This is easier said than done, however, and something the South Korean government is still figuring out as it transitions from a focus on nation branding to a deeper soft power strategy. When President Moon Jae-in brings famous singers and golf stars to a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, or hosts a friendship concert alongside his summit with French President Emmanuel Macron, it is unclear what policy purpose those events serve beyond generally attracting more fans to pay attention to these meetings.

Jenna Gibson is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago, specializing in international relations. She is a regular contributor to the Korea column for the Diplomat and has also written about Korean social issues and pop culture for other outlets including Foreign Policy and NPR.

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But many companies neglect the soft costs of turnover. Especially in knowledge-intensive domains with low capital intensity like software development, investment management, accounting, teaching, or public relations, these soft costs matter. Each employee leaving their job takes with them a unique set of knowledge, a professional network, and established trust with clients and colleagues. The costs of rebuilding these qualities are significant, if impossible to quantify.

The good news, however, is that auditors who valued learning and who reported to work in a learning culture had the lowest turnover rate in our study. We found that turnover is, to some extent, a question of fit. Auditors who value learning but feel their environment does not, left after less than 2.5 years on average; but auditors whose own values match those of their firm left after an average of 3.3 years, a significant difference.

To dive more deeply into what it takes to create a learning culture, we interviewed several top-level auditors, such as members of the board of management, partners responsible for HR, strategy, and quality. This group of people has been involved in a multi-year effort to build a learning culture within their firm, and they shared the following wisdom:

Becoming aware of the answers to these questions might not only help you to decrease turnover behaviour. In fact, the firm we worked with in creating a learning culture also observed an increase in the wellbeing of their employees: they reported to be less stress and to experience more professional development and purpose in their work!

On night two I wanted to try and create an environment that mimicked how I hoped our team would operate in the future. I learned at Cisco that managers and leaders can change often but the highest performing teams were those that almost ran themselves. My leadership style in a nutshell is:

The song begins with Joseph warning about the dangers of sniffing cocaine and the detrimental effects it has on those who engage in its use. The chorus emphasizes how cocaine "gets them off" or alters their state of mind, making them weak and susceptible to its control.

In the second verse, the lyrics highlight the neglectful behavior of those addicted to cocaine. They prioritize the drug over basic personal hygiene, clothing, and cleanliness. The addiction consumes them to the point where they prioritize cocaine over taking care of themselves and maintaining their well-being.

The fourth verse mentions a father who leaves behind a truck for his child, symbolizing the potential for a better future or opportunity. However, the addiction hinders the individual from making use of the gift, pushing them towards criminal activities rather than pursuing a legitimate path.

The fifth verse expresses the disappointment of a mother who worked hard to send her child to school, hoping they would learn the right values and morals. However, the child's addiction leads them to disrespect education and engage in disruptive behavior.

The final verse questions the addicted individual's thought process and the example they set for the younger generation. It raises concerns about the negative influence they have on others and what the youth may think of them.

Measurements of morphology and growth in soft corals are more difficult compared to stony corals23; the latter consist of a large amount of calcium carbonate (exoskeleton) covered by a thin veneer of live tissue. Alcyonacean soft corals, in contrast, are mostly fleshy, with only small amounts of calcium carbonate (sclerite) skeleton. Shape is instead maintained by hydrostatic pressure from water pumped into a canal system. Such hydroskeletons change quickly in size and shape in response to environmental shifts. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately measure their size and growth23, though oral disc diameter (ODD), stalk diameter, colony height, and wet and dry colony weight have all been assessed in prior works24,25. In general, ash weight and ash-free dry weight (AFDW) are thought to represent skeleton and organic matter content, respectively25.

Soft corals of the genus Sarcophyton are abundant on many coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, and particularly Taiwan6. Sarcophyton colonies are mushroom-shaped, with (1) fleshy stalks elevating the polyp-bearing oral discs and (2) sclerites in the interior fleshy tissues of the colony. Sarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) is a suspension feeder that lives in mutualistic association with phototrophic dinoflagellates (family Symbiodiniaceae), as well as an array of other microbes. It has been cultured in FTS to investigate natural product production9 and in RAS to assess the effects of light intensity and flow velocity on its physiology17,20,26,27. Given the recent recommendation to develop the capacity to biobank and biopreserve corals ex situ28, a rigorous comparison of soft coral performance across different culture systems is of need.

We demonstrated that light and flow effects on soft coral physiology are culture system-dependent. Given that (1) soft corals are mostly fleshly and (2) ODD measurements can be made in only several seconds (versus minutes for buoyant weighing), we advocate assessing both ODD and the BW-based SGR in future studies of soft corals, especially Sarcophyton. Soft corals cultured in RAS+B featuring live rocks and an exogenous food supply tended to grow more quickly and presented darker pigmentation. Furthermore, by feeding these corals in a separate tank, macroalgal biofouling was virtually eliminated from the RAS+B husbandry tanks. We therefore recommend the future culture of soft corals in RAS+B systems and advocate that similar such experimental marine animal husbandry approaches be conducted elsewhere (and with additional species), especially given the recently identified need to optimize aquarium husbandry for biobanking/biopreserving marine organisms whose habitats have been compromised by climate change and other anthropogenic stressors28.

As a less conservative approach, one-way ANOVAs were carried out to test for the effect of culture system for each of the four light  flow treatments (Supplementary Fig. S1) for each of the following response variables: colony height, colony base diameter, SGR, ODD (final values and % changes), organic weight (final values only), and color (final values and raw changes). Similarly, two-way ANOVAs (light  flow) were carried out within each culture system for the same response variables (Supplementary Fig. S2), and one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to evaluate the effects of time and culture system on BW, ODD, and color (Fig. 2). Alpha levels of 0.01 and 0.05 were set a priori for ANOVAs and post-hoc tests, respectively.

Novel soft nanocomposite materials with unique organic/inorganic network structures have been developed by extending the strategy of "organic/inorganic nanocomposites" to the field of soft materials. The structures described here were synthesized by in-situ free-radical polymerization of various monomers in the presence of exfoliated clay (hectorite) in aqueous media. The nanocomposite hydrogels (NC gels) and soft nanocomposites (M-NCs) obtained were flexible and transparent soft materials, regardless of the clay content, that could be prepared in various shapes and surface forms, each consisting of individually different polymer/clay network structures. Owing to these unique network structures, both NC gels and M-NCs showed extraordinary mechanical properties such as ultrahigh elongation at break and widely controlled modulus and strength, which could overcome the problems (e.g., mechanical fragility, optical turbidity, poor processing ability) associated with conventional chemically crosslinked materials. In addition, the NC gels and M-NCs exhibited a number of new characteristics related to optical anisotropy, morphology, biocompatibility, stimulus sensitivity and cell culture. In the present review, we outline the novel features of these soft nanocomposites, and demonstrate their potential as soft culture substrates useful for tissue engineering as well as soft, transparent, absorbing, and mechanically tough biomaterials for many bio-applications.

At the 9th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering in November of 2006, the consensus between corporate and academic presenters/attendees was that global engineering students need not only to develop foreign language proficiency, but must just as importantly develop cross-cultural, adaptive "soft skills" which will assist them in working collaboratively in their co-ops, internships and expatriate assignments. While university engineering programs often focus on "hard" technical skills, it is becoming increasingly evident that in order to compete in a global environment, international engineering students must become competent in both foreign language and culture. By examining the "best practices" of international companies and the programs developed by cross-cultural trainers, university programs can begin to better develop criteria and standards for their programs, thereby insuring their students have the best possible training as global engineers. ff782bc1db

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