Liberty Science Center's iconic Touch Tunnel is an 80-foot, crawl-through, pitch-black tunnel. Exploring an unknown environment in the dark makes you realize how much we rely on sight to move through the world.

Oh my dear friend! I too know this long dark tunnel and endurance is so hard. Thank you so much for putting it into words and reminding that His Love is what we hold on to. Maybe our tunnels will cross paths soon and we can wall paper together!

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There comes a point where you make the choice. Where it becomes obvious that entering into the tunnel and going through it is worth the fear. Because the other option is to spend the rest of your life in disordered eating hell.

Spiking up my courage, I shout down the tunnel at the whisper, Why should I listen to you? What gives you the right to tease me with your riddles?&#8221 No sound is returned to my ears, not even an echo, just the lingering words of the whisper. I stand and try to peer past the darkness trying to discern the truth.

The Riehl family trekked through a dark tunnel at the Hiawatha Bike Trail, with only headlamps to help them see. But when they came to the light, it was all the more wonderful for having traveled through the pitch-dark. (Photo provided by Bethany Riehl)

Sometime after the halfway point, I heard echoes behind me. A large group was making its way toward us, and as they gained speed, the tunnel brightened. Suddenly I could see much more of my surroundings. I gazed in awe at the arch of the vaulted ceiling, full of chisel marks and divots where rocks had been removed or blown out well over a century ago. I saw the trenches on either side of us, carrying water out of the tunnel, and the cold, drippy walls.

Hours later we climbed on the shuttle and marveled as our charming driver played tour guide and entertained us with the history of the world we had just enjoyed and took us back to the top in less than 30 minutes. She stopped at the base of the first tunnel and told us we would be going back through to finish the trail.

Would the trail have been beautiful and enjoyable without the tunnels? Sure. But those times of darkness emphasized the times in the light and brought such a delightful adventure to the whole experience.

I want to add one more imperfect analogy to the experience. That tunnel? It was much less intimidating on the way back when it was full of people. Our tiny headlamps all joined with one another to create nearly full illumination, as opposed to when the five of us trekked through on our own.

I had to keep moving and I had two options: 1) there was a detour route back down the road. There were signs that I misread leading cyclists to take the detour instead of the tunnel which was closed. 2) I take a path that is very narrow, would be hard to get my bike through and looked more conducive to someone in hiking boots than bike gear.

Sometimes life transports us on an unplanned journey, that keeps changing directions. We change direction, but the route brings us back into a dark tunnel. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel provides no indication of ending. The frustration, fear, and lost hope become our companions in the dark tunnel. Because that tunnel isn't any random spot. The tunnel represents a path we have selected unconsciously. Day by day we have walked towards that tunnel, but escaped it by taking a less favorable but a safe route. But gradually the safest of routes run out and we are left with nothing but the unseen dark tunnel.

And now we will have to make it through that symbolic end of the journey. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through our confidence, mental strength & skill level. It will leave us alone, weak, un-admired & undesirable. Our efforts will be questioned & lots of "I knew it," comments will echo in the dark walls of our minds.

Put one foot infront of the other and take it one step at a time. I was going to write about my mountain move, but speaking of the current, energy comes first. Things are reaching a boil, a collective purge, and a time that feels darkest before dawn.

EDIT: Tested it and it is not bad at all. By standing 24-32 blocks away in a couple of minutes I got about 20 regular mobs and an enderman. And by placing the torches at "just the right distance" I was able to create a half-slab window along the side of the tunnel to kill mobs easily and safely. It could easily be built in the first hour of a skyblock world.

Hope is something the families we work with often lose. Having children in foster care can feel like walking in a tunnel and finding no exit and no light. Meanwhile, I was brand new to the job, and filled with positivity and energy. I wanted to be the ray of sunlight surfacing in the crevices of that tunnel.

Jump down from the ledge to the walkway below. After landing, find a dead-end corridor to the left with a floating orb. Examine the pedestal to carry this orb with you while exploring the dark ruins.

After getting the orb, continue to the first densely dark corridor. Don't worry since the first dark orb in this area is just around the corner. Continue straight along the corridor to find this dark orb. This serves as your tutorial for what you need to do for the next similarly dark areas of the ruins. As mentioned above, simply shine your light on the dark orb to destroy it and improve visibility.

The real path via the flight of stairs to the immediate right of the doorway but it's blocked for now. For meantime, find the set of stairs leading to the second floor. There's another shield-wielding doll hiding along the way so get rid of it and continue forth. There's another enemy hiding behind the pillars at the end of the stairs so watch out for the spot on the ground with the black mist. Take out the enemy the head to the other end of the floor to find another corridor. At the end of that corridor, there's a dark crystal floating. Destroy it with your magic spells to remove the barrier blocking the stairs below.

Continue upstairs until you reach the walkway outside the ruins. You still need to take another roundabout way to reach your hat so follow the path then enter the next dark corridor. There are two dolls waiting at the end of the corridor so be prepared to destroy them. Don't hesitate to run away and kite them if needed. Continue along the path until you exit the ruins once again. There's a flight of stairs to your immediate left that leads to a dead-end room covered in dense darkness and a chest. Be warned though, this chest is a mimic, and a red spellcaster enemy will drop from above so it's up to you if you want to challenge these guys to receive a lot of soul essences or skip them altogether.

Moving forward, find the stairs leading up the walkway above. There's another mage doll to the right so get rid of that then carefully trudge along the narrow walkway. Before going upstairs, anticipate a shield-bearer doll hiding in the dark room to the left. There are also several enemies waiting above, including ranged, hooded spirits that will snipe you. Anticipate mage dolls and annoying red slimy enemies to go to your position so don't let your guard down.

Once you're ready, head to the next corridor to find another light orb. Examine the pedestal to equip the light orb. The path upstairs is blocked so just head to the right into the dense pool of darkness. There are no enemies here and the path has a barrier up so just go around the stairs and find the other corridor leading to a dead-end with a dark orb. Get close enough then manual aim to shine your light on it and destroy it. This will also remove the barrier.

Continue forth and you'll find yourself in a large hall. However, don't go downstairs yet! (Read below) A portion of that hall will be covered in dense darkness as well and you'll find a lot of deformed enemies below. The problem here is that these enemies are buffed with auto-revive by a doll in a maid costume and wielding a cross. You can still destroy these sludge enemies but they'll get resurrected shortly after. You'll know if the buff is active since these enemies will have a blue magical band around them, as shown below.

After taking out the maid doll, you can now explore this hall and take out the remaining enemies. We can also go further down, deep inside the lower area covered by dense darkness to find and destroy the two dark orbs there. There are multiple stairs in the same area leading there so you can take any of them. Once inside, be on a lookout for enemies. There are no mimics or red enemies here but the limited visibility can easily freak you out nonetheless. To give you an idea, one of the orbs is located near two sets of stairs and there are dolls playing possum in front of it. Snipe these faker dolls then shine your light on the orb to dispel the blanketing darkness. Continue exploring this lower floor to find the other orb.

Go there then head downstairs towards another blue torch. Continue to the next hallway (with the blue torches) until you encounter a small room with dense darkness. Before going there, be prepared; there's no stairs going back and there are several red enemies that will ambush you shortly after landing. It's better to charge up a spell so you can unleash something powerful. To avoid getting surrounded, you can head straight upstairs after landing so that you don't have to fight them in the terrible darkness.

After getting rid of the three red enemies, follow the stairs around to reach the top floor where you can find the dark orb. Shine your light to destroy it then continue through the corridor with the blue torch once again. Once you see an intersection, just look to the left to find a Goddess Statue. The barrels nearby contain items so make sure to destroy and pick the items up if you still have free item slots. Use the Goddess Statue before moving forward.

From the goddess statue, follow the corridor until you see a flight of stairs going down. There's a crystal in the middle of the room that will replenish your mana quickly. Once you enter the room, barriers will appear; to remove them, you'll need to destroy three dark crystals in quick succession. However, there are enemies that you have to get rid of first. Two are powerful enemies here; a red slime and a scissor-wielding doll. Furthermore, these two are buffed by the cross-wielding maid doll that allows them to automatically revive upon death. Ignore the two enemies first and focus on getting around the barrier and taking out the maid doll. ff782bc1db

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