Posting of development tools and libraries are generally allowed. But if the post is basically an advertisement-disguised-as-a-blog, or the post is designed to promote your own product or company, the post will likely be removed. The basic litmus test asks is the post fundamentally made to sell something you're affiliated with, or is it made to benefit the subscribers of r/csharp? In addition, use of affiliate links or referral URLs in submissions is also prohibited.

In the above example you can see me using the Booltool (ctrl + (-)) to cut into the shape and then use csharp to apply the boolean and set up a bevel modifier after calculating sharps. This is where things get interesting.

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The protocol buffer compiler produces C# output when invoked with the--csharp_out command-line flag. The parameter to the --csharp_out option isthe directory where you want the compiler to write your C# output, althoughdepending on other options the compiler may createsubdirectories of the specified directory. The compiler creates a single sourcefile for each .proto file input, defaulting to an extension of .cs butconfigurable via compiler options.

where player.proto has a csharp_namespace option of Example.Game theprotocol buffer compiler generates a file src/Game/Player.cs beingcreated. This option would usually correspond with the default namespaceoption in a C# project in Visual Studio. If the option is specified butwith an empty value, the full C# namespace as used in the generated filewill be used for the directory hierarchy. If the option is not specified atall, the generated files are simply written into the directory specified by--csharp_out without any hierarchy being created.

The name of the output file is derived from the .proto filename by convertingit to Pascal-case, treating underscores as word separators. So, for example, afile called player_record.proto will result in an output file calledPlayerRecord.cs (where the file extension can be specified using--csharp_opt, as shown above).

GIT Access

Just want to look at the source? The source code repository is now mirrored on GitHub and accessible from here. The repository can be cloned using either

 https:git clone -csharp.gitor git protocolgit clone git:// Access Note: this is now deprecatedInstructions for anonymous CVS access: then cvs co bc-csharp Using your favorite CVS client. with subscribe in the message body. This mailing list is for discussion of development of the package. This includes bugs, comments, requests for enhancements, questions about use or operation.

The original C# port: - note: the original port is now well out of date, we strongly recommend migrating to the official release stream, apart from anything BigInteger is substantially faster and the new release supports OpenPGP, PKCS#12, CMS, and TSP as well.

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I am developing an app (backside) in csharp to send emails using your API.

I am following this example GitHub - EventDay/ A C# Wrapper around the API, and using the OAuth process. I can create contacts, opt in, and send emails using my application name and access token, but that token is generated manually from infusionsoft admin page.

So, what I want to know is how to generate that token from the code using a call to the API, I have this piece of code:

Even though the page URL is -csharp-driver/, the official name of the product is MongoDB .NET Driver. Keeping in line with tags like .net, I propose using We'd need help from a moderator then to set synonyms or do a tag merge. e24fc04721

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