About half my games I end up playing against the opening database. My opponent clearly just chooses whatever move looks worse for me from the db. In essence, I'm playing against masters and GMs. I'm nowhere near that level. So my only option is to make moves that take us out of the database, which is to say, moves that no master or GM considered to be worthwhile. This is a miserable way to play chess, and I feel at a disadvantage either way.

Daily Chess is chess.com's version of Correspondence chess and opening resources have always been allowed in that type of chess. The only things not allowed are engines, tablebases, or directly asking another player what to move.

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I don't think you read my post. I didn't say it wasn't allowed. I didn't even say it shouldn't be allowed. I was wondering why chess.com integrates it in to the board so that it's so easy to use. It's actively encouraged. Why is that the case if all the other stuff (engines, etc.) is disallowed?

My friend, I believe you should look at this matter with a different perspective. Opening Theory in essence is the heuristics of the best way to play following the masters and Grand Masters games. Sadly, foreseeing thousands of bad outcomes after a bad opening, some of them 20 moves ahead is hard. Much easier is to memorize the good openings and jumpstart your winning odds against one who doesn't. But then, chess would become boring for those who did not memorize or began doing so later having a small repertoire. I believe the open catalogue helps to even the playing field, in addition to be a great way to learn the good openings. Try differently and see for yourself the negative consequences, also valid as a learning tool but less effective like I mentioned before. Thoughts?

USE the database: don't just choose whatever line gives the highest winning %, (sometimes that is misleading, as a line that was successful for some time met a refutation and nearly dropped out of use) but look at all the lines, or as many as seem appealing, and see what you think best--something you can understand, and that lead to position you would be happy to play. Having time to analyze the position can help you master that opening variation.

Ok, what if you learn to use the database? This is a devil,s help. Cos you can reach the 15th move....and what next? - the database is gone...what now? Who must to be the 16th move??...then use some other resources...and finally your account will be closed for cheating.

Daily chess means correspondance chess. Correspondance chess allows opening books. And as such chess.com also allows opening trees. In normal games Bullet/Blitz/Rapid it is not allowed to use an opening book.

Daily chess is nice but it is not for everyone. If you do not want opening books, just stick to longer rapid games. Daily can be used as a tool to learn some openings as well. By the way, you will not be inside a book for too long except in highly played lines. Most of the time, you will follow the book for instance 10 moves (as I've said, I exclude some Najdorf lines or something else that has been played a lot) and then there will be a few games left and you will safely play something completely legit and be on your own, so you will not play out the entire game.

So, if you find daily helpful for your improvement, play it the way it is. If not, play longer rapid games, those are the best for improvement anyway, and there it is not allowed to use opening database.

Ultimately, daily is just a different option to play chess. The important thing is that you always have the option of playing a classical style of game.

And to your first question, my reaction was also like yours at first, but now I have accepted the rules and use database to understand the opening and see which variations are good or bad. Play live chess or simply make a move out of database if you don't want your opponent to use it.

thanks for your answers!! ok will keep on only live. What's the meaning to put energy to learn and practice openings, so? I like to learn by making mistakes during my openings, and thanks to the opponents' moves which are out of the mainlines. but if your opponent always chose the best statistic rate thanks to the database, it becomes an artificial fox hunting, where the opponent always open cleanly. ok just the humble thoughts of a low rate player...

Daily chess is basically the modern electronic form of correspondence chess in which you would make your move, then post that move through the mail. Back in the day, they was no way of checking if a player was using opening books to aid them. so in order to make it fair, everyone was allowed to use opening books.

Half the fun of Daily chess is researching opening moves, looking for offbeat ideas etc. that have been played in the past, although the online explorer sort of dumbs that down a bit, but you can still lead your opponent down a blind alley when you know they are just following a game on the explorer.

That's why I avoid daily chess. Don't agree with the opening books being allowed but understand why it's a rule. You have people with 1900 daily rating but under 1000 blitz. It's rotten to the core.>>>

Not in the slightest ... they're altogether different. In any case, someone can get a low blitz grade by not caring and not really being interested in blitz. If you want to get stronger for otb play, 2Q1C, the 3 day game will help you in that, if you use it properly. Much better for you than online blitz.

Yeah it's dumb. I've seen tons of players on here with 2000 daily and no other ratings within several hundred points of that. Daily chess ratings are hilarious I bet I could break 2000 without even trying lol.

I only use opening databases offline, when playing Chess King or Lucas Chess on my laptop, or Droidfish on my Android Phone. I do so to help me explore and memorize opening moves. Even so, I'm usually on my own by more 6 or 7.

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Thus, this set of legal chess positions can be described trivially with an integer from zero up to (64^12 * 32^4 * 21^4 * 26^4 * 30^4 * 32^8)-1, or 391935874857773690005106949814449284944862535808450559999, which fits into 188 bits. Encoding and decoding a position to and from this is very straightforward - however, there are multiple numbers that decode into the same position (e.g. white knight 1 at B1 and white knight 2 at G1; and white knight 1 at G1 and white knight 2 at B1).

If you do not need a decodable position representation for comparisons then you could look at Zobrist hashing. This is used by chess engines to produce a 64 bit oneway hash of a position for spotting transpositions in search trees. As it is a oneway hash you obviously cannot reverse the position from the hash. The size of the hash is tunable, but 64 bits seems to be the accepted minimum size that results in few collisions. It would be ideal as a database index key with a fixed length of just 8 bytes. As collisions, though infrequent, are possible you could do a second pass comparing the actual positions to filter out any positions that have hashed to the same value if it is a concern. I use Zobrist hashes in one of my own applications (using SQLite) that I use to manage my openings and it has no trouble in finding transpositions. e24fc04721

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