I am about to start a new project and I am considering if I need to continue to do the data load scripting myself or if using the data manager is better. I am still relatively new and slow with scripting but I have managed to do some fairly complex work so happy to continue down this route but though I would see what the communities views on these two routes are. Especially now that I am starting with a clean slate.

One of the topics of the exam is learning when to use data manager/data load editor... I guess, data manager is used only if the app is easy to make... I am not able to find another reason to choose data manager over data load editor.

Download Data Manager

DOWNLOAD šŸ”„ https://ssurll.com/2yGc97 šŸ”„

The Data Manager is a late coming feature in the Qlik ecosystem, but it is under continuous improvements, its earlier incarnation were pretty simple, but we should admit it is becoming stronger as new versions are deployed.

We learned Qlik Scripting first, and resolved many challenges with it over the years, so it is very difficult for us to change our ways to think, still the data manager deserve our attention, to me, balancing them, script-data manager is perhaps the best way to think about it.

There's not much documentation out there on what it is or does -- try disabling it to see if there are any untoward effects. There probably won't be -- most of the pre-loaded services are more trouble than they're worth.

Did that and nothing bad has happened yet. Actually stopped 7 different Dell services and everything seems okay. Just like what happens on your phone, except I know how to disable them on my laptop. Being honest, if no one knows what it does it can't be very useful. Thanks

Dell PowerProtect Data Manager builds on top of project Velero to provide a data protection solution that enables application-consistent backups and restores and that is always available for Kubernetes in on-premises and in-cloud workloads, VMware hybrid cloud environments and Tanzu modern applications

IMO, it's unacceptable that Dell throws RAM-consuming (often superfluous, buggy) Services on the device without even providing an explanation of what they are, how they're used, or implications of stopping the Service. "Just get rid of it and see what happens" can be problematic, as related issues may not surface for some time, and the connection to the stopped service may not be apparent.

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with what you said about unnecessary Services. And they all do it; WINDOWS, Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, Amazon on PCs, tablets, phones, everything. When I got my new Dell laptop I spent 2 days trying to figure out what I needed and what I didn't. And 50% are NOT documented at all as to what they do. Problem is some of the Services are actually important and necessary for your system to run. So what these companies do is add in everything so they don't have to document Services for different cases, like home vs residential. It's all in the money.

The other thing to note as that when going through Settings > Apps, Dell's uninstall routines are sloppy, leaving, residue behind. We've been using Revo Pro, which does a much better job of deleting remnant app folders and pruning the Registry. Copious restore points and system images in between, of course.

1. Ā Information shown on is wrong from Day 1! Dell liberally swaps components (e.g., SSD) based upon availability and/or their cost, yet the portal - even when referencing a specific Service Tag - only reflects the "standard" build, and is NOT UPDATED to reflect actual components put into customer's devices. Never mind the packing slip isn't specific about what SSD is actually used in the device (you might glean some info by clicking on the "view product specs" link) so most customers will never know the portal is recommending inapplicable updates for their devices. IMO, this so easily addressed with a bit of process, not doing so is inexcusable, and shows Dell really doesn't have any regard for its customers.

2. Dell Update is in the process of being deprecated in favor of SupportAssist, and may not be kept (as) current. Dell Command Update is likewise not being updated to support many devices (e.g., XPS8950, Vostro5620) still being sold today, so this isn't a viable option.

In light of the above, rather than uninstall SupportAssist, I built a Powershell script, likely similar to what @Jack63SS mentioned above, which a) stops services, and sets those services to manual / disabled, so they won't re-start on every reboot, and b) kills several left-over processes. The same script can also restart those services and processes based upon an input, if desired.

My solution is to run the script monthly to enable SupportAssist, run SupportAssist, then run the script again to disable it. I'm looking into incorporating the script into Task Scheduler, but that's TBD.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but is there a way to have the retirement or archival step only execute when the CI is not referenced by a number of other tables? Specifically tasks, and kb tables.

I can think of a few ways to handle this but this seems so close without having to customize things. A few options I can think of off the top of my head include, running some scheduled job/flow to set some value "Ready to retire" when the conditions are met then use the CMDB Data manager policies but, I'd love to hear if anyone has any other thoughts on this or if there's another better way.

You get an overview of all data tables in the app, whether you added them using Add data, or loaded them with the data load script. Each table is displayed with the table name, the number of data fields, and the name of the data source.

You can edit all the data tables that you have added with Add data. You can rename the table and fields in the data table, and update the fields from the data source. It is also possible to add a calculated field and adjust date and time formats.

When you add several tables that need to be associated, the perfect situation is that the tables associate with key fields that have identical names in the different tables. If that is the case, you can add them to Qlik Sense with the data profiling disabled option of Add data, and the result will be a data structure with the tables associated correctly.

If you want to associate your data, we recommend that you use the Add data option with data profiling enabled. This is the default option. You can verify this setting by clicking beside the Add data button in the lower right corner of the Add Data page.

Qlik Sense performs data profiling of the data you want to load to assist you in fixing the table association. Existing bad associations and potential good associations are highlighted, and you get assistance with selecting fields to associate, based on analysis of the data.

Changes that you have made in the Data manager will not be available in the app until you have reloaded data. When you reload data, the changes are applied and any new data that you have added is loaded from the external data sources. Data that you loaded previously is not reloaded.

If the data in Data manager is out of sync with the app data, the Load data button is green. In the Associations view, all new or updated tables are indicated with *, and deleted tables are a lighter color of gray. In the Tables view, all new, updated, or deleted tables are highlighted in blue and display an icon that shows the status of the table:

Details displays the current operations and transformations made to the selected table. This shows you the source of a table, the current changes that have been made, and the sequence in which the changes have been applied. Details enables you to more easily understand how a table got into a current state. You can use Details, for example, to easily see the order in which tables were concatenated.

When you add data tables in the Data manager, data load script code is generated. You can view the script code in the Auto-generated section of the data load editor. You can also choose to unlock and edit the generated script code, but if you do, the data tables will no longer be managed in the Data manager.

By default, data tables defined in the load script are not managed in Data manager. That is, you can see the tables in the data overview, but you cannot delete or edit the tables in Data manager, and association recommendations are not provided for tables loaded with the script. If you synchronize your scripted tables with Data manager, however, your scripted tables are added as managed scripted tables to Data manager.

You can add script sections and develop code that enhances and interacts with the data model created in Data manager, but there are some areas where you need to be careful. The script code you write can interfere with the Data manager data model, and create problems in some cases, for example:

History only saves scripting created in Data load editor. It does not include auto-generated scripting sections created by Data manager. For example, if you restore a load script that contains auto-generated scripts in a locked section, the script outside of the auto-generated sections is restored to the old version while the script inside the auto-generated sections remains the same.

Concatenation combines two tables into a single table with combined fields. It consolidates content, reducing the number of separate tables and fields that share content. Tables in Data manager can be automatically or forcibly concatenated.

Data connections are used to load data from external data sources into Qlik Cloud for the purpose of creating analytics, in the form of apps and scripts. Data connections can load data from databases and remotely stored files.

The load script is a sequence of statements that defines what data to load and how to link the different loaded tables. It can be generated with the Data manager, or with the Data load editor, where it also can be viewed and edited. 152ee80cbc

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