ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.

It's always annoyed me that I couldn't copy objects from one instance of max and paste them into another - as I work with 2 or 3 instances of max up at a time. It's tedious to do a save selected / merge objects so this script does it for you. It's not a TRUE copy/paste via the windows clipboard - but it will let you very quickly copy objects from one file to another.

Download Copy Paste Script 3ds Max

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Select the objects you want to copy. Run 'copy script' (I assign mine to Ctrl+Shift+C). Now run the 'paste script' (I assign mine to Ctrl+Shift+V) into either the same file or you can load another instance of max and 'paste' the objects into it.


1. Click Maxscript / Run Script and choose wherever you downloaded this file to

1a. It will seem like nothing happened but that's exactly what it should do - you now need to assign a shortcut to it

2. Click Customize / Customize User Interface / Keyboard (tab)

3. Change the Category to 'CG_Tools'

4. Click 'Copy Objects to File' and change its Hotkey to something - maybe Ctrl+Shift+C .Click Assign

5. Click 'Paste Objects from File' and change its Hotkey to something - maybe Ctrl+Shift+V. Click Assign

6. Click Save and save your custom UI settings to a file - do yourself a favor and don't use the default.

7. That's it.

I've been using it all the time in Max2015.

Now I've switched to max2018 SP4 and i've noticed that when you copy Forest Pack objects the dependencies (objects to scatter) are lost after pasting, something that wasn't the issue in max2015.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix that?


I came across this thread on Itoo's forum, where they've put updated version of this script which solves the problem (script attached): -pro-(*)/bug-report-3ds-max-2019-save-selected-forest-pack-railclone-bug/msg22613/#msg22613

Im trying to repath the script to save and merge from a network directory however the script doesnt seem to like UNC file pathing. I can get it to work only if the directory is asigned a drive letter. any ideas?

I have two sheets "Bishop" and "Log". I want to copy two specific cells (K11 and K12) from "Bishop", which are vertically aligned, and paste them horizontally in the sheet "Log" at C4 and D4, respectively, without any formatting or formulas being copied over.

I never intended on getting someone to finish my script for me, but I'm getting confused by the examples I've found in my research. Here's my script so far (after deleting many dysfunctional versions)

EDITAfter some tinkering and reading some more, I now have a pretty nifty script that copies data in to where I want it! However, my next goal is to learn how to move down one row each time I run the script, so it creates an actual list, or log. "InputData" and "PasteRange" are named ranges on my source sheet and destination sheet, respectively. Here's my code so far:

There is only one place in the project that data can be pasted in. For that I am using a TextArea to accept text in a specific csv format that gets parsed and put into a table so the user can verify the import and edit any data as needed before the data is processed.

If you are talking about including generic JS scripts from external websites, that can work too. Create a new PlayCanvas script asset, open it and replace the boilerplate code with your JavaScript code.

Normally there is a download button on the right side of the screen when you click on a script asset. I think because this project uses a deprecated scripting system, the download button is not available here.

The idea behind it is that we use one table to build a product by formula from other field values, so that we end up with a full parts code in one field (the source). This is then pasted into the linked field to create a new record in a parts table.

You are absolutely correct, the data does not yet exist in the Repo table so the user would use a copy and paste to create the record and this should not be the obvious MO, much better to use a button :slightly_smiling_face:

Maximize your productivity with this versatile 3ds Max script designed to streamline the copy-pasting process for 3D artists and teams. Ideal for working across multiple computers connected to the same server or transferring elements between scenes on a single machine, this script is a must-have addition to your toolkit.

The script operates by saving selected objects on your local computer or a server. Therefore, it's important to specify which folders you want the script to use for saving the selected files. You'll need to choose both a local folder and a server folder for this purpose. If you don't have a server, you can still use the script to copy and paste files on your own computer.

I have the same problem! Mostly it copies the script between tables as expected, but sometimes not, so I have to make a new script with the same name and content in the new table. I have no idea what makes it work or not. Running jmp 16.0.0.

*Before anyone suggests using the align tool, I need to copy the translation coordinates from an object before a load animation and paste the coords on the same object (after the animation load). So, align tool is not what I am after.

Is there a GreaseMonkey script to disable the JavaScript-disabling of copy-paste in Firefox (3.0)? Or should I just run NoScript or some other extension on any site that attempts this (other things might break...)?

[rant] Absolutely the worst "clever" use of JavaScript. Fortunately Safari is more usable and ignores the JavaScript hack that disables copy-paste. Who at Mozilla thought that was acceptable whatsoever? For shame. By the way, which browser added this "feature" first, IE? [/rant]

How about the good-old NoScript option with firefox?

I tried the site on the your answer and was allowed to right-click and save.

Then, I opened javascript block for the site and was blocked right-click!

Also quite frustrating is to run a series of scripts only to have the test fail because of a typo I made several layers down that could have been detected by eggPlant at the beginning of the test rather than 15 minutes later.

We apologize for the understandable frustration caused by that problem. Version 12.1 of eggPlant (released today) includes a bug fix that should make copying and pasting text between eggPlant and other applications on Windows much more reliable.

Adding line numbers to the script editor is on our to-do list for some future release. Meanwhile, when a script fails the alert panel that is shown includes a button that will highlight the line where the failure occurred, which should make it fairly easy.

Hi, I want to do an Action that apparently should be very simple but no matter how much I use I can't find the way to do it.What I want to do: copy and paste the text from one field to another. In Google sheets I have a cell that "SUM" the text of the previous 4 cells with this formula:

The problem is that I need to see the Changes History and in this cell I only see the changes in the formulas, not in the text. So I resorted to, in the next cell to copy and paste the clean text. In Google Sheets I created a button and assigned a script to it. As there are no buttons in AppSheet I wanted to do something similar, add a "Set Check to Yes" and when I activate it to copy the text in the A field to pasts in the B field.

Your advice has helped me a lot. I was looking for a Copy and Paste function and really the solution is where you say. This would be functional. The arrow indicates the text I want to copy from the field above, to the one below.

After update R and RStudio to the version shown above, I encounter a new problem to edit my R script file .R on RStudio. This new problem will not be happened for all previous version of R and RStudio.

Ater executing one line of R command within RStudio and the result is shown on RStudio Console. I use copy-and-paste method to copy the contents of the result output and want to add these contents on my R script as comment with '#' for further reference and comment. I cannot see the contents after pasting within my R script. There is no error shown, just nothing happened.

But the reverse is working.

i.e. I use copy-and-paste method to copy the contents of my R scipt within RStudio and can paste these contents into a seperated text file within a text editor. But I cannot paste the same copied contents within the same R script on RStudio only.

The same contents is shown on the text editor normally as expected. Also, the same contents will be added and shown on the R script within RStudio automatically after saving the R script on the editor.

I guess the RStudio has read the latest R script .R again automatically and shows the latest contents on the R script within RStudio.

i.e. I need to update the R script within the text editor and save the contents in order to have a latest copy of the R script within RStudio.

I found a solution using keystroke command "c" and command "v", please see below, but I did not like the elegance of it, or the troubles to compile correctly, for it took the some time to get the script to paste the contents in numbers, instead of pasting it in the script editor... oh boy... 2351a5e196

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