And I want to tell you from my own life that these are the things that I have endeavored as a father to teach my two sons. If a son learns these ten things, he will be a blessing to you and he will be blessed by God. If you want your son to be a blessing to you, to be blessed by God, to bless the culture in which he lives, these are the ten lessons that you must teach your son. The sum of them is spiritual wisdom. This is a listing of the component parts of spiritual wisdom.

For the purpose of breaking self-will, for the purpose of removing foolishness, for the purpose of delivering the child from spiritual death, and for the purpose of making him a delight to his parents; all of those things are taught in Proverbs. Teach your children to obey, and use a rod to reinforce, because God says physical punishment done in love is a strong corrective. That way your children learn to obey their parents.

Download Daddy Must Obey


Thank you for your thoughtful comments about the meaning of the word Abba As conveying both intimacy and obedience.

I find it sad that the two concepts are separated in the first place necessitating someone to make this point.

In my mind, if you do not do what the one you are intimate with wants, then you must really not be all that intimate with him or her.

This is imho especially true when talking about God. Even on a worldly level, I wonder if a child calls her father daddy just to get some goodies out of him, I wonder how truly intimate that relationship is.

There is no word in the English language, to correctly define Abba. When an innocent child refers to their daddy, as daddy, for them it is the ultimate term to describe the love they are feeling. For an adult to convey that same feeling towards their Father in Heaven, by thinking of Him as their Daddy, is a beautiful thing. My eyes well up in tears when I do this, and I feel the presence of the Lord every time.

Thank you for your post, I came across it as I was searching the definition for abba. It all makes perfect sense, when Jesus used the term in the garden it was in total surrender of himself to death that the fathers holy will be done. In his nevertheless moment, he was saying I will obey you father.

Thanks again for the enlightenment

Really enjoyed your article thank you so much. Jesus obeyed Perfectly His Abba Father. His life lived without sin He pleased His Father. So when we FAIL, Our Father still wants us to call him Father because in Jesus we are forgiven and accepted. We are thus United to our Father not through our obedience but by JESUS OBEDIENCE. Of course we want to obey because this is the gift we have been given, the Holy Spirits aim. No one is perfect enough, it is only Jesus perfect life that enables us to approach our God (Father/ABBA) Boldly and without Fear. For just like a good real true dad He Loves us so much warts and all.

One of the biggest mistakes that parents make is surrendering their God-given authority by not demanding obedience. However, this is not an option God affords us, according to Ephesians 6:1! God expects children to obey their parents, which means He also expects parents to demand obedience from their children.

For much of human history government power has been the unavoidable constant in life. Government decrees and the people obey, but not here. We have no king or queen, we have no dictator, we the people constrain government.

And it is over that I hope will bring comfort to a grieving nine- year-old girl in Dallas, and God willing, propel her to move forward, and dream, and soar, and make her daddy proud. We must make the most of our moments, to fight for freedom, to protect our God given rights, even if those with whom we don't agree so that when we are old and grey, and when our work is done, and when we give those we love one final kiss goodbye we will be able to say freedom matters and I was part of something beautiful.

If Alexander and her cohorts want our support, they should be mindful of how badly that self-entitlement plays in New York. And just as drivers must obey the law, so too must cyclists, even when convinced that scofflaw riding is a victimless crime. Judy Richheimer

The state asserts that it promulgated and enforced the "Standard Filing Unit" (SFU) regulation in obedience to and in implementation of 42 U.S.C.  602(a) (38) (Supp. II 1984) [part of "DEFRA," the 1984 federal Deficit Reduction Act]. That section states that a state AFDC plan "must":

In May, 1983, Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret M. Heckler submitted a legislative proposal to Vice President George Bush as President of the Senate. Her proposal, aimed at minimizing state and federal AFDC expenditures and thereby reducing the federal deficit, contained a "group of related amendments to establish uniform rules on the family members who must file together for AFDC, and the situations in which income must be counted. In general, the parents, sisters and brothers living together with a dependent child must all be included; the option of excluding a sibling with income, for example, would no longer be available." Page 1 of Exhibit A to Federal Defendant's Motion to Dismiss And In the Alternative For Summary Judgment. [Emphasis added.] In a "Section-by-Section Summary" of the proposed amendments to the Social Security Act, Secretary Heckler described those amendments captioned "Parents and Siblings of Dependent Child Included in AFDC Family" as follows:

Here plaintiffs' statutory and constitutional arguments converge. If the preemption of certain elements of state child support laws has been accomplished, what are the constitutional ramifications of such a selective pre-emption? Can a child previously entitled, under state law and often state court order, to receive a specific amount of monthly child support for his or her exclusive use and benefit be deprived of the protective restrictions on the use of his or her money by virtue of his or her membership in a particular type of family unit, a unit composed of children with child support income and children whose only source of support must be AFDC because their fathers are unable or unwilling to support them? Alternatively, if the attempted pre-emption has not been executed correctly, can the state confiscate child support pursuant to the state and federal regulatory guidelines, thereby depriving a targeted set of children of the still extant and otherwise enforceable protections of state law again because the child lives in a family with a particular configuration of members?

North Carolina law obligates parents to support their offspring. N.C.G.S.  50-13.4(b) requires that "the father and mother shall be primarily liable for the support of a minor child...." N.C.G.S.  50-13.4(c) further prescribes that "[p]ayments ordered for the support of a minor child shall be in such amount as to meet the reasonable needs of the child for health, safety, and maintenance...." N.C.G.S.  50-13.4(d) adds that child support payments for a minor child must be paid "to the person having custody, any proper agency, or to the court for the benefit of such child." [Emphasis added.]

Congressional pre-emptive intent can be found most easily when the statutory terms address and resolve the conflict with state law. See, e.g., Hisquierdo, supra, 439 U.S. at 576, 99 S. Ct. at 805 (Railroad Retirement Act, 45 U.S.C.  231m, stated: "Notwithstanding any other law of ... any State ..., no annuity ... shall be assignable or be subject to ... attachment, or other legal process under any circumstances whatsoever...." However, pre-emption has been recognized in contexts where congressional intent must be drawn from the language, structure and history of a statute or set of statutes. As McCarty v. McCarty, 453 U.S. 210, 220-21, 101 S. Ct. 2728, 2735, 69 L. Ed. 2d 589 (1981), explained, "Hisquierdo did not hold that only the particular statutory terms there considered would justify a finding of pre-emption; rather, it held that `[t]he pertinent questions are whether the [state law] rights asserted conflict with the express terms of federal law and whether its consequences sufficiently injure the objectives of the federal program to require non-recognition'" (quoting Hisquierdo, supra, 439 U.S. at 583, 99 S.Ct. at 809). As McCarty demonstrated, the meaning of statutory terms can often be confidently discerned only after an examination of the legislative history and the relevant federal program's history of operation. Review of subsequent implementing federal regulations also often clarifies legislative meaning and demonstrates congressional pre-emptive intent. See, e.g., Ridgway v. Ridgway, 454 U.S. 46, 53, 102 S. Ct. 49, 54, 70 L. Ed. 2d 39 (1981).

Regardless of the "relative importance to the state of its own law," "when there is a conflict with a valid federal law," the federal law must prevail. Free v. Bland, 369 U.S. 663, 666, 82 S. Ct. 1089, 1092, 8 L. Ed. 2d 180 (1962); Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat) 1, 210-211, 6 L. Ed. 23 (1824). Assuming that Congress has communicated its goal of pre-empting state child support law with the requisite clarity, the constitutional validity of the federal enactment is doubtful. The DEFRA amendment and the state and federal regulations under it dilute the protection state law offers to certain children receiving child support. The selective pre-emption of state law represents an unconstitutional taking that deprives the children of their entitlement to child support simply because they live with a needy mother and half-siblings.

Although, for example, the child's father must continue to pay the full court-ordered amount or face prosecution by the state, the child will now receive unqualified use of only fifty dollars from that amount. Thus, the child experiences a significant adverse economic impact as a result of the SFU regulations if his or her half-brothers or sisters need to receive AFDC. From the absent father's point of view, a corollary harm occurs. Under the SFU regulations, his investment in the child's well-being and development, his child support payment, is diverted away from his child to the state through the forced attribution of that money to the child's mother and half-siblings. Thus, what once was the child's becomes the state's under the unvalidated assumption that the money belongs to the family as a whole. 2351a5e196

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