A new year brings fresh opportunities to grow in the knowledge of God through His Word. As you consider your study plans for the year ahead, we invite you to explore an array of Bible reading plans that can help you meditate on the Scriptures daily.

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Did you know Lutheran Church of Hope writes daily devotions every weekday to go along with the daily Bible readings? Follow along on the daily devotions page. You can also download and print our daily Bible readings checklist to track your progress as you read through the Bible.

The daily readings expand the range of biblical reading in worship and personal devotion by providing daily citations for the full three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary. These readings complement the Sunday and festival readings: Thursday through Saturday readings help prepare the reader for the Sunday ahead; Monday through Wednesday readings help the reader reflect on and digest what they heard in worship.

Here are four approaches people generally take when reading the Bible for themselves on a daily basis. Any of them will work, but as we go down the list the approaches tend to become more effective over the long haul for the lifelong reader.

Problems: The main problem with a prescribed plan is that most of them go by specific dates of the year. If you do not read for more than a couple of days, you will fall very far behind. You could of course simply skip these passages, but such an approach might leave some unfortunate holes. For this reason, the approach below can be better for the daily lifelong reader of the Bible.

For the first time in my 55 years, I am able to not only read, but also to understand, the Word of God.....Daily! I have never been able to get through the Old Testament....The Macarthur Bible has changed all that for me! I love this Bible and spending time with Him in His Word! So easy to stick with reading it daily as well. I am grateful I found it!!

@UncleBud how ironic, I just read Psalm 119 this morning for my daily reading. Thanks for posting and for keeping @Alphagirl post current until she returns. I will also continue to contribute once in a while until she returns. Take care and stay safe.

A good friend does his daily Bible reading just before bed. I've tried that, too, and sometimes it works well. Other times, I nod off in the middle of a passage or during my prayers. Again, it's not the life-changing impact I seek.

Make it a priority by calendaring it as you would any other important meeting. We set appointments for much less important things like oil changes, haircuts, and lunches. How much more important is it to have a daily time with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? The Creator is available to meet with you ... are you ready to meet with Him? Set a specific time to meet with Him daily and stick to it.

I have a favorite recliner in my home ... it's "mine." I love to begin my day by sitting in this particular chair with my Bible near me, my copy of Stand Firm (a men's devotional), and a cup of coffee. I find that meeting with God in the same place each day is helpful and helps me to build memories of what God says during my daily devotional time with Him.

When you are trying to establish a new habit, it helps to have someone hold you accountable. I want one or two people to have permission to ask me how my daily devotional time is going, what God is saying to me, and whether or not I'm keeping my appointments with God.

This is not to be legalistic, but to make sure that you don't give yourself an "out." If you choose to have your daily devotional time early in the morning, say 6 a.m., you know that you can't do it if you keep hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock. You may be tempted to skip a day and spend extra time with God the next day, but making up lost time rarely happens, and once time is lost, it's lost. Don't talk yourself out of meeting with God, and don't give yourself permission to skip a day. Do a Google search on creating habits and you'll find plenty of evidence that repeating a habit 21 to 28 days in a row is significant in forming an ongoing habit. Some people may need a little longer than that, but the point is, be consistent and don't skip a day.

While meeting with God is its own reward of course, consider giving yourself small incentives for consistently having your daily devotional time. For instance, at the end of your first seven days of consistently meeting with God, take yourself out for coffee or a special dessert. Do something like this at the end of each week, and perhaps build up to something big, like buying yourself a new Bible that will become a part of your daily devotional time, and a reminder of your commitment to meeting with God.

Let's face it, our schedules are busy and we lead "time compressed" lives. If you do miss a daily devotional time, don't give up and count yourself a failure. Forgive yourself, recommit, and begin again. Don't stop having a daily devotional time. That's exactly what the enemy would like you to do ... so don't.

Beginning a daily devotional time with God can truly be a life-changing experience. You have every possibility of growing closer to the Lord than ever before as you get to know Him through prayer and the reading of His Word. Your time with God will be motivated by your deep love for Him and the grace He has poured out on your life, not just keeping an appointment so that you can check a box. Allow yourself to experience the blessings of spending time with your Savior and allow Him to transform your heart so that you reflect the image of Christ to others in your family, neighborhood, and workplace. ff782bc1db

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