Data dashboards help you understand almost every component of your business, from whether your pricing is right to how much revenue your sales team brings in. Listed below are several examples of dashboards and the types of information they offer for tracking relevant KPIs.

Many great examples of dashboards help inform business decisions every day. For instance, your employee dashboard might indicate you need additional resources on a given project to reduce overtime, or that you need to change your approach to selling a certain product if you want to meet your financial goals.

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Data dashboards are a summary of different, but related data sets, presented in a way that makes the related information easier to understand. Dashboards are a type of data visualization, and often use common visualization tools such as graphs, charts, and tables.

This is a common type of business dashboard. Unlike the high-level dashboards previously mentioned, these are hyper-focused on helping you run the business day-to-day and give users an end-to-end view of daily operations.

The healthcare industry deals with large amounts of critical data: hospital admission and discharge rates, costs, staff allocations, insurance claims, appointment attendance, no-show rates, and more. Healthcare dashboards keep that information accessible, understandable, and secure so clinicians, office administrators, and other healthcare staff can focus on improving patient outcomes.

E-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores deal with complex data about inventory and profit, which is why many managers and owners utilize retail dashboards. They commonly house data such as the number of sales, net profit, inventory, foot traffic, or employee turnover and performance to help retailers understand areas such as performance, customer engagement, and how to improve service.

Best practices for building and using dashboards vary across companies (and person to person). Keep in mind the goal you hope to achieve with the dashboard and who will look at it, as well as these considerations for creating a good dashboard:

There are many benefits to using dashboards as you visualize and understand data. For a start, it gives you a clear view of key data metrics that are important to your organization. Other major benefits include:

As a mobile analytics platform for app marketers and developers, Adjust has several dedicated data dashboards with different areas of focus to empower our clients to grow their apps. They provide insights on various in-app performance metrics, as well as many customizable inclusions and features. Our settings are customizable, and data sets can be downloaded with a single click.

ArcGIS Dashboards enables users to convey information by presenting location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen. Every organization using the ArcGIS system can take advantage of ArcGIS Dashboards to help make decisions, visualize trends, monitor status in real time, and inform their communities. Tailor dashboards to your audiences, giving them the ability to slice the data to get the answers they need. Dashboards are essential information products, like maps and apps, providing a critical component to your geospatial infrastructure.

Amazon CloudWatch dashboards are customizable home pages in the CloudWatch console that you can use to monitor your resources in a single view, even those resources that are spread across different Regions. You can use CloudWatch dashboards to create customized views of the metrics and alarms for your AWS resources.

If you have multiple AWS accounts, you can set up CloudWatch cross-account observability and then create rich cross-account dashboards in your monitoring accounts. These dashboards can include graphs of metrics from source accounts and CloudWatch Logs Insights widgets with queries of log groups from source accounts. Additionally, alarms that you create in the monitoring account can watch metrics in source accounts. For more information, see CloudWatch cross-account observability.

You can create dashboards from the console or using the AWS CLI or PutDashboard API operation. You can add dashboards to a favorites list, where you can access not only your favorited dashboards, but also your recently visited dashboards. For more information, see Add a dashboard to your favorites list.

Log Analytics dashboards can visualize all of your saved log queries. Visualizations give you the ability to find, correlate, and share IT operational data in your organization. This tutorial covers creating a log query that will be used to support a shared dashboard that can be accessed by your IT operations support team. You learn how to:

Choose a subscription and resource group for your dashboard to be published to. For convenience, you're guided toward a pattern where you place dashboards in a resource group called dashboards. Verify the subscription selected and then select Publish. Access to the information displayed in the dashboard is controlled with Azure role-based access control.

Yellowfin has created a free-form dashboard that canvas designers (and end users) will love. Drag and drop charts and a range of graphic tools to easily assemble creative, pixel-perfect and on-brand infographics and dashboards. With Canvas you have the freedom, in any grid or layout, to create engaging analytic experiences by adding shapes, text and images, and then augment the dashboard experience with automation and data storytelling.

Until now, dashboards were something you only looked at. Our no-code/low-code action buttons give you the ability to support and trigger workflows directly from within your Yellowfin dashboards. This gives users the ability to act on data and immediately do things, like adjust an order, log a ticket or add a note without having to switch applications. It's a totally new analytics experience.

A dashboard is just the start. Deliver a unified analytics experience and streamline how to find out which insights are the most important and actionable by augmenting your Yellowfin Dashboard with assisted insights, automated alerting and data storytelling. Incorporate a Data Storytelling feed and surface contextual data stories relevant to content on your Yellowfin dashboards. And be alerted to relevant shifts in your data through a Yellowfin Signals feed to discover critical changes and insights directly from your dashboard.

Create outstanding data-driven customer experiences. Easily embed and white label a highly-flexible Yellowfin dashboard into your software and improve your product experience by leveraging data. Build on our action-based dashboards and create integrated workflows via code mode into your own apps.

A better way to monitor, decide and take action. Make the best decisions possible with governed and secure data that the business will trust. Yellowfin dashboards are simple to build and even easier to use, and with embedded actions, you can enable the integration of workflows into your dashboards.

Explore the Yellowfin interactive dashboard gallery and see actionable, beautiful dashboards in action. The library contains a selection of KPI and operational dashboards each with notes highlighting the many unique features offered by Yellowfin.

Welcome to the PA Early Learning Dashboards. The Early Learning Dashboards offer a variety of data and information. Please use these dashboards to learn more about the different Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) programs.

With our dashboards you can customize and understand the data you collect. Explore your data and correlate connected sources with charts and quickly learn the state of your system and applications for faster, more efficient troubleshooting.

Clicking the star icon next to a dashboard toggles on or off the favorites. When you click it, the icon turns yellow. When you favorite a dashboard, it's grouped with other favorite dashboards at the top of the list.

You can also sort the dashboards in the index. By default, dashboards you edited recently are at the top of the index in both the favorited and non-favorited sections. To change this order, you can sort both sections by any of the columns in the index, your most recent sort is displayed next time you access New Relic.

Your dashboard is the main display you see when you log in to Jira. You can create multiple dashboards from different projects, or multiple dashboards for one massive overview of all the work you're involved with.

I am doing a large audit of our Domo implementation. I want to use card activity to determine whether upstream datasets and dataflows are still needed. However, the Activity log only counts a card view if a user opens the card. So far, I can't find anywhere that tells me the card was viewed in a dashboard or even know what dashboards use the card? Does Domo provide such capability?

In business computer information systems, a dashboard is a type of graphical user interface which often provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to a particular objective or business process. In other usage, "dashboard" is another name for "progress report" or "report" and considered a form of data visualization. In providing this overview, business owners can save time and improve their decision making by utilizing dashboards.[citation needed]

The idea of digital dashboards followed the study of decision support systems in the 1970s. Early predecessors of the modern business dashboard were first developed in the 1980s in the form of Executive Information Systems (EISs). Due to problems primarily with data refreshing and handling, it was soon realized that the approach wasn't practical as information was often incomplete, unreliable, and spread across too many disparate sources.[4] Thus, EISs hibernated until the 1990s when the information age quickened pace and data warehousing, and online analytical processing (OLAP) allowed dashboards to function adequately.[4] Despite the availability of enabling technologies, the dashboard use didn't become popular until later in that decade, with the rise of key performance indicators (KPIs), and the introduction of Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton's balanced scorecard.[5] In the late 1990s, Microsoft promoted a concept known as the Digital Nervous System and "digital dashboards" were described as being one leg of that concept.[6] Today, the use of dashboards forms an important part of Business Performance Management (BPM). Initially dashboards were used for monitoring purposes, now with the advancement of technology, dashboards are being used for more analytical purposes. The use of dashboards has now been incorporating; scenario analysis, drill down capabilities, and presentation format flexibility.[7] e24fc04721

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