i always thought it amazing acting that basil rathbone could make you feel sympathy for even a serial killer.i can think of only two instantces where i did not care for his characters.the movies were we are no angles and fre

nchmans creek.

i think your right about the obvious gay relationship in the mad doctor. i would think playing in this movie and showing up this relationship was important for baz.in the 1920s he was in a very popular play on broadway called the captive.this play also dealt with a gay relationship.the play was closed down because of it and basil and the cast arrested.he was very angry about it and thought the importance of the issue needed to be brought out.

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With around 30 people waiting to be seen, you also have to be quick in what you do since you want to earn as much money as possible. You won't have any world class equipment since you are not a world class doctor. Although it's important to give each patient the treatment they need, it's not so important whether or not they get better once you're done with them.

The plot centers on the title character, a mad scientist who has kidnapped Mickey's dog, Pluto. Mickey tries to rescue him before the doctor can perform his experiment: putting Pluto's head to the body of a chicken in order to see if a puppy will hatch from an egg (that is if the end result will "bark or crow or cackle"). Mickey battles his way through booby traps and animated skeletons before eventually getting caught and strapped onto a table to get cut open by a buzz-saw, forcing Mickey to suck in his belly, trembling. The scene then fades to Mickey asleep in bed and suddenly woken up by a fly, whose buzzing resembles the whirring of the saw. Not yet realizing the events were only a nightmare, Mickey shouts for Pluto, who eagerly jumps onto Mickey's bed with his doghouse and chain still attached to his collar.

The mad scientist (also mad doctor or mad professor) is a stock character of a scientist who is perceived as "mad, bad and dangerous to know"[1] or "insane" owing to a combination of unusual or unsettling personality traits and the unabashedly ambitious, taboo or hubristic nature of their experiments. As a motif in fiction, the mad scientist may be villainous (evil genius) or antagonistic, benign, or neutral; may be insane, eccentric, or clumsy; and often works with fictional technology or fails to recognise or value common human objections to attempting to play God. Some may have benevolent intentions, even if their actions are dangerous or questionable, which can make them accidental antagonists.

Let's face it, there's just something inherently creepy about medical doctors. Their profession is one that centers around guts, organs, blood, and bones, things that could make the most hardened badass vomit on the spot and they don't even flinch during their operations day after day after day. They can take a knife to a man's flesh, open him up like a zip-lock bag, do lord-knows-what to the insides of their patients, and close them up again, ready for the next patient. And they're always so... jolly.

This is the guy that uses his knowledge of the workings of the body (or of the mind) to do evil, abuses the authority he has from his doctorate to practice freakish and horrific experiments, harvest organs or even providing Foul Medicines, proving that Science Is Bad. Nowadays, Predatory Big Pharma may be covering for him. If patients no longer want to see him, he may resort to kidnapping his test subjects. Why he treats them, and not him, is not clear.

Of course, for all his insanity, the doctor may in fact be a Bunny-Ears Lawyer who actually knows what he's doing. Patients may be terrified by the way he acts and the bizarre treatments he puts them through, but when the doctor is done with them they're actually cured.

This has happened often enough in Real Life (notable in the original trope name, "The Mengele", named after infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele) that there's a branch of medical ethics devoted to figuring out what you can do to your patients For Science!, and (at least in the USA) every hospital and university has a committee whose entire job is to oversee research with human subjects. It's generally agreed that you must tell people you're experimenting on them, why, what the risks are, what they get out of it, and give them the opportunity to say no. The Other Wiki has more information than you require.

Comedy and JokesĀ  A joke in very bad taste: The Gypsies decided to establish their own hospital. Despite a shortage of physicians, they rejected repeatedly a nice old gentleman who called himself Mengele J., Retired Physician. Played for Laughs by Dave Barry in various columns, where he tends to theorize that the "medical treatment" doctors provide generally consists of them performing sadistic tests on you until you are smart enough to pretend whatever you came in for is better. He also describes prostate exams like this (though in contrast, the doctor who performs those tests comes across better).

Fan WorksĀ  Fandom-renowned RWBY fanfiction author Coeur Al'Aran's recurring Original Character Tsune is a light-hearted example. She's a fox Faunus who serves as Beacon's resident doctor, and although she does her job, she has a bit of a thing for observing pain in her patients, which is consistently Played for Laughs. In one fic, she even expresses reluctance to use drugs unless they're very necessary, decrying them as an abomination for their pain-numbing effects. Escape from the Moon: Spliced Genome is a biochemist and doctor who genetically engineered deadly viruses, and was working on an improved version of the Black Plague when she was finally captured. In the Star Wars fic Going Solo, Han and Leia are captured on a Lady Land planet and Han is stabbed in the arm in the process, the tip of the knife breaking off in his arm. Their captors send in a doctor who is already angry at the rebels for blowing up the Death Star with his wife and child on board. He insists on making the process of treating Han as painful as he possibly can, even giving Han a shot of a drug that prevents him from passing out and amplifies everything he's feeling. Han briefly thinks he may bleed to death and prevent the ordeal, but a tourniquet takes care of any chance of that. A scanner could show exactly where the knife tip is, but the doctor instead busies himself digging and probing through the flesh of Han's arm. It finally ends when Han loses it and slams his good arm into the guy's head. Chaos ensues, someone attacks Leia, and Han gets knocked unconscious trying to protect her. The doctor insists on waiting until Han wakes up to do anymore, but fortunately Luke finds the guy's forceps and is able to get the point out. Still, *yikes*. In The Nightmare House, Lana Loud has a nightmare where an evil paediatrician named Dr. Mitchell numbs her and brainwashes her into walking and talking the way he believes a "good girl" should; i.e. like a grade school girl in the 50's. In the Pony POV Series, Professor Kabuto Beetle, the Evil Genius of the Changelings. He rivals Twilight in terms of intellect, and has a Doctorate, but really likes performing horrid medical experiments on anypony he can get away with, and relishes doing so. He's so bad with this trope that the rest of the Changelings loath him. Slip Stitch, from Starlight Over Detrot, is the head of the Detrot Morgue and Ice-Cream Parlor, and has all the exuberance for his job as Pinkie Pie at her perkiest. He throws the best parties, but his enthusiasm For Science! puts many off, particularly when they read his autopsy notes. "Developed case of Wandering Torso Syndrome induced by not-quite-passing car. Remaining limbs may make excellent supports for credenza. Family did not seem to appreciate this fact." In This Bites!, Kureha seems to have rubbed off on Chopper a bit too much; when the latter hears from Cross about the typical treatment for small bone fractures, his thought process carries him away to the point where Cross is scared that the reindeer wants to dissect him. And in Chapter 24, he comes close to doing so thanks to his experimentation with his Devil Fruit's human intelligence turning him into Mr. Hyde.

MusicĀ  Aborted use this as their central theme, explicitly or implicitly inhabiting most of their album art and music videos. Australian industrial duo Angelspit has general Mad Doctor appeal, with medical motifs such as pills and syringes appearing all over their merch, albums, et cetera. Their first studio album Krankhaus used the trope not only visually but musically. The band created a secret page explaining the backstory of the album, which can be found here. Ever since Carcass introduced medical terminology and an obsession with pathology to death metal, mad surgeons and morticians has been a staple of extreme metal's lyrical and aesthetic themes. "The Doctor's Wife" by Clockwork Quartet has shades of this- given that the song is about his Sanity Slippage as he tries to save his wife. "Dr. Piranha" by Dog Fashion Disco. Dr. Piranha rose from a toilet bearing gifts, killed a patient in the operating room, was angered when the "mercitron" killed a patient, and then went into orbit to search for a baboon's heart. "Dr. Sin Is In" by Lordi, from the album Deadache, is about an evil doctor that does awful things to the singer. Given the singer in this case is a demon, that's one scary doctor.The doctor is in... God help us! Midwives of Ruin and their first album Malpractice. Let's just say that medical motifs are popular in industrial music. The Nox Arcana album Blackthorn Asylum has Dr. Neville Aldritch, the owner of the titular Bedlam House. He gleefully mutilates the patients of the asylum to fulfill his medical curiosity. Spawn of Possession has the song "Servitude of Souls", which has said mad doctor kidnap and torture others to infuse their souls to his own. e24fc04721

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