use a stress test like cinebench r20 or prime 95 or aid64. and if temps reach somewhere around 90/85c plus, the cpu should throttle, or just watch the core clocks and check if they go down. which should be around 90/85c plus.

Fire up a stress test like Aida64, stress the CPU, FPU and cache and let it do its thing. Iirc the monitor on Aida64 does actually tell you whether your CPU's throttling or not, but you can also check using HWiNFO64.

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there are sections of p95 blend/fft tests that uses about 130% of ur real world power draw, so personally i recommend cinebench and blender spams. If you are testing for gaming, parts of the farcry 5/total war 3k/ashes is good enough to test gaming stability when u leave the frame rate uncapped.

there are sections of p95 blend fft tests that uses about 130% of ur real world power draw, so personally i recommend cinebench and blender spams. If you are testing for gaming, parts of the farcry 5/total war 3k/ashes is good enough to test gaming stability when u leave the frame rate uncapped.

Small FFT P95 is among the highest current draws you can get and highest heat output along with Linpack, but at least personally I wouldn't consider thermal throttling even in those acceptable, despite them not being too realistic.

Use a VPN to bypass ISP throttling. It creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between you and a dedicated server. This server then decrypts your data and sends it to the destination in plaintext. This data does not include your IP address or any other information that can link back to you.

If you need to send X requests per second it would be better idea to go for Constant Throughput Timer or Throughput Shaping Timer, this way you can control how many requests per second JMeter will be sending and define pass/fail criteria for your test plan via Assertions basing on the current throughput

What is the proper way of testing throttling in DRF? I coulnd't find out any answer to this question on the net. I want to have separate tests for each endpoint since each one has custom requests limits (ScopedRateThrottle).

Also, regarding your concerns of side-effects, as long as you do user creation in setUp or setUpTestData, tests will be isolated (as they should), so no need to worry about 'dirty' data or scope in that sense.

Network Throttling is an intentional method to slow down the internet speed. It is used to analyze web performance where network throttling, or network condition emulation is used to emulate low bandwidth conditions.

Network Throttling is done to test the website and get first-hand real user experience that many users with slower networks face in real world. This is a way to test the web application under real user conditions and understand the performance of the website.

Network simulation helps developers or QAs simulate the performance of a website in different bandwidths like 2G, 3G, 4G, etc. This is extremely useful from a testing standpoint as testers get a sense of how the website loads and functions when accessed from different internet connections.

Developers or QAs can leverage the Throttle Network feature to test the website in multiple network profiles like Edge, 3G, 4G, etc. One can also add custom network profile values to test their websites as per specific requirements.

The demonstration above will help individual developers and QAs to perform network throttling for their websites. Besides, the second method will prove useful for those seeking to simulate different networks on real mobile devices while testing websites.


I have just finished building a fully new computer with an Intel Processor 13900K. To check that everything was fine, I decided to run a stress test with the software AIDA64 Extreme. When idle, my processor runs at around 40C. Right after starting the stress test, in the stability test phase, the processor immediately peaks to temperatures > 90C to 100C for all cores. The test indicates that the processor is throttling (seen up to 10% for the short amount of time that I have let the test run). As such temperatures are really high and quite constant, I immediately stopped the test to avoid damaging my hardware each time I have run this test. On a side note, I asked a friend to run the same test (with a slightly different build with fewer fans for cooling) and his CPU (12600K) temperatures never increased over 40C during this test. Both of us are running a 360mm AIO for CPU cooling (from a different brand).

Additionally, note that my motherboard temperature remains at around 40C during this test and does not skyrocket to high temperatures like my CPU. The power consumed by the CPU during the test (~350W) is also way less than the capabilities of my PSU (1300W).

A bit more information about my build. My build is not overclocked. I initially enabled XMP and then disabled it to verify if my issue was related to it, but the problem still occurs exactly the same way without XMP enabled.

I have 6 intake fans and 4 exhaust fans creating a positive pressure that should guarantee good cooling. Stress tests have been run in multiple configurations:

- With default cooling curves for fans as well as all fans running at full speed (2100 RPM each)

- Open case / closed case

My pump speed is running at maximum speed at any time (~3300 RPM) and I can feel hot air being pushed out from exhaust fans.

As I was afraid of having applied thermal paste not well enough (too much / not evenly enough), but it seems that it was ok. In any case, I cleaned everything up and apply thermal paste again. This decreased the idle CPU temperature by around 2C, it but didn't help in any way for the temperatures reached by the stress test.

I have run Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool. No error or failure was detected (see attached results). However, CPU temperatures were constantly very high (> 90C to 100C) pretty constantly during two of the tests: Prime Number test and CPU Load test. I let the test run to completion even though I was worried about the temperatures of all my cores being that high for so long.

I have also run Intel SSU. Please find the scan result attached.

At the moment, I suspect a hardware issue with my processor. It could be the AIO as well but the numbers on that side look correct and I didn't notice any malfunction. Sadly, I am not able to swap any of these two components to identify the culprit as I don't own any other hardware. I am unsure if the motherboard could also be the source of this issue, but I didn't notice anything wrong here either except for a relatively high-pitched noise (very annoying to the ear) that seems to come from the motherboard cores which could be coil whine (maybe abnormally loud, currently unsure about this).

If someone can give me some guidance about the source of my problem, I would be really grateful. Does this look like a CPU hardware issue?

If you need more information about anything, please let me know!


You can find the screenshots and logs in the zip file attached. The results look less dramatic than for the AIDA64 stress test, but we still quite often reach temperatures >90C, less frequently and on shorter periods of time though.

Additionally, I would like to mention that I tried to run the FPU stress test part of AIDA64 only, and it seems to be this test causing immediate high throttling to the CPU. Not sure if this can help.

Best regards,


I have checked all the images you sent and System Temperatures are fine, there are no overheating issues, and not all third-party tools are accurate in their results. If you want to test your processor, we recommend you using the Intel XTU as this is a validated tool.

Hi @Jocelyn_Intel ,

It is possible that I had XMP enabled at the moment I performed the SSU scan. However, as I stated in my very first message, I disabled XMP as soon as I noticed thermal issues to avoid any bias in the results of the tests I run. In all the test results provided, XMP was disabled and my RAM was running at 4800 MT/s (the default of my RAM).

I agree that with Intel XTU, there does not seem to be an overheating issue. I also understand that you can't rely on third-party tools to evaluate issues with your products. I mentioned in my first message that I also encountered overheating issues with temperatures similar to the ones mentioned about the AIDA64 test while running your tool "Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool". I run this diagnostic tool again and thermal throttling was present during many tests. These temperatures do not look normal to me. Please find the screenshots and logs in the attached zip file.

I tried to take screenshots during or at the very end of the tests. Screenshot names match the corresponding test. I also attached more "general" screenshots that might give a better view of the Intel XTU graph.

Best regards,


UV prevents you from hitting the thermal throttling threshold temperature (100C, I believe) by running cooler; Hence you get to run at full clock speeds, allowing your CPU-intensive tasks to run at their fullest speeds. To me this is my favorite way to reduce power while maintaining top performance.

I'm using ReadyAPI 3.6 Test. I need to test all non-200 HTTP status codes. For 429 (too many requests) I've tried using a data-driven approach with the data source just populating a constant property, then the call to the API and then a groovy script to check and stop the execution if n iterations have been achieved (otherwise the test will loop indefinitely).

But even when I clone the test a couple of times and put it in its own testsuite and run the test suite in parallel mode, ReadyAPI seems to wait till each request returns and I never get HTTP status 429. Even when we dropped the throttling count to 1 per second, all that happened was that the call just took longer that a second to complete! So from 120ms average time per call, I got an average of 1.2 seconds so again, no HTTP 429! 17dc91bb1f

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