For packages available from PyPI I would normally use the built-in search tool in PyCharm, but I'm not sure how to correctly install it into the VirtualEnv within PyCharm from GitHub. Would anyone know how to do this?

Hi I'm going through Python for Data analysis and I'd like to analyze the data he goes through in the book. In chapter 9, he uses the data below. However, I'm having a difficult time understanding how to utilize the data in my ipython notebook once I download it to my github application on mac.

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To use a pre-installed version of Python or PyPy on a GitHub-hosted runner, use the setup-python action. This action finds a specific version of Python or PyPy from the tools cache on each runner and adds the necessary binaries to PATH, which persists for the rest of the job. If a specific version of Python is not pre-installed in the tools cache, the setup-python action will download and set up the appropriate version from the python-versions repository.

Using the setup-python action is the recommended way of using Python with GitHub Actions because it ensures consistent behavior across different runners and different versions of Python. If you are using a self-hosted runner, you must install Python and add it to PATH. For more information, see the setup-python action.

If you are using a self-hosted runner, you can configure the runner to use the setup-python action to manage your dependencies. For more information, see using setup-python with a self-hosted runner in the setup-python README.

We recommend using setup-python to configure the version of Python used in your workflows because it helps make your dependencies explicit. If you don't use setup-python, the default version of Python set in PATH is used in any shell when you call python. The default version of Python varies between GitHub-hosted runners, which may cause unexpected changes or use an older version than expected.

GitHub-hosted runners have the pip package manager installed. You can use pip to install dependencies from the PyPI package registry before building and testing your code. For example, the YAML below installs or upgrades the pip package installer and the setuptools and wheel packages.

By default, the setup-python action searches for the dependency file (requirements.txt for pip, Pipfile.lock for pipenv or poetry.lock for poetry) in the whole repository. For more information, see "Caching packages dependencies" in the setup-python README.

If you have a custom requirement or need finer controls for caching, you can use the cache action. Pip caches dependencies in different locations, depending on the operating system of the runner. The path you'll need to cache may differ from the Ubuntu example above, depending on the operating system you use. For more information, see Python caching examples in the cache action repository.

The linting step has continue-on-error: true set. This will keep the workflow from failing if the linting step doesn't succeed. Once you've addressed all of the linting errors, you can remove this option so the workflow will catch new issues.

To set up your repository to use a custom dev container, you will need to create one or more devcontainer.json files. You can either add these from a predefined configuration template, in Visual Studio Code, or you can write your own. For more information on dev container configurations, see "Introduction to dev containers."

In this example, the template repository from which you created the codespace already contains a dev container configuration, so a message is displayed telling you that the configuration file already exists. We're going to overwrite the existing configuration file, so click Continue.

If you look in the Visual Studio Code Explorer you'll see that a .devcontainer directory has been added to the root of your project's repository containing the devcontainer.json file. This is the main configuration file for codespaces created from this repository.

When you've made changes to your codespace, either new code or configuration changes, you'll want to commit your changes. Committing configuration changes to your repository ensures that anyone else who creates a codespace from this repository has the same configuration. Any customization you do, such as adding VS Code extensions, will be available to all users.

For this tutorial, you created a codespace from a template repository, so the code in your codespace is not yet stored in a repository. You can create a repository by publishing the current branch to

If you followed earlier versions of this guide, youhave created the secrets PYPI_API_TOKEN and TEST_PYPI_API_TOKENfor direct PyPI and TestPyPI access. These are obsolete now andyou should remove them from your GitHub repository and revokethem in your PyPI and TestPyPI account settings in case you are replacing your old setup with the new one.

Firstly, it uses the sigstore/gh-action-sigstore-python GitHub Actionto sign the distribution packages. In the next step, an empty GitHub Releasefrom the current tag is created using the gh CLI. Note this step can be furthercustomised. See the gh release documentationas a reference.

Unlike many version control systems, Git has a staging area (often referred to as the index). The staging area is how Git keeps track of the changes you want to be in your next commit. When we ran git add above, we told Git that we wanted to move the new file to the staging area. This change was reflected in git status. The file went from the untracked section to the to be committed section of the output.

Rebasing is similar to merging but behaves a little differently. In a merge, if both branches have changes, then a new merge commit is created. In rebasing, Git will take the commits from one branch and replay them, one at a time, on the top of the other branch.

Cherry picking is another method for moving commits from one branch to another. Unlike merging and rebasing, with cherry-picking you specify exactly which commits you mean. The easiest way to do this is just specifying a single SHA:

Now you have a complete repository of that project on your local machine. This includes all of the commits and all of the branches ever made on it. (Note: This repo was used by some friends while they were learning Git. I copied or forked it from someone else.)

You can start building today for free with GitHub Codespaces, which every developer on GitHub gets 60 free hours of use time per month to spin up a development environment in the cloud from any device at speed. Check out the Django quick start template to begin coding right in your browser!

If you are not redirected to VS Code, you can add your authorization token manually. In the browser window, you will receive your authorization token. Copy the token, and switch back to VS Code. Select Signing in to in the Status bar, paste the token, and hit Enter.

You can also configure which files show these suggestions using the settings GitHub Issues: Ignore Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreCompletionTrigger) and GitHub Issues: Ignore User Completion Trigger (githubIssues.ignoreUserCompletionTrigger). These settings take an array of language identifiers to specify the file types.

Pull requests can be reviewed from the Pull Requests view. You can assign reviewers and labels, add comments, approve, close, and merge all from the pull request Description.

From the Description page, you can also easily checkout the pull request locally using the Checkout button. This will switch VS Code to open the fork and branch of the pull request (visible in the Status bar) in Review Mode and add a new Changes in Pull Request view from which you can view diffs of the current changes as well as all commits and the changes within these commits. Files that have been commented on are decorated with a diamond icon. To view the file on disk, you can use the Open File inline action.

The diff editors from this view use the local file, so file navigation, IntelliSense, and editing work as normal. You can add comments within the editor on these diffs. Both adding single comments and creating a whole review is supported.

Issues can be created from the + button in the Issues view and by using the GitHub Issues: Create Issue from Selection and GitHub Issues: Create Issue from Clipboard commands. They can also be created using a Code Action for "TODO" comments. When creating issues, you can take the default description or select the Edit Description pencil icon in the upper right to bring up an editor for the issue body.

You can configure the name of the branch using the GitHub Issues: Issue Branch Title (githubIssues.issueBranchTitle) setting. If your workflow doesn't involve creating a branch, or if you want to be prompted to enter a branch name every time, you can skip that step by turning off the GitHub Issues: Use Branch For Issues (githubIssues.useBranchForIssues) setting.

Once you are done working on the issue and want to commit a change, the commit message input box in the Source Control view will be populated with a message, which can be configured with GitHub Issues: Working Issue Format SCM (githubIssues.workingIssueFormatScm).

The GitHub Repositories extension lets you quickly browse, search, edit, and commit to any remote GitHub repository directly from within Visual Studio Code, without needing to clone the repository locally. This can be fast and convenient for many scenarios, where you just need to review source code or make a small change to a file or asset.

When you run the Open Repository command, you then choose whether to open a repository from GitHub, open a Pull Request from GitHub, or reopen a repository that you had previously connected to. 006ab0faaa

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