So the first thing I want to do is change the domain name. In my DNS records, I can add a new A record pointing to Then I can click the cog icon in the bottom left of the Coolify screen to get to the settings page. Once I change to URL to and hit save, Coolify will handle getting and an SSL certificate for me.

The only missed service in coolify for me is discourse, if you guys can add the discourse into coolify service it will be something amazing, and we can from now tell anyone new to this world to just install coolify then enable discourse.

Download Coolify


I checked and have mysql 8.0 only and ghost is 5.22.Ccoolify uses docker to make an instance of ghost how do i setup outgoing email is there a way to do so in the dashboard. I configured newsletter and it works.

On top of that, it automates the hosting of files. if i have a Nodejs project on Github for example, i can setup a domain on coolify, then it will ull the project, deploy it via a docker container, configure it to a database, and install ssl cert for the app.

I installed the app, just to test it on Nethsevrer, and it installed and runs fine, the problem is, i can assign public subdomains to the apps inside coolify, since they are hijacked by Nethserver. even trying to setup coolify as reverse proxy on nethserver, does not pass that domain to coolify. not sure what i am missing

hello @robb after doing some inner diggings, it seems that it would be a significant stretch to have coolify running and forwarding the relevant requests on Ns7, however, i stumbled upon this article, which seems would add some context for Nethserver 8 to be able to host it so

if i can deploy coolify, and some other nocode docker based solutions onto it, then could try to put it in prod for those use cases, as other builds come along, although ill wait for the mail module to be atleast ready, which i see youre doing a great job with.

I then run the container in its docker-compose.yml file, and voil, I have an output that matches my needs ! You also could deploy the container as a coolify service, but I decided to have it on the side in case I need more flexibility.

Andrs: Yes, because the installation script is only Ubuntu but basically Coolify is, is only, uh, requires a Docker engine, nothing else. So if, if you are operating system that you can run Docker engine, then you can run coolify 2351a5e196

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