The maximum width of a dashboard is the browser window width. Dashboard widgets stretch horizontally to fit the window. At the same time, a dashboard widget cannot be stretched horizontally beyond the window limits.

A wide variety of widgets (e.g. Clock, Host availability or Trigger overview) can be added to a dashboard: these can be resized and moved around the dashboard in dashboard editing mode by clicking on the widget title bar and dragging it to a new location. Also, you can click on the following buttons in the top-right corner of the widget to:

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Dashboard widgets can be copied and pasted, allowing to create a new widget with the properties of an existing one. They can be copy-pasted within the same dashboard, or between dashboards opened in different tabs.

Now, when saving the dashboard, you will notice that a new host selection field has appeared atop the dashboard for selecting the host (while the Select button allows selecting the host group in a popup):

Clicking on a host in the Problems widget brings up the host menu. It includes links to host inventory, latest data, problems, graphs, dashboards, web scenarios and configuration. Note that host configuration is available for Admin and Superadmin users only.

While in a single dashboard you can group widgets from various sources for a quick overview, it is also possible to create several dashboards containing different sets of overviews and switch between them.

Note that when the dashboard is displayed in kiosk mode (accessible from the fullscreen mode) and widgets only are displayed, it is possible to zoom out the graph period by double clicking in the graph.

In dashboard editing mode widgets can be moved around the dashboard by clicking on the widget title bar and dragging it to a new location. Also, you can click on the following buttons within the widget to:

I need to remove it, because that host group is like the "master" host group of my system, that is, all other host group is kind of "grouped" in this master host group which I want to keep hidden in my dashboard.

So, since this given host group acts as a summary of the other host groups, I don't really need it on the dashboard. Keeping it on the dashboard is even harmful because it doubles the count of everything recorded for the other host groups.

Effective monitoring and visibility are vital in today's complex IT settings for maintaining the performance, availability, and security of critical systems and applications. Zabbix, a popular open-source monitoring tool, provides a complete range of monitoring functionalities. One of Zabbix's most important features is its customizable dashboard, which allows users to see and analyze monitoring data. In this article, we'll look at several best practice's for creating Zabbix dashboards that give useful insights, increase troubleshooting, and boost overall monitoring efficiency.

Before you begin designing your dashboard, you must first identify your monitoring objectives. Understand the vital metrics, indications, and statistics for your infrastructure, apps, and services. Determine the important stakeholders and their expectations to ensure that the dashboard meets their requirements.

Divide the dashboard into areas such as infrastructure, apps, network, or teams or departments. This allows users to easily discover and focus on essential information, making it easier to detect problems and fix them.

Different stakeholders may have distinct needs and obligations. Consider making distinct dashboards for each category. System administrators may demand infrastructure-specific information, whereas application owners may require application-specific performance indicators. By providing customized perspectives, you enable stakeholders to concentrate on what is most important to them, so simplifying their monitoring efforts.

Use Zabbix's widget features to build flexible and educational dashboards. Try out various widgets, such as maps, HTML blocks, custom screens, or network weather maps, to enhance your dashboards with context and useful data. To maximize visibility and make the best use of the available space, adjust widget sizes and locations.

Take into account the ideal refresh rate for your dashboards. Real-time monitoring scenarios may require frequent updates, whilst less important dashboards might use longer refresh intervals to save resources. Strike a balance between the requirement for current information and the influence on system performance.

To guarantee proactive monitoring, integrate alerts and notifications into your dashboards. Zabbix may be set up to send warnings when certain criteria are crossed. Displaying these signals prominently on the dashboard would help users react to urgent situations faster and reduce downtime.

Dashboards should be regularly reviewed and improved as your infrastructure and monitoring needs change. Review your dashboards' performance on a regular basis and gather input from stakeholders. Determine your designs' weak points and incrementally enhance them in light of evolving trends and changing consumer demands.

Zabbix dashboards provide a strong way to visualize monitoring data and acquire useful understanding of your IT environment. You may create dashboards that offer a simple and straightforward overview, assist speedy troubleshooting, and enhance overall by adhering to these best practice's.

This works great, but I feel like an important part is missing and I would like to suggest adding it. When we are sending scheduled reports, we might also want to share those same kind of reports using data we are currently looking at in a dashboard.

Hi there, @speculatrix,

Of course, zabbix users want to have monitor on one place, as much as possible.

Here are some basic checking for zabbix according to manual: _agent (part of proc.num, i.e. checking if process is active, at least one for each monitored instance)

Since Prometheus is mentioned here, linking the CI pipeline efficiency docs which include the great GitLab CI Pipeline Exporter & dashboards too Hopefully the ideas are also helpful for Zabbix metrics, e.g. as a queryable interface.

I am trying to view the kibana dashboard in zabbix using the url widget type , when i give url of kibana in this format

 :password@kibanaDashboardUrl it returns a blank page. all other url works fine. What can be the issue>

Resurrecting an old thread, but you might be interested in this functionality in zabbix version 6.x, monitoring Meraki via API. This would tell you about change in the status of the WAN, VPNs, and various other parameters.

Yes, you can navigate within Zabbix to the Monitoring > Graphs area, then select the graph you need, but they are singular here; you cannot overlay multiple graphs. However, you can create graph overlays on a dashboard widget. I also like to see everything in one place, so I customized the dashboard (see Figure 2) to show the pertinent graphs on the top, a list of problems, and a view of the Event Log on the bottom.

Give the dashboard a name and click Apply. Click anywhere on the blank dashboard to bring up the Add Widget dialog (see Figure 3). You can select the type of widget and its associated options. If you did not use the Soliant Zabbix template to set up your Zabbix monitoring, your items may have different names than what I outline below.

When you add the Zabbix Data Source you will be asked to add the server address _jsonrpc.php as well as the login you just created - leave everything else default! For my test server I simply use the docker domain name of my zabbix-web container + port 8080 - -web:8080/api_jsonrpc.php:

Grafana is an open source data visualization and monitoring suite. It supports Graphite, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, Zabbix, and other data sources. The tool provides a beautiful dashboard and metric analytics, allowing you to manage and create your dashboard for your apps or infrastructure performance monitoring.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to integrate Zabbix monitoring tool with the Grafana Dashboard. We will learn about the Grafana plugins installation, adding the data source to grafana, and import grafana dashboard to get a beautiful dashboard metric for our applications.

In this step, we will install the grafana plugin using the grafana-cli command. We will install the grafana zabbix plugins data source on the grafana server, so we can add the zabbix data source to the grafana.

Parameter zabbix_host can be set with multiple hostnames separated by commas.Hostnames (or IP addresses) can be followed by colon and port number. If a portnumber is not present module will use the port number defined in zabbix_port.

There are 2 ansible roles for deployment see [2], zabbix_agent (should auto enrol hosts with server) and zabbix_server (covers deployment of zabbix server itself). The server is running RHEL9 and its running Zabbix LTS 6.x. I went with postgres db running locally on the same machine. e24fc04721

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