I guess my question is how do I change the records in cpanel to use webflow. I saw the video on adding a custom domain but there are so many A records in the cpanel with the domain I want to change over. Is there a video on this or can someone instruct me?

What are you trying to achieve? Are you going to discontinue with the host providing this cpanel? if so I think you should be making changes to the dns editor your domain registrar provides. it depends what you are trying to do.

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Hi im thinking in moving out from a dedicated server that i use in my web hosting business to amazon ec2. Is cheaper to have my cpanel plus like 60 accounts in ec2? or should i go to DO, Vultr or linode?

Hi All, I need suggestion from all FreePBX guru in here. I am doing some testing installing asterisk and FreePBX on my server with existing cpanel installed. I can setup and use asterisk fine on the server. but when trying to use FreePBX, i could not access it.

Im making a dashboard for my project and want to access them through internet,

i already have a web hosting service and manage them using cpanel, it is possible to host the dashboard into my cpanel and if it possible how i can do it.

It is possible to do it without cpanel?

If when using application manager in your cpanel you get this error

Screenshot 2020-05-29 at 16.04.48789138 14.4 KB

You may need an additional file placed in the root of your cpanel account, so in my case /home/paul called .npmrc and the file contents has this one line in it.

I have a VPS where im hosting a cpanel for a website. When I tried installing Magento 2.3.4 for the first time it failed and listed several extensions I was missing at the time so I went to EasyApache 4 in my WHM page and installed those extensions.

I then notice a /packages/mars-theme in my /headless folder and copy this to /nodevenv/headless/10/lib/ then go back to my cpanel, stop the app and change that Application Path to frontity.settings.js, save and then start the app again.

Just upload the file to your wwwroot or subdirectory, use the wizard in cpanel to setup a new mysql database (taking note of the details) & then just go to the web address and go through the moodle install wizard to set up your config.php.

So what do you suggest I do? since I have a 8-core dedicated cpanel environment hosting server from Hostgator for our website and other PHP webapps on it. I need to setup the indico for an upcoming conference.

I recommend that you should create a DEV folder, or dev subdomain to your shop, and ask the ghosting to duplicate there your shop, or also you can do that by extracting into the DEV folder the files archive(using filemanager in cpanel), and create a new DEV Database, and import there the database dump, then connect the DEV folder's /app/config/parameters.php to the newly created DEV database, then clear cache, re-save Seo&friendly page. ff782bc1db

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