookworm once it comes to stable.

I have read the various pages associated with this one but am still a bit confused. As I understand, testing always tracks the development for the next stable release. This would mean that right now, testing tracks bookworm, but that as soon as bookworm becomes stable, testing will start tracking whatever the next stable release after bookworm will be. Is that correct?

Download Debian Testing Bookworm


Another thing I am confused about is the apt sources list for these two. Right now I have my apt sources configured for the testing branch. Could I switch over to bullseye by simply substituting every instance of "testing" with "bookworm" in the apt sources list? And if I did that, would I be able to switch back? I ask because the Debian page I mentioned above says that you can switch from stable to testing, but not the other way around, so I wasn't sure if testing and bullseye are interchangable or not.

Lastly, someone mentioned that around the time of stable releases the testing branch can get hectic and things can break more (I don't know if it's true I saw it on this sub a while back lol). In this case, can I substitute out all instances of "testing" in my sources list for "bookworm", and then after bookworm gets released, switch back to testing by replacing "bookworm" with "testing" again?

Edit: Also I might as well tack on: what kind of breakage have you all experienced on testing? I am used to stable and giving testing out a try because I wanted some newer software, and I'm just curious how rough I should expect it to be.


Is it so that Debian testing/Bookworm and GNOME 40 is not compatible with RT-git-dev (from source) and RT-5.8 from Debian package? I have tested both and I get the same issue.

EDIT: Debian testing/Bookworm GNOME packages are not all of the same version. But GNOME system info now displays GNOME 40.x. Has anyone else seen this issue of color management/rendering?

I suspect, but I do not know, the halfway installation of GNOME 40.4.0. Problems started when GNOME Version showed 40.4.0 and the desktop layout changed. This is will be resolved (in weeks?) as Debian testing stabilize on GNOME 40. => Waiting is one option. Edit: status: Status of GNOME 40 in Debian

I used Debian 12 Bookworm testing to compile latest GIMP git source, for GIMP 2.99.x. At least one library is only available in Debian testing. I can install that library separately or check out an older commit of GIMP git.


Is it possible to install packages from from testing [bookworm] release of debian, in version 9.3 of vanilladpup which is based on bullseye. I need some packages which are upgraded to latest version like freecad and nodejs.

I just received my DIY 12th gen i5 today, installed RAM and SSD I got separately, and installed bookworm from ISO. It worked nicely, wifi got picked up immediately, no problems to report. But after rebooting, I had very bad screen freezes. The display would freeze for 10-20 seconds at a time, keyboard and mouse would appear frozen but actually buffer input, and the screen would magically update after that long period. Input works for 5-10s, then freezes again. Obviously this made the machine unusable.

However, the strange thing is that if I played a video (like anything from YT in firefox), the screen stopped freezing.

This was on bookworm at first, then upgraded to unstable, and both had the same issue. I had upgraded BIOS to 3.06 before upgrading debian.

Autopkgtests help to discover regressions in your package or its dependencies,before they can migrate to testing. Please consider adding autopkgtests toyour package that test a substantial part of its functionality.

Please note that all rules in the freeze policy about 'autopkgtests' onlyapply to non-trivial autopkgtests. If you think it's useful to addautopkgtests that only do limited testing of your package, please mark them assuperficial (see theautopkgtestspecification).

The testing migration delay of all packages will be increased to 10 days. Thismeans the rate of changes to testing will slow down. This will also increasethe chance that regressions are discovered before they reach testing.

Packages that are not in testing will not be allowed to migrate to testing.This applies to new packages as well as to packages that were removed fromtesting (either manually or by auto-removals). Packages that are not in trixieat the start of the soft freeze will not be in the release.

Dropping or adding binary packages to a source package, moving binariesbetween source packages or renaming source or binary packages is no longerallowed. Packages with these changes will not be allowed to migrate totesting. These changes are also no longer appropriate in unstable.

As keypackages are exempted from auto-removals, RC bugs or regressions in keypackages can potentially cause delays in the freeze process. To decrease thechange of new regressions in testing, all changes to key packages will need anunblock by the release team.

For non-key packages with (non-trivial) autopkgtests, the rules of the softfreeze still apply, but the migration delay is increased to 20 days. Thisallows targeted fixes to your package to reach testing (eventually), withoutthe need for the release team to review them.

Please note that for these packages, the rules from the soft freeze will stillnot be automatically enforced. However, your change could cause RC bugs orregressions that might result in the (auto-)removal of your package and itsreverse dependencies. If your upload clearly violates the rules above, andcauses regressions in testing, it might be manually removed without warning.

We only intend to start the Full Freeze shortly before the actual release oftrixie. The starting date of the Full Freeze will be decided when we startplanning a release date and will be announced at least 14 days before itcomes into effect. During the Full Freeze, all packages can only migrate totesting after manual review by the release team. For key packages and packageswithout autopkgtests, the rules stay the same. From the start of the fullfreeze, those rules will also apply to other packages.

Note that when considering a request for an unblock, the changesbetween the (proposed) new version of the package in unstable andthe version currently in testing are taken in to account. If thereis already a delta between the package in unstable and testing,the relevant changes are all of those between testing and the newpackage, not just the incremental changes from the previous unstableupload. This is also the case for changes that were already inunstable at the time of the freeze, but didn't migrate at thatpoint. If unstable has changes that are not appropriate for testing at thispoint of the freeze, please revert them, even if that means reverting to anearlier upstream version.

We very strongly prefer changes that can be done via unstable instead oftesting-proposed-updates. If there are unrelated changes in unstable, we askyou to revert these changes instead of making an upload totesting-proposed-updates. Hence, and also because it may impact other packagesin unstable that try to migrate to trixie, it is recommended that, during thefreeze, you do not upload to unstable any changes for which you do not intendto request an unblock.

If you are unable to bring your fix through unstable, for example because yourpackage in unstable is dependent on a version of another package that isn'tavailable in trixie and that is not being unblocked, the release team cangrant you permission to use the testing-proposed-updates mechanism. Make sureyou fix the issue in unstable following the rules outlined above and prepare ano-change upload targeting testing-proposed-updates but do not upload it,and then contact us through an unblock bug. testing-proposed-updates is notmeant to prevent "ugly" version numbers for packages that already have a newerupstream version in unstable. You're requested to revert the upstream versioninstead, e.g. by using a new-version+reallyold-version versioning scheme.

Throughout the freeze, we will continue to remove non-keypackages with RC bugs in testing and their reverse dependencies automatically.As usual, the auto-removal system will send a notice before this happens.Please note that it is not enough for the bug to be fixed in unstable.The fix (in unstable or testing-proposed-updates) must be done in such a way thatthe fixed package can be unblocked and allowed to migrate to testing, based on the ruleslisted above. You must contact us to ensure the fix is unblocked - do not rely onthe release team to notice on their own.

I am trying to install QGIS on Debian testing (i.e., version 12, codename 'bookworm') following the standard instructions provided on -ubuntu.However, I get dependencies problems with a few packages (see snapshot below).

EDIT (4 days later):QGIS is being updated from the unstable branch, for now it works, I hope in the future, there will not be any incompatibilities between unstable packages and testing packages.

Hi, many package versions from debian testing (currently bookworm) are not available in Pure OS 10 default repo. When they will be included? What is the process and what decides when to merge? Is there a way to get newer versions with APT?

For example, Debian testing (bookworm) offers packages krita and podman of newer versions (5.0.2 and 3.4.4) but Pure OS 10 Byzantium offers older versions, 4.4.2 and 3.0.1

The higher pinning number for byzantium/stable means that packages from that repo will be installed by default and you will only install packages from testing if you specify that repo. For more info, see:

podman is outdated in snapcraft however. Thanks for the guide but I was asking about PureOS merge process of new versions. In the past I was reading that PureOS merges packages from Debian testing. Now it does not seems to be true. 9af72c28ce

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