Azure Cosmos DB Explorer is a standalone web-based interface that allows you to view and manage the data stored in Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB Explorer is equivalent to the existing Data Explorer tab that is available in Azure portal when you create an Azure Cosmos DB account. The key advantages of Azure Cosmos DB Explorer over the existing Data explorer are:

There may not be a lot of differentiating features now from existing solutions and some stuff may be missing/incomplete/improvable, which is why all feedback and ideas are welcome. I have some differentiating feature ideas that I will implement in the future, for now I have completed the basics of the explorer.

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The explorer is also a PWA (Progressive Web App), this means that on compatible browsers, you should be able to "install" the website to be used as a separate application. This can be particularly useful for phones. Keep in mind that on a lot of browsers (i.e Safari/iOS) this feature is not fully implemented, so it may not have full functionality you'd expect from a native app.

Anyway, I'm of the opinion that the more independent blockchain explorers there are, the better. Blockchain explorers remain a source of information for a lot of people on what's going on in a blockchain and it also happens to be the one source of blockchain information that can easily lie to you. So the more explorers to compare against that use their own independent nodes, the better.

I installed latest version 2.1.2 of Azure Cosmos DB emulator in my local system (Windows 2012 R2 Server) but when I tried browse through explorer tab, all the buttons are disabled. I cant create any new collection. Please check the below screenshot

This article will explain how to perform various activities for Azure cosmos DB using Azure storage explorer. The storage explorer is a very useful desktop utility that helps admins to manage Azure storage without accessing the Azure portal. We can also connect to Azure Cosmos DB accounts using this tool but this feature will be deprecated in the future. As of now, it is supported so I decided to explore it for cosmos DB activities.

I will show you the various cosmos DB activities using storage explorer in this section. Let me start with connecting to an Azure account to see cosmos DB accounts if they are already created on your Azure account.

Deployment of Azure cosmos DB account creation will start processing once you will click on create a button of the above image. You will get the below screen once the deployment will be completed. Click at Go to resource tab jump to cosmos DB account.

There are 2 ways to connect to an Azure Cosmos DB account using storage explorer. One is using Azure account through which we have connected and expanded Cosmos DB account in the first section, another way is directly connect to cosmos DB account without connecting to Azure account. Let me show you the first option in the below image. Below the screen is the replica of 3rd image showing above where we have connected to the Azure account but there was no cosmos DB account. Now we will click on Refresh All link highlighted in the below image. Once you will refresh it, the newly created cosmos DB account will start appearing under its section of the below image.

The second option is to directly connect to Azure Cosmos DB account without connecting to the whole Azure account. You need PRIMARY CONNECTION STRING of newly created Azure cosmos DB account or any existing cosmos DB account which you want to connect to storage explorer. You need to access the Keys tab given under Settings of cosmos DB account to get the primary connection string through the Azure portal.

Now, go back to Azure storage explorer and remove all connected Azure accounts as shown in the below image where we can see no Azure account is connected. Now, click on Open Explorer to get the explorer view.

Now, we can see our newly created cosmos DB account cosmosdb19oct2021 in Azure storage explorer. If it is not visible to you then click on Refresh All link shown in the below image.

We have successfully connected to an Azure Cosmos DB account using Azure storage explorer in the above image. Now, I will show you various database-level activities which we can perform to cosmos DB account using storage explorer.

Let me show you how to create a database in this cosmos DB account. Click at Create Database option from the above image, you will get the below text box to enter the name of the database.

I assume you already have a cosmos DB account and a database. You have connected to cosmos DB account using storage explorer as shown in the below image. Now, we will explore all activities which can be performed for the database created in a cosmos DB account.

Expand connected cosmos DB account name and right-click at the database name showing in the cosmos DB account tree. You can see the list of activities that we can do to this database using storage explorer.

Now, you can go ahead and add a document to the above-created collection. Click at the Documents option showing in the left side pane of the below image under the newly created collection. You will get document details explorer in the right-side pane. Click on the New Document option shown at top of the image.

Azure storage explorer is a very useful desktop application to manage Azure storage and other Azure cloud-related services like cosmos DB and data lake services. Today I have explored how to connect to Azure Cosmos DB account using Azure storage explorer and perform various activities on cosmos DB account and its objects using storage explorer without going to Azure portal. You have also learned how to create a cosmos DB account in this article.

The key benefit of Azure is the ease of managing Azure database and storage resources. When you enable, you can understand the explorer experience for Cosmos structure and database. It gives outstanding navigation experience to and gives you better control over Cosmos account and hierarchies. The other benefits of ASE include the enhanced accessibility of data and reliable performance.

With a user-friendly search bar integrated into the Images and Videos pages, users can effortlessly discover specific astronomical content of interest. The app instantly displays results, empowering users to delve deeper into the vast cosmos with ease.

NASA Explorer offers a seamless viewing experience by allowing users to click on thumbnails, unveiling comprehensive asset details. From high-resolution images to immersive embedded videos, users can explore the beauty and grandeur of the cosmos at their fingertips.

I am delighted to share that the NASA Explorer app is now available for public viewing at Take a journey through the cosmos, witness the celestial wonders, and get inspired by the breathtaking beauty of our universe.

With the NASA Explorer app, users can effortlessly dive into a vast collection of captivating images and videos sourced from NASA's APIs. The intuitive search functionality empowers users to quickly discover specific content, while the option to view full-size images and videos provides a rich and immersive experience. By streamlining the exploration process, the app enables users to delve deeper into the wonders of the cosmos.

The NASA Explorer project leveraged the power of React to create an immersive experience for users to search and view captivating images and videos from NASA's APIs. The intuitive interface allows users to easily navigate through the app, discover content related to astronomy, and explore the wonders of the cosmos.

We launched our Spitzer Space Telescope into orbit around the Sunday on Aug. 25, 2003. Since then, the observatory has been lifting the veil on the wonders of the cosmos, from our own solar system to faraway galaxies, using infrared light.

Existing Cosmos explorers show limited information. In some cases, reward withdrawal happens not only by initiating withdraw transaction and there are unobvious events, which cause that action. We have added these hidden events to P2P Dashboard, implemented full reward history across all Cosmos Hub versions and opened it for community. Below, I will walk through the topic in detail with examples.

A diversity of high-quality explorers is significant for building user commitment to the network and facilitating trust although more tools do not always result in better visibility. Some explorers focus more on usability, which is also very important but it still is not conductive to increasing transparency for users of the network.

In fact, the balance is correct. There are hidden events that trigger reward withdrawal but are not displayed on most explorers. These tools serve another purpose and these events do not correspond much to the observation of what is happening in general. Nevertheless, these triggers are still crucial for generating full withdrawal history and bringing clarity for delegators.

Every public network needs a variety of analytical tools to allow people without advanced technical skills to get information about what is going on from different angles. In Proof-Of-Stake blockchains a clear reward history and accessibility of historical data are especially important. What if you need to prove received reward referring to a particular event that simply does not displayed by any explorer? ff782bc1db

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