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This add-in scans all drawings selected by the user, finds all the text inside drawings and indexes and saves that text information internally (or if selected, in the remote database). This solves the problem where a user needs to find a drawing in the archive but only knows the specific text he/she hopes the drawing contains. Thereafter, the user can perform an instant text search and the result will be the name of the file that contains the text, which can be directly opened and zoomed to searched text.

if your company has MS SQL database server, and your archive folder is stored on NAS, then this Add-in will be able to store indexed text information in MS SQL server and every user using this Add-in will have access to this information. In this case, only one user must scan the whole archive, and others can search once they are connected to MS SQL server. This simplifies the whole process and makes it low-cost for large organizations since all users (but one) can have the free version of this add-in.

The only limitation is the maximum number of 50 drawings that can be added. There is no time limit, no search limit, but you can add or remove only 50 drawings. Please note that if you choose also to work with a remote MS SQL server, you can benefit from the fact that you can always search everything on already scanned drawings from NAS and MS SQL server without problems as long someone on the network has the full version.

I like the new version of Evernote for Windows desktop, much faster and responsive. I also love the new way of presenting the list of notes ("liste latrale" in french) I just regret one feature, concerning search. I use the keyboard shortcut a lot to search for a note (in my case: Win+W). It allows me to find a note very fast. With the former version, when I used this keyboard shortcut, Evernote searched in ALL my notes.

Today, if I search for something, Evernote searches in the last active Notebook, not in ALL NOTES. I have to select "All Notebooks" if I want to search in all notes. In order to be clear, here are the steps:

Evernote has far fewer options/preference settings than most apps. Using a well-designed Options panel, you can keep the settings well organized in sections/tabs so that the user is not overwhelmed with choices, yet has the ability to customize the app according to the user's needs. Some apps even organize the settings into "Basic" and "Advanced" categories. The best apps even provide a search box in the Options/Preferences panel that allow the user to search for settings.

I totally quote this request, search context should be a visible option! I guess most people (like me) would like to search globally as the default option. Asking users to manually edit the Registry is a total shame!! Please take this seriously. Thanks a lot!!

We are having the same issue as the original poster, and we have the same request: please make it search ALL notes by default, not the last notebook, as that is the most common need. Or at least offer an option so it can be changed without delving into the registry. It's a headache to change this on every computer our account is synched to, and you also have to have admin privileges which adds yet another layer of pain-in-the-assedness.

Don't know what to tell you, but if you fully close EN, File - Exit, not the x in the upper right, and you go to the registry and see the below, EN should be resetting search context each time. It does for me in any case. If you see a 0 change it to a 1.

Perhaps I am expecting too much? I assumed this hack would default the search box to All Notes. If I hotkey to find, it does search all notes. What I want is to return the search box to search all notes, not any folder I happen to be in.

If you just click in the search box the context does not change, whereas i think it pre V6 if you had search all notes vs current context checked. With V6 everything is current context unless prior to starting your search you click on All Notes, click on the X to reset the search, or use the hotkey with the hack set to 1.

Since I was always in All Notes context so I used the find hotkey to "jump" the cursor there so to speak, pre V6. So for me with the new hack it's pretty much the same. But I can see if you were positioning to the search bar it would be different and a PITA.

Totototo, thank you for raising this issue in the forums. After updating Evernote I truly thought that this was a bug , Until I realized that the search was performed only in the current book , and if you weren't a global search you need to click that x button to clear search filters or context.

I also didn't like the behavior in the search where you are searching for a tag but if you don't specifically type in the tag search thing it doesn't look for that key in the tags. In my honest opinion the previous versions behaviour in search was much more flexible than this. The previous user interface was there for so long that the users were really used to it so I believe introducing such a new user interface is drastic. I couldn't even figure out where to save a search in this new user interface because they changedthe way to save a search . I felt like I had to read a manual about this. So I hope in the future theyre going to make some enhancements to make the user interface more easy and understandable , and prefarably a bit like the old one.

Have you tried the most current version? I seem to recall this was changed in one of the recent versions. A global search does default to all notebooks for me but I did make the registry change a while back and am not sure if the program was changed or if my registry change has just been maintained when I installed newer versions.

I would still prefer an option to have it the other way: by default it searches all notes and perhaps use Ctrl-Q to search the current notebook only. But sounds like Evernote has some convoluted reason as to why they don't want to give us an option without a registry edit.

There is a registry hack to reset the search context each time. Set HKCU/Software/Evernote/Evernote/ClearContextSearch to 1. Be sure and File - Exit EN before you set it should you decide to use the hack. I believe this may be in an updated options menu in the next release (discussed by EN employees in the forum).

So I'm paying for the application but I have to hack the search feature myself ? This is bad. Being able to find my notes quickly was the whole point of Evernote for me. I paid for the subscription based on the pitch being that search would be better. I appreciate you giving use the regkey hack but this is not better. You'd be better off sending out a patch where that key gets pushed to make search all as the default and let users use the existing UI to narrow down.

But many people experienced lag in v5, and that Evernote would temporarily hang (for up to 30 sec) everytime you performed a search. This lag seems related to Evernote having a problem doing incremental search for both tags/notebooks/saved searches, at the same time as in-note search through all your notes.

By splitting these two up, you have minimized the lag/hang in v6. That's likely why Ctrl+Q doesn't give you real time search for notes. You have to press Enter to run in-note search after the tags/notebooks/saved searches search has been performed.

You could of course have moved this behaviour to the regular search bar, but that would have removed incremental search for notes, which means that you wouldn't be allowed to filter in-note search results as you type.

I wouldn't give up a hope. it took me a bit to get used to it, but search still mostly works the same. I created to a couple of PhraseExpress hot keys to emulate my use case re how search used to work (mostly context stuff) in conjunction with Ctrl-Q. That and setting the Clear context on search in Options per the below. 2351a5e196

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